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RaeReinhartz joined March 17, 2017
Psychic Astrologist, Diviner & Intuitive Counselor
I've studied astrology for about 14-years and I've been consulting since 2015. I'm an associate member of the AFA and I've attended workshops with internationally recognized Astrologers such as Mark Jones and Robert Hand. I can draw, read and interpret an array of astrological charts and I'm fluent with medieval and modern astrological theories.
In recent years I've developed claircognizant abilities exploring different methods of divination. I utilize whichever divination tools I feel are appropriate for each client's unique situation. My strengths would be Astrology, Horoscopes, Fortune-Telling and Dream Analysis.

I am here for networking purposes, to share my youtube lectures, connect with other fans of astrology as well as clients.



This video highlights the house systems I use with my astrological interpretations, why I use them and what are the pros and cons of the systems I use when calculating charts.

Yes. All my cancer partners have done this. The cancerian archetype is notorious for withdrawing when feeling emotionally vulnerable or overwhelmed.
Well don't vote for liberal policies like increasing the minimum wage or voting for free transit. If you're taxes are high you obviously live in a blue state.
How old is he?
Major Aspect Patterns to Highlight

Black moon lilith-Midheaven-Juno T-square (1st-5th-10th)

Ascendant-Uranus-North Node-Pallas Grand Cross (1st-7th-4th-10th)

Mercury conjunct galactic center in the 12th house (12th on conspiracies)

Mercury-Trans pluto-Uranus Grand Trine (12th-8th-4th)

Black Moon Lilith in the 1st house

Emotional atmosphere revolved around you whether you admit it or not, when you’re unhappy everybody knows it. You either lash out or withdraw, both are equally intense and obvious. Constantly deflecting blame on everyone else for your discontent but it’s caused by your inability to compromise or let somebody else have their way for once.

This is explains the attitude of the democratic majority as well as the corrupted deep state, “the swamp” as Trump would call it. This constant condemnation of Trump and anyone who cooperates with Trump, praises the current government leader’s accomplishments is all that drives this congressional caucus.

Black Moon Lilith in Aquarius

Your interactions with others are abrasive, conflicting and uncomfortable. You have the desire to socialize but more so to indoctrinate your social circle rather than engage in discussion with them. You’re pretty fixed in your views and ideas. While always seeming to adopt unconventional opposing views of the standard and perceiving disagreements as a lack of support or a form of betrayal. This makes it difficult for you to compromise or cooperate when you are unable to accept differences of opinion. This defiance and narrow-minded views are the source of all your social conflicts.

My interpretation of this chart...

The United States 116th Congressional House of Representatives began January 3 2019. This chart is the ‘birth chart’ of the current democratic majority house. The past houses reveal motives or past influences that helped create this chart and the government group it represents. Past houses reveal this was retaliation and manifestation of selfish will to conspire some malefic event against the current authority now in control. (Mars-Chiron 3rd house; Hades 6th house opposing Saturn/Sun) An empty 9th house represents that they have no benefic or genuine intentions based on law, merit or honor. 12th symbolized by the conspiracy to control the current administration under the guise of righteous acts. The houses of secrets and conspiracies represented by the 8th and 12th.

The present time for this 116th house; it’s influences, behavior or how it interacts with the rest of the other branches of government is revealed by the cardinal houses. Pluto-South Node-Black Moon lilith in the first house represents the actions, behavior and aims of this congressional body. Pluto conjunct the south-node represents the old establishment and traditional “deep state” structure and it’s aims to control the on-going pluto-return transformation with the United States. Black moon lilith in a t-square with the Midheaven means that their divisive actions will not go unnoticed to the public.

Future houses reveal uncertainty and that the power of this congressional body will be short-lived. Neptune in the 2nd house reveals the lack of clarity and uncertainty of anything they do being permanent. Trans-pluto in the 8th house reveals that the existence of this majority was necessary to show the american public that the career political establishment has no invested interests in the general public’s well-being. The hopes and dreams of this democratic majority caucus is all revealed by the 11th house signatures. The house ruler is Scorpio reinforcing the desire to control anything venus related, money, relations, connections and luxury. While continuing to parade around this facade of righteousness and that “they know best.”

The video highlights Lilith symbolism in Astrology as well as defining the archetype of Black Moon Lilith with all the signs and houses.

Defining Black Moon Lilith archetype in Astrology.

Full thorough discussion on black moon lilith in all the signs and houses.

Sharing one of my recent transit discussions on the themes of the recent Cancer Lunar Eclipse that happened on January 10 2020.

Transit talk with Rae Reinhartz chaos astrologer discussing the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Cancer happening on Friday January 10th 2020.
Sharing one of my latest transit discussions about Saturn changing signs from Capricorn to Aquarius on March 22 2020.

Transit talk with Rae Reinhartz about the upcoming Saturn in Aquarius transit beginning March 22 2020. This is a major transit event that will influence major change in mundane trends.
Just sharing my latest transit discussion video about the upcoming themes for Aquarius and Pisces season 2020.

Transit Talk with Rae Reinhartz about major transit aspects on-going since the recent Cancer Lunar Eclipse that occurred on January 10th 2020. Elaborating on tough aspects and what to expect for the Aquarius and Pisces season of 2020.
Authenticity and integrity, says my cancer boyfriend. lol
Posted by BlackNova
In no particular order..

1. She must have stable emotions

2. Must be able to cook, clean, do the washing up, and have completed at least one corporate takeover by age 30, or at least reached a mid-tier management position.

3. She must be shorter than me.

4. Must not complain about her menstrual cycles

5. Needs to be good at massage, or willing to learn

6. Must be willing to pay for dates

7. Must own a car, but not a motorcycle.

I'm new at this.....gents, lets workshop the shit out of this

So first off what are your achievements?

I have a feeling youre single...and even if you aren't you'll never have a life partner if you make it a requirement that your girlfriend cannot be open and seek emotional comfort from you and maybe she complains about her period to WARN you that she's going to be bitchy and/or cause she's in pain and is hoping you'll volunteer to help her with dishes/chores etc.

You're looking for a fxxking slave, not a partner. Maybe you should convert to islam.

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