Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the ni
Hmmmmmmmm!!!! Guess she bored and just wanted male attention. Meh steph agreed with her. Smh.
That my dear friends in the caption literally messes up an aries woman. I was hesitant at first but she let me know certain things that went on in her life. I told her i want her,I remembered her birthday. gave her cake and flowers(roses by the way). But
Finally the wait is over. Street fighter take notes. This is how you a refine and redefine a fighter. Now its time to do
NO remastering pleeeeaassseeeeeeeeeeeeee. They overused thedamn word on PS4. the gaming gods will answer my prayer becau
Movie Trailers
Christmas please come quick! This movie is an EPIC. In IMAX and THX sound. THE DARK sideeeeeeeeeee!! https://www.youtub
To All the MK FANS I GAVE u Mortal kombat THE second game or should i say THE GAME that changed the gaming atmosphere.
WHY has nobody remade this game. THIS game rivaled MK and was fuckin awesome! Once done right this would own MK or be on
FOR A COMPANY that supposed to be readying the masses with FPS that thrilled us almost a century ago(yes folks it's been
Lemme start it had it in another post. Keep it poppin just felt music ish. Y
I dont know whyyyyyyy, when i see dem i wanna jus put pop one in da oven. Yeeesh da freak in me won't stop,lol.
Well cancers are soulful just like da beat and the lyrics. Meh its haunting.Love it.