i have a sag sun, leo moon, mercury in sag, venus in scorpio, mars in virgo, and my ascendent is in gemini.
and well the cancer guy had a sag moon, leo venus & mars.
Why is it so damn hard for venus in scorpio to move ON from someone?
so he's messaging me twice asking if i'm okay. do you think he's ready to talk? how do i get him to talk about things in a simple way?
Haha okay. well, i'm currently dating a cancer and holy poo do we have a lot of problems atm. when do you think he'll come out of his shell and actually talk to me about everything and try to help fix things?
They're so confusing to me and I never know how to deal with them.
he also just texted me for the first time today saying "Hey". I'm debating whether or not to reply?
hey thanks. i guess it's kind of hard for me to do that since my rising is in gemini and they're all about communication. i mean, we've been through things like this before and he's always came back around. it's really tough being with a cancer man.
how long does it take for them to talk to you first? we've recently been in a fight and having trust issues and all that. i've done all i can to try and talk to him but he won't talk back to me. i've told him how i feel and he knows i'm in pain right now and that i love him to death. i don't want him to leave me. we've been dating for almost a year.
haha that's all very true about me. and thank you.
update: last night he texted me around 1 am saying he doesn't know how he feels about us. i think it's funny he's saying that because friday night he was saying he doesn't plan on leaving me anytime soon and that he loves me so much and all this. so i'm going to school today and i'm leaving my phone at home because i don't want to put myself through all that where i'm checking it every 4 seconds. i'm just ready for him to come out and talk to me.
recently on friday, i found out he hung out with his ex, who is his neighbor, a few times because i saw a heart next to her name on his phone. he said it was no big deal and that she put the heart there and all that. so friday night we had a huge talk about everything and he apologized and i forgave him and we were fine again. that's not the problem right now. saturday i didn't really talk to him at all and we didn't hang out so i was left alone thinking... and i started to think about everything and sunday comes, and he comes over. i told him we need to talk and we took a walk and i tried to talk to him about the whole issue we had on friday. turns out i really didn't need to talk to him about everything because that just made him upset. so we get to my driveway and he goes into his car and he won't come out. i'm standing there asking him to come inside or something and he won't and then i get upset. i start crying and i end up having a panic attack and it's around 6:30 pm and he says he needs to go. and i KNEW he was lying so my big sagittarius mouth says you're a liar, you're lying. and earlier when i was trying to talk to him, he kept playing around with me physically like poking me and stuff trying to make me stop talking i'm guessing? and i got mad and when i get mad i just say random things. so anyways, it didn't end well. he yelled at me and i broke down crying. and then he left. today we talked and he said he doesn't trust me and he never did. that really hurt me. he also said his apology didn't mean anything to him since yesterday i was trying to talk to him about it again. i wrote him a huge text message telling him how i feel about him and all this, and his reply was "I just need to take a step back and think about things." & btw, we've been dating for almost a year. and i'm a sagittarius sun, moon in leo, rising in gemini & he's a cancer sun with a moon in sagittarius. help?
and i sent a long text message to him because i know cancers need reassurance and all that and he was the one who came onto me saying he doesn't trust me so i just freaked out. i love this boy to death.