Leo and Libra Compatibility
Well I have a new neighbor and we got to talking. I asked her her birthday and she just said Libra lol (even tho if she would have told me the actual date I could have been nosey because she also told me where she was from too) But anyway this chick seem
For you kinky ones whos 1st thought was the bedroom. No. Im talking about gaming. (But i can rp in bed too 😉) Anywayss I used to roleplay all the time... I forgot what forums I'd frequent but I do remember the place that introduced me to roleplay foru
So here's the scoop... it'll probably end up being long... So my best friend is a Virgo. And she has a Scorpio bf. They've been together since high school. He has cheated on her multiple times (since highschool) but she keeps taking him back. (One of th
I captured this beauty yesterday. On a day where I really needed it! It was a clear message to me that Life is good no matter what!! the pic its only half. But I backed up in a field near the buildings and saw the whole arch it was beautiful and the b
This is so irritating to me. I find myself doing this unconsciously and then after I realize what I've done I'm like DAMNIT in my head and try to ask the other person a question pertaining to them to get the convo back onto them. It irks me, and I'm s
Did any of yall have some crazy ass shut happen to yall this past full moon? Or some drama get stirred up. I know I did I have a family member who has a breakdown EVERY FULL MOON like clockwork and i live right across the street from her so I end up
I loveee the Maze Runner and I just recently saw the Scorch trials. I love these movies they always keep me on the edge of my seat!! The Maze Runner was not what I had expected. When I saw it I hadn't seen any previews so I didn't know what I was getti
Have any of you been to CR? Or surrounding area? I want to go to Costa Rica sooo bad and just be surrounded by nature, the beaches, go see a volcano. Which region is the best part to visit? Any favorite South/Central American destinations? Recommen