Posted by the_verdictofkiki
give us an example of the sucking major nonsense
Posted by BumblebebeI mean... I didn’t mention mine in this thread yet lol. Or in other threads for quite awhile now. Weird flex, but ok.Posted by RamOfPeacePosted by BumblebebePosted by BumblebebePosted by Kittens
We prefer Love over Lust, therefore Pisces woman -> Scorpio woman.
Ooh, you want to love? Capricorn was pretty determined to get in my pants but I said No.
Now that I think of it it could be capricorn Venus and Mars. He was DETERMINED.
Capricorn Venus is a dillhole asscrack of all Venus signs, no offense
None taken but my Venus is better than yours!click to expand
Posted by BumblebebeCapricorn Venus is a dillhole asscrack of all Venus signs, no offensePosted by BumblebebePosted by Kittens
We prefer Love over Lust, therefore Pisces woman -> Scorpio woman.
Ooh, you want to love? Capricorn was pretty determined to get in my pants but I said No.
Now that I think of it it could be capricorn Venus and Mars. He was to expand
Posted by BumblebebeThat depends if a person likes casual sex or views sex as more of an integral part of dating/relationships. I have a slut sun and mars, but a commitment venus, so I don’t fare well with hookups.Posted by RamOfPeace
Earth and Fire sun/mars signs are great in bed.
Coincidentally if a guy has Earth sun, he often possesses a fire mars. And vice versa. One of my best sexual experiences were Cap and Aries men, with Aries, Cap, or Gemini mars.
But what do you mean by “how do you react”?
I mean like are they the type to want profess love, go crazy, ghost someone. Idk? I haven't been with a to expand
Posted by DMVI delete people, because fuck their thinking that I’m a hater or whether it fuels them. They can think what they like. In the end, it’s the feeling of being discarded that sticks with humans permanently. And many deserve it.Posted by PVAFDeux
I prefer deleting to unfollowing. I deleted a lot of people from both my facebook and instagram this year. I'm in a no nonsense phase of my life.
I have to play the long game and not defriend.
Person in question will think I'm a hater and it will fuel them.
I'd rather, block the energy, information, and keep my to expand
Posted by alexscariesAll of the above, can confirm.
As I've got older I've slowed down. A lot of the passion lies in the anticipation. That said a quickie before work can be fun.