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PoloChat joined June 26, 2019


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Posted by GemiAwesomeAss
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Wildd_Flo
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Wildd_Flo

This is my type of thread.

Yes, keep some snacks on you or just go get something to eat on your own.

What if he doesn't keep doesn't buy, can you call the guy insensitive or not caring?

You could say he’s cheap. I mean.. but that’s just me because I love food and if he wants the date to go well I need to eat before hand or I get bitchy lol

What if he bought ice cream for his family while returning from the date but didn't offer to buy even a small chocolate for the girl?

What if when he comes back with an ice cream his ‘date’ was banging someone he doesn’t know...IN his car crashing all his cheap ass’s snacks with her back while screaming in an orgasm...and her lover grabs ice cream from cheap ass date and smearing it all over her and licking it off of her...while cheap ass is standing in dismay trying to figure out WTF had just happened looking like a retarded moron?

NOW answer THAT question...
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I will answer your question once you talk about this fantasy of yours in detail!
Posted by GemiAwesomeAss
Posted by MyStarsShine

My Moon in Taurus says

🌝do you need to ask🌝 ?

I do! And my question is

What ta heck was in OP? 🤔😂
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Isn't it visible? 🤨
Posted by Wildd_Flo
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Wildd_Flo

This is my type of thread.

Yes, keep some snacks on you or just go get something to eat on your own.

What if he doesn't keep doesn't buy, can you call the guy insensitive or not caring?

You could say he’s cheap. I mean.. but that’s just me because I love food and if he wants the date to go well I need to eat before hand or I get bitchy lol
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What if he bought ice cream for his family while returning from the date but didn't offer to buy even a small chocolate for the girl?
Posted by Wildd_Flo

This is my type of thread.

Yes, keep some snacks on you or just go get something to eat on your own.

What if he doesn't keep doesn't buy, can you call the guy insensitive or not caring?
So if a guy takes a potential lover out on a date for the first time, and the date starts after breakfast and gets over before lunch, is it courteous on the guy's part to keep food and snacks stocked in his car just in case?
Posted by PeakSoy

I have fried chicken stuck between the seats

🥵no thanks
So if a guy takes a potential lover out on a date for the first time, and the date starts after breakfast and gets over before lunch, is it courteous on the guy's part to keep food and snacks stocked in his car just in case?
Posted by Subliminals
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by Subliminals

Lol why you complainin?

What do you expect him to do?

Just ask the guy out.

I am not complaining, i am just scared of rejections

Then you should start it, once you can take rejections, you'll be more apt at navigating through things.

Rejections are hard to take. If you are fine with it, then you have achieved one step closer to building your own strength.

I got rejected 3 times from my hard-core crush with the length of 3 years pursuit and always finding time to stay around him and got closer. Fuckin dude is a sag and he's like close to 40 now, have never been married. Lol guess its just him loving too much of freedom, i aimed to get the wrong horse. But hey im a sag rising so I can understand a bit.

Am frikkin married rn and still want huge amount of freedom. Husband is a cap, so you cant get around him to suspend having babies lmao! "You owe me a baby" shit pressure is hard.

So with this cap crush of yours, looking at how caps like to FRIKKIN BUILD SOMETHING, you may get the chance. But case per case though.
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I have been rejected by my ex, as in he broke up with me.

After him, i was single for a long time, and then got really close to a friend, i conveyed my feelings to him and got rejected there as well.

So i think this is my low self esteem getting scared that i might be rejected once more by this new guy.

This is me being negative but yeah i can't help it!
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?

I have no idea about the rest

whats his bday?

31st december

lol we need a birth year
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Don't you need time of birth to get chart details?
Posted by justlikeheaven
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?

I have no idea about the rest

whats his bday?

31st december

Glad to know there are others born on this "special" day. It kinda sucks to be born on new year's eve 😐

How old he is?
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You are born on the same day?

He is 28
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PoloChat
Posted by dilettante
Posted by PuzzlePieces

If a Cap is interested, he will ask you out.

Talking about music and work doesn’t sound like he’s too interested to me.

i dunno, if he has an aqua venus, talking about common interests (like music) will be a huge plus.

OP what is the rest of his chart?

I have no idea about the rest

whats his bday?
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31st december
Posted by Black-Mamba

Anyways just go out for drinks and get him drunk and take advantage.


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So if a guy takes a potential lover out on a date for the first time, and the date starts after breakfast and gets over before lunch, will you still keep food and snacks stocked in your car just in case?
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