Thanks Metoo for your responses. I was going to respond with your suggestion, but wanted to first see if he was joking cuz I still think its crazy he'd ask that.
So I answered him a week later, asking if he was joking bc we havent seen eachother in a year. In which he replied 'i just saw you last week 3 times, but thats fine". So I said "yea, I meant prior to that its been a year. But it was great seeing you again!"
I don't know, I kinda feel bad for the guy!So just trying to be nice?
I like your response idea, but do you think it's too late to respond? this was Monday night when he sent it?
So I ran into an Aquarius I dated 2 years ago. He was happy to see me, tried to talk to me and wanted to hang out. I talked to him for a few minutes, asked him how hes been in which he replied"Not too good". Anyways, I declined hanging out with him and went on my way.I ran into him a couple more times throughout the night in which he tried to get me to talk/hang out. I also told him I'm moving next month. He used to text me random things every couple months,about some tv show we watched together or something odd of that sort. but that had stopped for the last half year or so. The relationship was pretty intense, and he broke up with me pretty harshly. He seems to have alot of emotional issues/fear of intimacy , which was apparent during our relationship. I feel bad for him in a way but at the same time still have some feelings for him.
Anyways, the next night he texted me asking me "Do you want to have one more hook up before you leave?" .I just thought that text was weird considering we haven't "hooked" up or anything of the sort for 2 years, not to mention I'm leaving the state!And he's never texted me anything like that before. I didn't respond,but would like to know if this is typical of an Aquarius?
So there's a cancer guy that I have been basically jsut being frustrated by for the past year. He'll invite me out, act interested, then something will happen (drama, or a make -out, or just anything) and i won't hear from him for a month then it starts up again - like a cycle.
So he invites me out friday night. I was busy though. so I invite him out saturday night, to which he doesn't respond.
I later find out it was bc this coworker he works with who cried the last time we hung out bc he was ignoring her and talking to me was goign to be out with him at a work party. (i've noticed cancers HATE it when people are mad at them).
Anyway, so saturday night at the bar later on, I texted him asking him where he was and to come to the bar. Since he didn't respond in all of 15 minutes or so, i send him another text in which I basically told him off, said that that coworker of his is a c***blocker, said he's an idiot and to have a nice life. I know this was ridiculous but I think it was just built up frustration.
Next day I apologized for the outrageouse texts and said not to worry cuz I'm deleting his number so he won't get anymore from me(I figured he'd probably WANT me to delete it! haha). He then said "how was it my fault that I was asleep when you texted me? (LIE) I never made plans with you so I don't understand why u r so upset. I'm sorry you feel that way".
So i just said i wasnt mad and just drunk texting. and that it won't happen anymore.
Why can't cancers just be direct?!?!?! with whatever it is they want? it's so frustrating!!!
So there's this cancer guy I've known for a couple years now. We've made out a couple times. There's been a couple times when we stopped talking, once being when he thought I liked his friend (which I understand cancers are very afraid of rejection and what not, so this would put him off). He's very insecure, and the slightest hint of me not showing interest, he backs off. Anyway, we kinda stopped talking for a month, then I saw him out at the bar with some of his friends (female friends). He was all over me, and texting me saying he missed me and stuff like that. Anyway, these girls got very mad, one started crying (I know he dated a couple of them, not sure what going on with the other one).He wanted to leave to get away from all this drama. So we left and ended back at his place. We didn't do anything, just passed out in the same bed (clothes on). Anyway, now these girls all hate me, and I invited him out the other night, and no response! Very confused....
So I like this cancer,he likes me. Problem is: he has a lot of close female friends and they hate me! I have been very nice to them but they have all either dated him or like him. So everyone is aware that it is just a jealousy issue. Is this going to be a problem for a Cancer? How do cancers deal with this?
So there is this cancer guy I have been hanging out with - I am pretty sure he has interest in me. Anyway, he always invites me out constantly, but when I get there, he acts very strange - quiet, doesn't look me in the eye, etc. Is this typical cancer behavior?
So there's this cancer guy that I liked yet I never showed a lot of interest (I have a fear of rejection - I know bad match with a cancer haha) even though He made it clear he liked me. Well, sure enough there came along a girl that did show interest and he ended up dating her. I told him that I liked him after the fact but by then it was too late. Anyway - now he broke up with her and the next day called me and asked me if I wanted to hang out? Am I a rebound? If he liked me more, wouldn't he had broken up with her right when I showed him interest or no?
So there is this guy I like that i met through a friend. We met a few months ago and we were both interested in eachother. He's been inviting me out, etc. I thought I was showing interest but apparantly i wasn't. Anyways, my friend and I were going to a party this past weekend. I invited him. He called up our mutual friend and asked if he could bring this girl he just met and asked if I liked him. My friend said that I did not like him like that and that would be fine to bring the girl. So he comes, flirts with me, etc. It was obvious he was interested. So much so that the girl he brought freaked out and my friend had to console her and assure her that this guy liked her and to not worry about me. The girl then went on to insult me and then throw herself at the guy the whole night, and at the end someone walked in on them making out. I was very upset and sent him an email the next day telling him that I could not believe he brought her and what he did and how hurtful it was to me since he knew I liked him. But apparantly he didn't bc after the fact I found out our mutual friend claims he did not know I liked this guy and had told him whenever it came up that i did not like him. Of course the guy never responded. I am just really shocked. I really have no idea what to do (if anything).