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quirkycrabbygirl joined September 05, 2017
sun moon rising


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Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by compy
They are lousy with initiations once they've triggered your attention. They may also lose interest while doing something funnier to do. You need to remind them about your existence.
And how do I remind someone of my existence who may have lost interest? *panic mode on Straight Face
please don't listen to compy. she's a negative nancy.
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1st she said to remind him of my existence and when I asked how, she said if it was not there you cant do anything to change it.


Posted by SentimentalCrabby
Posted by Cancervirgo15degrees
Posted by SentimentalCrabby

It's already clear to me that you dgaf what anyone says. You don't have to tell me, I could already see it.

You're making me laugh, you're making yourself look like a complete idiot at the moment. Thanks for the screenshot cause that was not a clarification towards you. I've never address it to you.

To begin with, I never even talk shat about you, you think I'll even waste my time mentioning about you, someone that I don't even know. The world doesn't even revolve around you, and I would simply careless what's going on.

You got into the situation yourself, you deal with it. Stop spreading your drama to other people. NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT.

Good luck to you and your lame drama. You go deal with it Whorpio, and you have no right to even mention other people's names and throw them into your little mess.

Act like your age and deal with it yourself. Seeking validation from other people is useless and trying to talk shit about her is not going to do you any good but just more chaos.

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You misunderstood my post entirely lol.

Im not being rude but im asking seriously is english your first language. You are not getting what i said.

I never said you were talking about me. I said "you made a post and then **others** are talking smack" not you.

I never thought or said you didn that at all ever. Your calling me an idiot when you didnt even read what i wrote properly lmao. Seriously...

I am going to say this specifically for you to understand. You mention that "Somebody coming on a thread that YOU btw made, and talking all sorts of smack about someone else, and then you dont expect that person to eventually find out and come lay out the facts of the story? cookiemonster please.."

Of course, you'll probably think that other people would start talking smack cause of pictures they post. Obviously. Spreading a drama that was unnecessary.

Shyt I wouldn't even care about cause it was irrelevant to the topic.

And yes you're an idiot I am going to make that clear, and yes English is my first language.

Is it yours? Cause you need to fix those grammar errors you have with typos.

I'll be straightforward, you're A COMPLETE IDIOT.

anything you have to say after this...

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Wow I really like you. Platonic though Big Grin

Posted by compy
They are lousy with initiations once they've triggered your attention. They may also lose interest while doing something funnier to do. You need to remind them about your existence.
And how do I remind someone of my existence who may have lost interest? *panic mode on Straight Face
Posted by PassionateTruth
Have you sent him a message or called him yet? quirkycrabbygirl
We text almost everyday here and there.

I called him 2 weeks back but he wasnt feeling well and wanted to sleep early. He said he'd call me back. The next day he wanted to talk during the evening but I wasnt free and told him to call me at night(provided he doesnt sleep early). He agreed but didnt call. He watched movie till late night. So i was like whatever. And since then no call! So I didnt want to initiate the call
Posted by PassionateTruth
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by PassionateTruth
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by PassionateTruth
This is our charts


Sun Aquarius '

Moon Capricorn

Mercury Capricorn

Venus Pisces

Mars Sagittarius'

Jupiter Leo

Saturn Sagittarius

Uranus Cancer

Neptune Scorpio

Pluto Leo

Lilith Capricorn

Asc node Sagittarius

Me Sun Scorpio

Moon Capricorn

Mercury Scorpio

Venus Scorpio

Mars Scorpio

Jupiter Aquarius

Saturn Capricorn

Uranus Virgo

Neptune Scorpio

Pluto Virgo

Lilith Virgo

Asc node Leo

I dont have much details regarding his elements but I am sure we dont have much in common.

He knows I'm into horoscopes and often ask me what his signs says. He's intrigue with anything that he don't know nothing about so when I introduce him to something that he don't know he wants to know all the details and would say "you got my attention because I'm about to learn something"
I dont really know if there is anything he doesnt know about. I mean there must be many things but he knows a lot of stuffs more than I know.

Yes they know a lot about a lot of things but you have to find a way to engage him in mental stimulation. I knew that from day one of dating my Aqua and in the beginning we would talk a lot about relationships the world, quotes I may read to him that he would like. My aqua know want me to teach him how to hand dance because I told him I took the class and then showed him a video of me dancing and he was excited and then got mad (playfully) at me because I have not taught him yet. He does frustrate me at time when I try and tell him a story and he want to already finish like he knows what's going to happen and it would piss me off and I would get really upset with him and tell him "You don't know everything so stop trying to act like you do" he would LOL but then say ok finish the story. That is the one thing that bothers me with Aqua's I'm glad he finally stopped and started listening to the story and then he can say what he has to say when I'm done. LOL
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This mental stimulation. I guess I'm very poor at it Straight Face
Posted by AerialView
Posted by justagirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Imagine someone you are friends with(opposite sex and a bit closer to you than your other random friends)

How can that someone show that they care about you without getting into your space?

