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ProudSag joined May 11, 2006
Sun Sagittarius Moon Gemini Mercury Sagittarius Venus Scorpio Mars Leo Jupiter Cancer Saturn Virgo Uranus Scorpio Neptune Sagittarius Pluto Libra Ascendant Libra 2nd House Libra
Sun Sagittarius Moon Gemini Mercury Sagittarius Venus Scorpio Mars Leo Jupiter Cancer Saturn Virgo Uranus Scorpio Neptune Sagittarius Pluto Libra Ascendant Libra 2nd House Libra 3rd House Scorpio Imum Coeli Capricorn 5th House Aquarius 6th House Pisces Descendant Aries 8th House Aries 9th House Taurus Medium Coeli Cancer 11th House Leo 12th House Virgo


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Your Juno is in Sagittarius
It is vital that your partner can keep up with you. Juno-Sagittarius is so dynamic, so filled with energy, enthusiasm and drive that she can intimidate those who can't match her strength and courage. You crave variety so you're likely to be slow to settle down but once you decide on a partner you are more than happy to be tied down as long as your bonds aren't too tight. You need independence and freedom, and a partner who is secure enough to allow you to spend time on your own and perhaps to have friends and experiences outside the relationship. Clingy or dependent partners will soon drive you to leave; instead you need a partner whose zeal for life matches your own. Your partner must be willing to join you in your ambitious schemes and to explore uncharted territories with you. However, any hint of fickleness, infidelity or unkindness will turn you right off. It's important that your partner have a life of their own but someone who uses their independence to hurt you is not for you.
No it's not typical behavior.. But I have felt this way from time to time.. I typically try to get away from everyone so I don't inadvertantly hurt my family.. I've found it's usually caused by being unhappy, feeling trapped, etc.. When A Sag is getting along great with everyone but family, s/he is "escaping" Which is what a Unhappy sag will do when they are having trouble dealing with their life.
Hope this helps..
Loyalty has alot to do with who you are.
Personally My loyalty is second to none, and yes I am a Saggitarian woman. But then I'd have to be to be married to a Cap.. For Caps demand no less. I've seen loyalty in all signs, top of the list (beside myself of course)Winking would be Taurus, for me. All though I've been around alot of Taurus People. My inlaws (a male Sag, and Female Taurus) Have been married for 30+years. Then I also have 3 other Tauruses in my Husbands family, and one in my own, who all cary good track records for loyalty. I also have 2 Saggies in my own family besides myself who have pretty impressive records. My Grandmother (a Sag) recently moved herself into a nursing home to be with her husband of 40+ years. Although he has Alzheimer's and dosn't know who she is anymore.
I'm sure other sign can be just as loyal, but as I said my experience seems to be mainly with Sag and Taurus.
Your Power Bird is a Vulture

You are always changing your life and the lives of those around you.
You aren't afraid to move on from what holds you back.
Energetic and powerful, you have a nearly unlimited capacity for success.
You know how to "go with the flow" and take advantage of what is given to you.
I believe it depends on the moment.. Your going to find something you like or don't like about every sign, the trick is finding the right chart (like finding a needle in a haystack).. Personally I have always been attracted to Earth and Air signs romantically.. But like to hang with Fire and Water..
Snake/Sagittarius Personality

The Snake side of your DoubleSign looks before the Sagittarius side leaps -- a very prudent combination. The Snake/Sagittarius has a perceptiveness that is uncanny, and you are very much a "people person" in that you can read everyone around you like a see-through comic book. Because of this enjoyable skill, you may wish to consider a career in psychotherapy.
Since your romantic escapades thrive on surprise, however, you'll need to find a partner whom you can't make out with any clarity, as paradoxical as that may sound. Find one like that and you're set for life. Try not to rest on you're laurels too often -- while you're resting, everyone else is out there forging ahead, and you may find yourself further behind than you thought when you again bring your attention to bear upon the race you've chosen to run.

I stabbed a lesbian because I'm beautiful!! LOL
You Are 32% Shy

You are slightly shy, but overall, your reactions to social situations are normal.
You dread difficult social situations, but you still handle them with grace.
You Are 35% Left Brained, 65% Right Brained
Most Saggies have a great affinity with animals.. I had a Guinea pig when I was younger (until I became allergic) Sad Now I have Cats, dog, and Ferrets!! I love all of my furries!! They always make me smile and generally make me happy just to be around them!!
Completely agree archer!! Think it's time for a vacation, same ole same ole is starting to get to me....
LOL!! Winking

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Does anyone know?? What happened to people saying please and thank you....?? Last weekend my family and I went out
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
Has nothing to do with astrology but it's funny!! ;-) 1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word SIKE. 2. You wa
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
So do you Saggie's consider yourselves lucky?

Reason I ask is because my husband says I must have a 4 leaf clover stuck up my ass!! LOL ;-) He was refering to driving, we're both very good drivers, but he's the one who always gets caught speedin
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
just for fun....
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257

I like the way this was written.....
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
Hey Saggi's, someone posted one of these for another board and I thought it was funny!!

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Their positive, optimistic enthusiasm for life makes these people
fucking disgusting. They
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
Hi fellow saggi's,

Kinda wondering how accurate some of the stuff I've read is, Almost everything I've read about Sagittarian Physical characteristics say that most saggi's are tall.

So how true is this?

I happen to be tall at
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
Enter your birthdate and it eill tell you all kinds of cool things about your birthday!!
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
I'm new here and was wondering if any other sag parents are having trouble setteling down to one place? And the affects of my "need for the new" is having on my children? I grew up in a Military family and traveled alot, then married a marine, so continue
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257
I never realized how strongly others feel about sags!!

Either they're loved or they're hated!

I know crap tends to fall from our mouths but really is the truth that scary!
Joined: May 11, 2006 · Topics: 11 · Posts: 257

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