Pisces & Virgos (for the most part). Adore Tauruses (my sis is one) though! Anyone else find this pattern?
I keep finding that Gemini's are very neurotic, nervous people. I have to agree, as I find myself anxious about all
LOVE MY LEO MAN! That is all :) Ya'll are one of a kind.
I spent the weekend (3 straight, suffocating days) with a leo. Loved it. We're always up to something, always playing ar
Relationships & Astrology
My Aqua, Sagg and I have been best friends since 3rd-4th grade, and have been close ever since (currently all 21-22 no
It is just me, or is there something being sprinkled in the air? A bit of mischievous fairy dust? It seems that every
For those who have had Reiki ever had a vision during the session?
So, I had posted before about my interest in my newly found Gem man *soulmate...* And here's how it went :) It s
Hey Gems :) I met my soulmate last Tuesday. His/Mines Sun-Gem/Cancer-Gem-Cusp ASC-Cancer/Sagg Moon-Pisces/Aqu
So, it's very odd, I broke up with my Aqua over a year ago and for some reason had been turned off to ANY type of romant
I'm a Gem/Cancer cusp June 22, 1989. Chart reads as: Sun-Cancer Moon-Aqua Ascendent- Sag Mars-Leo Mercury-Gemini
I posted about this cap a little while ago, and it was going great...and then... I've been talking to him (at le