How can they show that you're important stuff to them and still not creep you out?

How can they stay on your mind? If you know what i mean Winking
no i don't know what you mean.

be more specific.
You guys need a lot of space right?

I'm giving it to him. We exchange messages here and there but I'm keeping my over energetic self my talkative self under control.

But I dont know I feel like I am just a random friend to him nowadays as we dont share much about whats happening in our lives except on phonecalls (which hasnt happened for 2 weeks). Maybe its normal for aquas I dont know.
personally i don't need much space.

did he always answer your calls/texts?
Yeah he does.

that's a good sign. maybe he just shy and slow or commitment phobic lol
We havent "talked" for like 2 weeks. 2 weeks! *deep sigh

perhaps now is the time to call him smile
If he wants to talk to me he will give me a call. I will not. Huhh!!! lol
surprise him. give him a call and say you miss him.
Miss him?! Wouldnt it put him in shock mode?

you guys have "something" right?

i thinks it's ok to say miss him after two weeks haven't spoke each other.

say you miss his voice Big Grin

It's okay to tell someone you miss them.
not sure about other aquas but i always found it sweet when someone i like said that to me Big Grin
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Ok "I miss your voice" added to my "to say" list Tongue

Posted by Brittnie
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by Brittnie
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by Brittnie
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by Brittnie
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by Brittnie
You are giving him the space, he should love that. I like people who tell me how they feel but they are patient. I feel like many people don't listen sometimes when I talk and the other night my guy would fully put his attention on me when I say stuff and remember little things I've told him and I notice! I love it
I dont know if he is loving the space.

I give him enough attention when we talk over phone. I stay involved. I even follow up on stuffs he mentioned days before.
2 weeks would be long enough space. If he isn't talking to you he may be waiting to hear from you. My other does most of the initiating and when he doesn't, I'm like waiting on him LOL
We've texting each other everyday. But no phone calls for 2 weeks, so no real convo other than memes and videos.

Who texts who mostly? Yea I'm not big on calls except occasionally. Texting everyday is a lot to me so if he is texting you, he must like you!

Its more of like 50-50. When I text he replies. When I stop he texts I reply. When he stops I text he replies. Its like we both need attention from time to time.
Good! Do you two ever see each other?
The last time we saw each other was 2 years ago. After that he shifted to a different city. We've talked about meeting and catching up but when he gets any leave (once or twice in a year for a week), he goes to his parents' who stay in another city. All 3 cities are longgggg hours apart.

Which one is closest? Lol
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His parents' and my city #1

His and mine #2

His and his parents' #3 Big Grin

Posted by Brittnie
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by Brittnie
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by Brittnie
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by Brittnie
You are giving him the space, he should love that. I like people who tell me how they feel but they are patient. I feel like many people don't listen sometimes when I talk and the other night my guy would fully put his attention on me when I say stuff and remember little things I've told him and I notice! I love it
I dont know if he is loving the space.

I give him enough attention when we talk over phone. I stay involved. I even follow up on stuffs he mentioned days before.
2 weeks would be long enough space. If he isn't talking to you he may be waiting to hear from you. My other does most of the initiating and when he doesn't, I'm like waiting on him LOL
We've texting each other everyday. But no phone calls for 2 weeks, so no real convo other than memes and videos.

Who texts who mostly? Yea I'm not big on calls except occasionally. Texting everyday is a lot to me so if he is texting you, he must like you!

Its more of like 50-50. When I text he replies. When I stop he texts I reply. When he stops I text he replies. Its like we both need attention from time to time.
Good! Do you two ever see each other?
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The last time we saw each other was 2 years ago. After that he shifted to a different city. We've talked about meeting and catching up but when he gets any leave (once or twice in a year for a week), he goes to his parents' who stay in another city. All 3 cities are longgggg hours apart.

Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Imagine someone you are friends with(opposite sex and a bit closer to you than your other random friends)

How can that someone show that they care about you without getting into your space?

How can they show that you're important stuff to them and still not creep you out?

How can they stay on your mind? If you know what i mean Winking
no i don't know what you mean.

be more specific.
You guys need a lot of space right?

I'm giving it to him. We exchange messages here and there but I'm keeping my over energetic self my talkative self under control.

