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SagLadyHere joined August 31, 2011



Posted by happykitsune
Posted by Lmfao
Confused OKAY, now i want to know do Leos like when you annoy them by texting and calling all the time or just chill out and let them come to you especially if you spend lot of time together

Lol they get annoyed. They want you to be your own person and quit bugging them so much. At least that's how mine was when I used to text him all the time cus I was paranoid. Now I just wait for him to text me first unless I have something I need to share with him.
He'll appreciate you more if you don't text so much. Supply in Demand Winking
You are right HK this really is a good thread. Since I lost my Leo a
I have really been paying attention to other Leos & info about them. I regret all the mistakes I made since I realize that they really are good people with a good heart. My boss is a Leo & he's a good person with a good heart. He's very sensitive but I had to really pay attention to notice. A lot if people don't get along with him but I do.
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I dealt w/a cancer & his mood swings. He wz a lot younger & hd a lot of haters around him. I really cared for him & he nearly drove me bananas.
I read somewhere before w/cancers you kind of have to stay put. Don't move toward them & don't move away from them. Also that they are just like the crab, always going sideways.
Like beccy said watch them around an Aries. They are like servants to them becuz of the confidence thing.
If you are upset with him make sure you're careful what you say. I read they are extremely sensitive but read it too late. Apparently I said something months ago that upset the Leo I was involved with but he won't even tell me what it is. So just a warning to watch for that.
Posted by Burberryplaid
We Leos are very proud...and money & work are two areas where of things don't go our way our pride will not let us show it or share it with just anyone. I think we are also our own worst critics and we have high expectations for ourselves...probably higher than what anyone could have for us.
As far as criticism goes, yeah we don't like that too much. Chances are we already know what our imperfections and mistakes are and we don't need anyone to point them out to us. We want you to see us as perfect not the way we see ourselves.
The fact that you even want to start trying to understand us means the world to us. My advice is to just keep trying and just be there for us...
I keep reading about how Leos don't like criticism & to be careful how you handle disputes & conflicts. So as a Sag you know how difficult that is for us. Of course I read all this AFTER I had my first dispute w/my Leo. He let it be known that something I said really upset him. Anyway I just wanted to say that I think Leos should try to keep in mind what I told my Aries sister & Scorpio son. Everybody who smiles in your face isn't always your friend.

Posted by Noosiekins
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Noosiekins, on the plus side : It's nearly the weekend !

wah?! it's only Tuesday Sad
Hi Noosie,
I decided to check on you since I broke up w/my Leo also. How are you holding up?

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Posted by happykitsune
Posted by SagLadyHere
Posted by happykitsune
Posted by Lmfao
omg , mine does this too, like if he has issues with money or career he will say he is fine but i know he is not he will shut him self away from me and i will keep bothering him but in reality they are fine they will come to you when they are ready

Yeah, he always does. I wouldn't be so worried about trying to figure it out except for the fact that he tells me he wants me to GET him, to understand what he's thinking.
He texted me last night and he seemed fine. Seemed like he wanted me over, but I was studying so we didn't hang. He does that tho...he has fits of rage then he'll be fine the next day. He's on the cusp of leo next to cancer so that explains his emotions.
I'm gna take a guess and say your leo is close to cancer as well if he gets the same way. Aaah! Drives me nuts sometimes.

You see HK, you do get him. You said it yourself. "It seemed like he wanted me over". The fact that you knew that. Trust your instincts i'm sure he did. The Leo I just dealt with was like that also. His birthday was 7/31 & his venus was in Cancer. Boy do I miss him & I'm feeling a lil down about it because because I just did some report for us which said we were pretty very incompatible...Sad

I know, I get that part of him, but I thought that was just obvious. I'm talking about the way he thinks. He expects me to understand him on the level that no one else does, and apparently it upsets him to think I'm not on his level of thinking.

Darn those dang cancer signs makin' people moody. The leo sign can be just as bad tho. He has an aries moon too so his mood is usually very passionate, but short-lived. Yours probably had a quieter moodiness to him, if I had to guess
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Yes he did. I was just beginning to understand it. How long have you been seeing him?
Posted by happykitsune
Posted by Lmfao
omg , mine does this too, like if he has issues with money or career he will say he is fine but i know he is not he will shut him self away from me and i will keep bothering him but in reality they are fine they will come to you when they are ready

