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rsohlich joined April 28, 2013
Virgo sun/ Pisces Moon
Virgo sun/ Pisces Moon


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Heres my signs. Can anyone tell me more?? Thanks!
Sun is in 18 Degrees Virgo.
Moon is in 27 Degrees Pisces.
Mercury is in 01 Degrees Virgo.
Venus is in 12 Degrees Libra.
Mars is in 14 Degrees Sagittarius.
Saturn is in 12 Degrees Scorpio.
Oh yea and rising in Gemini I believe.
Ok, Im a Virgo sun but I relate more to my Pisces moon. Its 28 degrees. Its also: Square Neptune, Moon Square Jupiter, and Moon Sesquiquadrate Saturn. What does this mean? I am an artist, musician, compassionate, deep, person but I also have many faults. Any help would be really appreciated! Thanks!
I have a strong Pisces influence (Full moon at 28 degrees)moon and my Mom is a sun Pisces/ Moon Scorpio. I definently relate more to my moon Pisces. Does anyone else feel way different than Virgo?? I'm talking about does your Moon or Rising sign seem to outshine your Sun sign?
Heres Mine: Nirvana
I'm a fellow Moon in Pisces and music is seriously the single most important entity in my life. Even as I grew into the almost 29 yr. old man I am now I have always been deeply affected by music's emotional soothing abilities upon my soul. Hendrix, Charlie Parker, The Beatles, Peter Tosh, Nirvana, ect, ect...have all become major parts of who I am now. If weren't for music, I know not where I would be.
Thanks for the reply journey4time! It wasn't wordy at all! Perfect.
My moon sign is my most important sign in my chart I have seen. Its in Pisces and seems to over ride my sun in VIRGO AND my Rising in Gemini. My Mom is a sun Pisces/ Moon in Scorpio, and lots of Pisces moons in my family.
Im a Virgo sun w/ Pisces moon, friends are Pisces sun/ Scorpio Moon, Sag sun with Libra moon, and Leo sun with Pisces moon. The leo/pisces and I are very close, probably the closest friend I have. He and I have so much in common and don't even have to talk to feel like we're communicating.
My fav moons: 1. Scorpio 2. Pisces 3. Taurus 4. Cancer 5. Gemini
I'm a Virgo sun with a Pisces moon and I definently feel my moon in my chart the most. Do degrees make the sign in the planet more powerful? Im a Pisces moon at 28 degrees on a full moon. Any help would be much appreciated. I tend to act more like a Pisces when I'm comfortable. I play music, write, draw, ect...Peace!
Interesting topic...I'm a Pisces moon too and my best friend growing up was a Leo moon....We had kind of a bad falling out but I think Leo moons are great a lot of the time.
I'm all 3 mutable: Sun in Virgo, Moon in Pisces, and Rising in Gemini. What a ride!

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