About ten years ago, in my late 20s, I briefly dated an older Scorpio man (gemini moon, cap venus) who I was very into. I was a bit immature, he wasn't as keen and our connection fizzled. We've had sporadic contact over the years but only met up once, about two years ago, for a coffee. He had a girlfriend and they got a 4-year old son.
However, he's now re-entered my life, having split with his gf a year ago. We went on a long date 2,5 weeks ago which was really good, he talked about his life being problematic but that he likes me and that's why he got in touch. We kissed but nothing more.
Since then he's been a bit distant. He called a few days after our date and we had a nice chat, then I called about a week later but it's now been over a week with no contact at all. Last I spoke to him he said that his ex is now threatening to go to court over custody and he's very anxious about it, apologised about it being 'not fun' for me and how he wished things were simpler. We live about an hour apart and there's been no talk of meeting up again (not that that's easy during this pandemic, he's also high risk. Both of us were shielding prior to meeting up)
My question is how to navigate this, and best support him (if that's what he wants). I'm assuming he's just quiet because of the situation with his ex - which would be totally understandable - I keep reading that Scorpios tend to withdraw and need a lot of alone time at the best of times. However, I have been ghosted many times and so am a bit paranoid. Of course I could just ask him what the deal is, but I worry that he'll then decide to call it quits as it's easier. Shall I just leave it be for a bit and give him space to figure things out..? Or maybe it's better to call him & reiterate that I'm here if he needs me? It's not as if we're knee deep into a relationship so I don't want to be overly familiar & pushy either. Help?
**sorry - phone put this in cancer forum first **
Hi all,
I went on a date with a Sagittarius the other day. It went really well, we got on great & kissed at the end. He’s said he wants to see me again.
However, halfway through the date he casually dropped that he “doesn’t believe in monogamy”. I like to believe men when they say things like that, and so I’m not sure I should see him again despite really liking each other, as it might just be a waste of time. Nothing wrong in polyamory, but personally it’s not what I want.
However - his Venus & rising placements would point me towards a far more traditional relationship view than what he said, so maybe it would be premature to throw in the towel?
Me: Aries, sag moon, Taurus Venus, libra rising.
Him: sag moon, cap Venus, cancer rising.
I’ve never really dated a sag before so would appreciate any input. “Should I stay or should I go now”, etc
I've been FWB with a Cap guy for about 6 years, and while he is hilarious (one of the funniest people I ever met), his sense of humour does definitely have an element of this. Jokes are often tinged with insults and he seems to like to put people down, and as he is very quick witted and smart it's very quick and cleverly done. In his defence (well...) he does the same to himself.
Idk if it's a Cap thing, but what your date said is definitely something that 'my' cap could have said in a heartbeat. I think it could be a power thing - my cap hates to be seen as vulnerable (or with any emotions for that matter), so it's easier for him to joke in an insulting way and keep the power balance in his favour. It's often confusing (especially to a naive aries like me) and it's taken me many years to understand. I would think that your cap is drawn to you but for whatever reason it makes him feel vulnerable, so to regain control he made a 'joke' which made you feel insecure.
Sometimes I think it's not meant as harsh as it comes out, for sure, but I know how you feel - been there many times!
Haha I was just wondering about this very same thing - I briefly dated a virgo last summer that I really liked, but then he ghosted me. He's just reappeared and is very keen to meet up. He's a venus virgo as well as sun virgo. I'm just baffled.
I have quite limited experiences of libra men - but they are flirts, right? I recently started a new job with a small company, and my manager is a very lovely and charming libra. We get on incredibly well - I wouldn't enjoy the job half as much if it wasn't for him - but I'm finding the flirting a bit hard to navigate. He is married (happily, as far as I can gather) so nothing could ever happen, but I get the sense that if he wasn't he'd ask me out on a date.
So, I'm assuming that libras like to flirt, as do us Aries, but I don't want it to become something I read too much into or overstep. I'm a bit naive and can easily do/say things before thinking them through properly (oh hi Sagittarius moon).
Realising this is not much of a question, I guess I'm more after some general input on libras as my experience is limited. Go with the flirting or try to rein it in?