Yeah, he always does. I wouldn't be so worried about trying to figure it out except for the fact that he tells me he wants me to GET him, to understand what he's thinking.
He texted me last night and he seemed fine. Seemed like he wanted me over, but I was studying so we didn't hang. He does that tho...he has fits of rage then he'll be fine the next day. He's on the cusp of leo next to cancer so that explains his emotions.
I'm gna take a guess and say your leo is close to cancer as well if he gets the same way. Aaah! Drives me nuts sometimes.
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You see HK, you do get him. You said it yourself. "It seemed like he wanted me over". The fact that you knew that. Trust your instincts i'm sure he did. The Leo I just dealt with was like that also. His birthday was 7/31 & his venus was in Cancer. Boy do I miss him & I'm feeling a lil down about it because because I just did some report for us which said we were pretty very incompatible...Sad
Yep I have the same problems as the rest of you. I think the only person who comes closest to getting me is my Libra ex. I really can't forgive him for evrythg he put me through.
I agree that a lot of men really don't know what to do with us. A lot of us are very independent so that also intimidates them.
SagGal what sign was your ex-husband and how long were you married?
Posted by SagGal70
I'm a Saggie Mom (Sun/Rising Sag, Moon Libra, Venus Scorp, Mars Scorp) to a Leo son (Sun/Rising Leo, Moon Gemini, Venus Virgo, Mars Virgo) and we actually have a rather close relationship. He feels he can talk about anything with me unlike his Virgo Dad who he butts heads with. I don't see an "aggressive" side to him, he's quite the laid back and rather shy type of person, tends to be quite lazy though which drives me batty. I can see though that he does have an anger streak, gets pissy about some things and has trouble letting go of the tude sometimes but not aggressive...but as far as our relationship goes, we get along rather well and are very close.

Thanks SagGal. It's funny because since I posted this I thought of couples I know of. I actually know of about 5 Leo-Sag couples who have been together for years. I did another post with my update that I broke up with my Leo yesterday. I felt like it could work out & he sounds a lot like your Leo but either the timing wasn't rght or he just wasn't that into me. Anway like I said I do think we get along most times.
Posted by hurtinscorps
How hard is it to love and be concerned about the one that is loving you heart and emotions.
I basically have to do detective work to protect my blinded heart (secrets and lies).. ONCE i dig pulling the ROOTS and old stump out.. RUN RUN .. I will give you three chances to come clean after that.. your basically awakening in a ghost town losing everything..
My first ruthless Attention Whore experiences were with two Aquarius woman.. Both had lives of calamity,turmoil,lye and drama.. there was enough attention and spoilage for there "friends" only acceptance..
Now I have experienced a LEO .. and I have another online who is identical.. ITS THERE FANS...A/W FANS..
The only one who is TRUE are the ATTACKING WATER BOTTLE THROWING scorpio woman.. they are loyallll.. but will leave you in one snap..

"They are loyal but can leave you in one snap"
Yep I agree. Just broke up w/my Leo yesterday. I have no idea why everywhere says Sag & Leo get along because we don't. I see the original post was from a Sag two years ago. I wonder how that situation turned out. Anyway, he tried to do the friend keep me hanging thing (for sex). I wasn't having that & forced his hand.
Yes. When we woke up his sister was calling (saw her name & face pop up). She seems to be very rooted into his life even thgh she has her own family. Anyway I when asked him he said "it's not the same phone". We got up from our nap & I left w/my bag of stuff. He drove me to the train. When I asked him again "are you sure this is what you want". He said "it's for the best". I said ok. I said well "why did u kiss me". He said "Why did u kiss me back". I said Whtvr you know I hve feelings for you". Anyway I told him I couldn't just stay with the way things were. He said I was trying to force a relationship. It's whtvr, just typical someone who just was ready for a relationship & I had to cut my losses.
Yes. When we woke up his sister was calling (saw her name & face pop up). She seems to be very rooted into his life even thgh she has her own family. Anyway I when asked him he said "it's not the same phone". We got up from our nap & I left w/my bag of stuff. He drove me to the train. When I asked him again "are you sure this is what you want". He said "it's for the best". I said ok. I said well "why did u kiss me". He said "Why did u kiss me back". I said Whtvr you know I hve feelings for you". Anyway I told him I couldn't just stay with the way things were. He said I was trying to force a relationship. It's whtvr, just typical someone who just was ready for a relationship & I had to cut my losses.

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Leo and Sagittarius Compatibility
Can someone please help me understand the Leo and Sag relationship? A lot of places say that we get along but I haven't
Joined: Aug 31, 2011 · Topics: 3 · Posts: 51
Hello all, I came here for support since you get tired of talking to friends sometimes. I broke it off with the Leo
Joined: Aug 31, 2011 · Topics: 3 · Posts: 51
Hello, So I posted the topic before about Leo & Sag since I am currently seeing one. I'm into basic astrology but d
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