But I dont know I feel like I am just a random friend to him nowadays as we dont share much about whats happening in our lives except on phonecalls (which hasnt happened for 2 weeks). Maybe its normal for aquas I dont know.
personally i don't need much space.

did he always answer your calls/texts?
Yeah he does.

that's a good sign. maybe he just shy and slow or commitment phobic lol
We havent "talked" for like 2 weeks. 2 weeks! *deep sigh

perhaps now is the time to call him smile
If he wants to talk to me he will give me a call. I will not. Huhh!!! lol
surprise him. give him a call and say you miss him.
Miss him?! Wouldnt it put him in shock mode?

you guys have "something" right?

i thinks it's ok to say miss him after two weeks haven't spoke each other.

say you miss his voice Big Grin
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How I miss his voice Tongue

Posted by PassionateTruth
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by PassionateTruth
This is our charts


Sun Aquarius '

Moon Capricorn

Mercury Capricorn

Venus Pisces

Mars Sagittarius'

Jupiter Leo

Saturn Sagittarius

Uranus Cancer

Neptune Scorpio

Pluto Leo

Lilith Capricorn

Asc node Sagittarius

Me Sun Scorpio

Moon Capricorn

Mercury Scorpio

Venus Scorpio

Mars Scorpio

Jupiter Aquarius

Saturn Capricorn

Uranus Virgo

Neptune Scorpio

Pluto Virgo

Lilith Virgo

Asc node Leo

I dont have much details regarding his elements but I am sure we dont have much in common.

He knows I'm into horoscopes and often ask me what his signs says. He's intrigue with anything that he don't know nothing about so when I introduce him to something that he don't know he wants to know all the details and would say "you got my attention because I'm about to learn something"
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I dont really know if there is anything he doesnt know about. I mean there must be many things but he knows a lot of stuffs more than I know.

Posted by saggurl88
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by justagirl
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by justagirl
It also depends is this a friend or someone you want more from? Big difference.
Ahem ahem I want more than just friendship.
And what does he want?
He said he likes me too but he has never mentioned about anything more than friendship.

He probably wont until he's actually ready to admit it. It sucks Sad
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Yes it does. Very much Sad
Posted by justagirl
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Posted by AerialView
Posted by quirkycrabbygirl
Imagine someone you are friends with(opposite sex and a bit closer to you than your other random friends)

How can that someone show that they care about you without getting into your space?

How can they show that you're important stuff to them and still not creep you out?

How can they stay on your mind? If you know what i mean Winking
no i don't know what you mean.

be more specific.
You guys need a lot of space right?

I'm giving it to him. We exchange messages here and there but I'm keeping my over energetic self my talkative self under control.

But I dont know I feel like I am just a random friend to him nowadays as we dont share much about whats happening in our lives except on phonecalls (which hasnt happened for 2 weeks). Maybe its normal for aquas I dont know.
personally i don't need much space.

did he always answer your calls/texts?
Yeah he does.

that's a good sign. maybe he just shy and slow or commitment phobic lol
We havent "talked" for like 2 weeks. 2 weeks! *deep sigh

perhaps now is the time to call him smile
If he wants to talk to me he will give me a call. I will not. Huhh!!! lol
If you want to talk to him, call, it's that simple.
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Actually the reason I am hesitating is - I called him 2 weeks back but he wasnt feeling well and wanted to sleep early. He said he'd call me back. The next day he wanted to during the evening but I wasnt free and told him to call me at night(provided he doesnt sleep early). He agreed but didnt call. He watched movie till late night. So i was like whatever. And since then no call! So I didnt want to initiate the call

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Okay this thread is for aquarius sun & moon, men & women. I want to know things about you in general. Yes or no answers along with a bit of explanation would be highly appreciated :P Are you guys emotional at all? Do you never get attached to anyone?
Joined: Sep 05, 2017 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 84
Imagine someone you are friends with(opposite sex and a bit closer to you than your other random friends) How can that someone show that they care about you without getting into your space? How can they show that you're important stuff to them and stil
Joined: Sep 05, 2017 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 84
Does anybody else have this problem? I mean i cant focus on a single task for more than 20 minutes at a stretch. There are so many distractions from your thoughts to social media to movies etc etc. How do you focus on tasks/work/studies anything be it t
Joined: Sep 05, 2017 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 84
The Man Cave
Why do you act clingy and attached and then when the girl becomes attached, you guys back off? Why do you hide your feelings? To that one person who actually cares about you? When you finally open up emotionally, then why do you go back to your shell?
Joined: Sep 05, 2017 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 84
The world is full of unkind people. Wherever you go you will get one such person who will manipulate stuff, or try to put you down, say mean things, spread negativity. Why can't people be simple? Why do they have to complicate each and every thing? Is it
Joined: Sep 05, 2017 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 84
This is about a guy friend I have. We're good friends, close to each other & stuff. I care about him more than any other random friend. So the thing is i called him up yesterday but we couldnt talk much as he was unwell. He said he'd call me today. Toda
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Personality Types
I have a friend who is an introvert. He doesn't like initiating texts or phone calls and has been very clear about it from day one. I initiate 9/10 times but I feel like I am interfering with his schedule. Same happens with phone calls. Also when i ini
Joined: Sep 05, 2017 · Topics: 8 · Posts: 84
So I like a guy who is Aquarius moon and Gemini sun. He follows Aquarius for horoscopes and stuff so posting it here. We stay in different cities so it's a long distance thing. We know each other for 4 years and he has been a good friend to me. But since
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