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Quiet Dome joined February 23, 2009


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Some Leos, especially ones with lots of fire energies, like lots of first house action and fire ascendants, can be extremely explorative and when making moves, are in no way subtle about them.
I've known only one Leo similar to how you've described - marrying earlier to a much older guy then divorcing him less than a year later, extremely obsessed with appealing most to any people around her, flopping back and fourth between eating disorders and psychological issues, victimizing herself when cornered.... just the whole lot of negative things.
Needless to say, she was very frowned upon by the other Leos who knew her, to the point where they pretty much would rip her apart every chance they got in hopes that she might start being her real self and put down all these ridiculous facades.
Unfortunately she continues to be this way, and while there are many cool sides to her, there is something very weird going on. She, like mentioned above, has an excess of fire energies but what is most unsettling is the Aquarius moon that opposes her sun. Besides that she was also raised in a family that, while being quite well off and fine with each other, she got away with a lot among them, including things like leaving school for months during the year cause of having some "breakdown" or getting to go to other countries constantly cause of going through "hard times" .... people who get things easily often tend to continue to try living that way, and sometimes they are very subpar individuals in a lot of things they do, feeding off every quality and people they come across, like parasites pretty much.
Some of what you described, particularly the promiscuity, and I mean no disrespect but it applied more to Aries girls I've known than Leo ones. If I think to every single Leo girl I've known, I only see girls usually quite obsessed with themselves, considering themselves very highly and making moves no less worthy than their extensive ideas of themselves.
I suggest not killing too much time with these very insecure, parasitic individuals that are probably that way for unconscious reasons even they can't pinpoint...
Happy Scorpio, why would you want to give out such suspiciously subjective hate for just one sign, don't you think it's a little bait?
Leos and their arrogance... much like was mentioned by others - it's not a quality that usually gets taken all that seriously. If anything people just get amused by it, and if you know Leos well, you know they mean no bad at all by it.
Any description of any sign is gonna have positives and negatives so don't really know what you were trying to get at with that.
People who perceive having Leos in their life as constant ego-stroking and nothing else very obviously doubt themselves and are wrapped up in lots of issues, so many that they can't stand giving credit where it's due. It is these people that lack all qualities related to having superiority and pride, and the only type who would ever be threatened by Leos. Not sure why you'd be so keen on filing yourself in such a category, given that most Scorpios know better than to so readily reveal their sensitivities.
Since you said you "heard" Leos make good friends, I will assume you don't have any of them as actual friends, so what would you know of how much reassurance they need anyway? While it can't be denied that they'll sense out when someone's holding out on crediting them, most Leos go on with their lives in a very bold fashion no matter how much credit's coming their way. Most important is that they alone are sure of themselves, any complement besides that will be handled graciously.
Having myself had lots as close friends and family, I am also aware of how often people hold out on Leos precisely because they sense out the high pride level and for twisted reasons wish to decrease it. It's no new act really. But does it actually change much about Leos? Hardly, and that's being a bit optimistic already. Any self-respecting Leo will easily sniff out these low-rate, common schemes.
Back to the OP, my own opinion is that Leos are far from being the most hated. Some people will attempt to downplay them sure, but to hate them, well it's the type of thing that, when you come across it you'll clearly see it's exposing the character of the haters more than that of Leos.
Well try first and see how you get along. Could be hot actually... Libra-Aries relationships get really intense, and like spica said, shared Taurus influence can soften the blows and settle things down.
Chances of cheating are higher when someone feels restrained.
I put it together based on the Libras and Geminis close to me and in my family. These two signs have always been of much interest and this topic especially I've considered lots through the years.
Sorry about the annoyingly long reply
Constantly challenging them and disagreeing to all their conventions will do it. You'll know you're on the right track when they start to insist that you have mental problems. If they're the old fashioned type, acting the opposite of that will also do wonders. You beat down everything they stand for and they will peace out faster than than a fainthearted kid in a house of horrors.
Pisces ladies are insanely beautiful
Posted by Mystic Dreamer
Just don't be a gold digger. Leo's can be like that.

Right well two of the marriages I was talking about have Leo as the complete provider, Gemini at home studying, wavering between options but not really making a decision. The other two couples, both are working but the Gemini is stuck in a job situation they're not thrilled with. One is working for family business and hates it, the other is in retail and has been saying she'll quit for the last 3 years.
Anyone can be a golddigger, and typical Leos are generally too proud to depend on a partner for support. Female or male they're not fond of being (metaphorically) grabbed by the balls, least of all in a financial sense.
Having the same moon is pretty common I think. Carl Jung did a study on this too and out of his biggest batch of couples' horoscopes, moon-moon conjunction was the most frequent aspect.
I've seen this work out really well. Quite opposite of what misslissa experienced - they adore each other in relationships and Gemini's stable drive mixes well with Leo's dynamics (they make great co-workers too). I also have not seen or heard of them cheat on each other at all for that matter. They seem to value each other quite a bit. Even disregarding the Gem-Leo duos which are all over the place, out of the four serious actual relationships I've noticed, three of which are married, the Gemini is crazy about the Leo and its confidence (loves to show Leo off) and Leo loves the Gemini for all its care and determination as well as whimsical routines.
Definitely worth a shot.
Libra qualities that Geminis don't have:
constantly innovative
risk takers
straight-forward, know what they want
like to sit back and relax (lazyness is not uncommon)
will consider new ideas and altering their philosophies
don't get too emotional about things, don't let issues get to them
once a relationship starts to really bother them they're out and don't look back
go back and fourth between extremes, one day rationalizing something, next day judging it
will not directly moralize but will try to break you down to make you learn a lesson
very sensitive to people's cores (often see auras when young) and are astral-sensitive with extensive dream capacity
can be selfless but high capacity for selfishness
Gemini qualities that Libras don't have:
willing to accept whatever life hands them, will make the best of it
do best in stable situations (can do without much risks)
get wrapped up in issues, get depressed easily
lots of energy, always on the go
love to complain about things
will continue bad relationships just for stability's sake
consistent; once they develop a philosophy they're set
will moralize but will also get over it if it's not received well (and come next chance, will attempt to moralize again)
are tuned into subtle vibes but too much energy and cerebral activity often keeps them from developing astrally
more capacity for being selfless (functioning to benefit others)
Qualities they share:
like to lecture, go in depth in explanations of things
stay detached if in their interest
hard workers if it matters to them
are capable of straying in relationships
but can also put up with a lot in relationships and be as moldable as necessary
synthesize information well
can lose temper easily
manage to stay levelheaded most of the time (even though being close to them you'll see a lot of the opposite)

Absolutely the sign and house a planet is in will contribute to its experiences. This site has a chart that shows how the planets stand in every sign:

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