@rgh1, the way you describe yourself reminds me of him. like you, he has turned down a lot of sex opportunities as well, and those are the times that i believed he loves his current gf. but then again, there are other times that he would really hit on them. this leaves me confused. and i wonder would i be doing him a favor to tell to his face to stop what he's doing or will i just damage our friendship by doing so? but as you and krysrenee7 have said, the fact that he's doing it probably means that he is not really in love. maybe i was just tricked by his 'acting' in front of his gf. i dont know..
and no, i am not one of his escapades. we are just friends. i know that we have no romantic interest in each other. i just really want to wake him up so that he'd realize what he's doing is wrong.
i don't have any plans of cutting him off at all... i consider him a very good friend, and i want to be a good friend to him also. i wanted to be someone he can count on, and so i accept his invitations to go out with these ladies. but at the same time, i don't want him to continue this habit because he might lose the girl who he is currently in a relationship with, because i know she makes him happy. so i'm not sure what to do.. so if you were his friend, what would you do?
hi everyone! i have an aquarius guy friend who is currently in a relationship. but he still invites me and his other friends to go and have good times with other ladies, being intimate with them and all. i kinda know his girlfriend and when he is around her, he is a different man, loving and very caring about her. but when she's not around he would go on his womanizing spree. now i am starting to rethink if i am being a good friend to him by tolerating such activities, or should i tell him to stop doing so instead? i want him to be happy and im afraid that if i meddle with his life, he would get mad at me. so my questions are: why is he doing this womanizing thing when i can see that he is in love with his partner, and what should i do as a friend? thanks in advance!