Posted by TsunamyI’m trying to insert the screen shots I have but I’m unsure how?? Lmao is there something I am missingPosted by Sarayoung7777Posted by ImperfectStorm
I mean.. if OP is asking for herself and if there is even a slight chance that there are two potential fathers, she needs to have the paternity test regardless.
I feel like she wouldn’t even be asking this if there wasn’t a chance.
It’s not for me! It’s for a friend of mine, I know him very well (the potential dad) but none of us know her very well. It was a month into dating she was pregnant, which is fine - no judgement on my end. she’s been a great mother and a great gf but we are all a bit suspicious of the dark brown eyes with their eyes and their parents being so so so light....... hopeful it is normal!!!
The circumstances make it a little suspicious. Can you find some photos on google close to what the eye colors are and post them?click to expand
Posted by PhoenixRisingPosted by ImperfectStorm
I mean.. if OP is asking for herself and if there is even a slight chance that there are two potential fathers, she needs to have the paternity test regardless.
Right? Eye colour is the least of her (or this child's) to expand
Posted by ImperfectStormIt’s not for me! It’s for a friend of mine, I know him very well (the potential dad) but none of us know her very well. It was a month into dating she was pregnant, which is fine - no judgement on my end. she’s been a great mother and a great gf but we are all a bit suspicious of the dark brown eyes with their eyes and their parents being so so so light....... hopeful it is normal!!!
I mean.. if OP is asking for herself and if there is even a slight chance that there are two potential fathers, she needs to have the paternity test regardless.
I feel like she wouldn’t even be asking this if there wasn’t a chance.
Posted by aquarius_man_Definitely have no intention on ever being the other woman. Really just wanted to know why I’m still feeling such a pull for the guy when I’m not even sure I’d give him the time of day again considering how things went down, and how childish he is. Really just wanted to see if the twin flame thing could possibly be why.. but thank you!!Posted by Sarayoung7777
Haha oh, don’t think anyone knows our story but all the best to the other people you know!
Obviously, I was joking but there were parallels between the two stories such as : you ve known each other for yrs, you had an attraction, it faded, you went on separate ways, time went by, you met again, you felt the flame, yet he was going to be a daddy now, no longer a bachelor.
So I would say yes, this was your twin flame, but your time with him is not now. Maybe if his wife dies or they divorce, you could make a move . Now let him enjoy his firstborn and don't be the other woman.
But definitely twin flames. There's a silver lining here: You'll meet again later down the roadclick to expand
Posted by aquarius_man_Haha oh, don’t think anyone knows our story but all the best to the other people you know!Posted by Sarayoung7777
I’m a Virgo and he is a Taurus. Does that mean anything lol???
You should be compatible
I heard a similar story - new gf included - but it involved different signs
I thought you were maybe those pplclick to expand
Posted by LadyNeptuneWhy was that comment necessary for you? I’m obviously just trying to get some advice. If you can’t do that for me - why not just put your time to better use?
You have a lot in common?
How many women have you impregnated recently...?
Posted by MetatronThanks for being so understanding and your advice! Who knows, he could be ignoring me for a number of other reasons - even just lack of interest. I’m just assuming It’s because of that night... because he began to ignore me 2 days after it happened. He only spoke to me the next day but I think he just really wanted to apologize about it.. but then when he began to over think about it started to feel like he couldn’t talk to me anymore.Posted by Sarayoung7777
But I remember some of you saying most Taurus’ don’t like to deal with emotion..
please don't base any of your actions on nonsense like this, especially if its coming from butthurt scorpios....
I don't see anything wrong with sending him a message like the one you described though, and you've been extremely kind/understanding around what has got to be a really embarrassing circumstance, so I commend you....I was surprised to hear you'd even be interested after that. But maybe it is a persistent issue for him and the shame runs deeper than you can imagine. I would think that if it was an anomaly, he'd want to redeem himself quickly to patch up his ego, but its all speculation at this point....send him the message, give him time/space, maybe he'll reach back out to expand
Posted by blvckphvsePosted by Sarayoung7777Posted by blvckphvsePosted by Sarayoung7777Posted by blvckphvse
" so we both agreed we didn’t want to date but wanted to keep hanging out and see where things go. "
Dating is so confusing these days.. The fuck is this shit? This just seems like a terrible way to go about things.
But I understand.. that is dating in this day and age unfortunately.. This just reestablishes that I'm gonna be single foreverr
Lol you’re right, dating is so confusing. I just got out of a 4 year relationship so starting things up with someone this soon was already a little nerve wracking lol but, I knew I didn’t want to jump into a bf and gf relationship where we feel we need to do everything together and be exclusive!
I feel you. I got out of a 5 year relationship in July. I haven't tried dating yet, it's too scary out there
Lol omg mine was in July too! I wouldn’t be able to either, but this was a guy I met before I got with my ex bf! We just happened to cross paths again! Ha. Good luck to you!
Too funny it was July for both of us! I had also started talking with a dude I knew before my ex, but he was acting like a fuckboy.. made it real easy for me to pass. Hahaha
Wishing you all the best too girl. I know it's not easy out there!click to expand
Posted by GemitatiPosted by Sarayoung7777Posted by Gemitati
Ok. It was kind of a joke...I am tired and trying to entertain myself...
Seriously you’ve missed a whole point of what I was saying. You want him or need him or not doesn’t matter IF he can’t get it up!
If he can’t get it up you’ll be wondering about it to the rest of your life never knowing the truth!
I have NO other explanation of his behavior.
Ok maybe one other explanation...he is a moron who lacking all the rship skills who doesn’t know it.
Lol!!! Ok so what are you suggesting I do?
EVERYONE who is ANYONE already SUGGESTED what you should DO!
But have you read and processed? NO!click to expand
Posted by Gemitati
Ok. It was kind of a joke...I am tired and trying to entertain myself...
Seriously you’ve missed a whole point of what I was saying. You want him or need him or not doesn’t matter IF he can’t get it up!
If he can’t get it up you’ll be wondering about it to the rest of your life never knowing the truth!
I have NO other explanation of his behavior.
Ok maybe one other explanation...he is a moron who lacking all the rship skills who doesn’t know it.
Posted by GemitatiPosted by Sarayoung7777Posted by Gemitati
I want to ask what is about that guy that you need him, want him after all that ignoring of you by him?
Also I haven’t read it all...does anyone ever thinking of men not being able to perform? Just naturally! Not being able! Period.
Anxieties can cause ED or ED can cause anxieties.
That’s why I feel bad for men sometimes.
They are so difficultly built with that dick...
And if that’s the issue - nothing anybody can DO with it! Specially if said man is already sees himself impotent. He might get it back or he might not OR maybe he never had? They won’t tell you that though...It’s sad. I would be mortified...but I hope you are young enough to overcome and find another man. Start now. And good luck!
It’s not that I need him or I want him... I am just struggling to come to terms with the idea that a man can spend so much time talking to you, spending time with you.... to just ignore you. I know he had feelings for me, his actions spoke loud and clear and because I’ve known him for many years I know he doesn’t jump from girl to girl... he’s been single for 2 years, so I am just confused on how he could just kick me out of his life without explanation or some sort of turbulence.
— like the posts above suggest, maybe he really is just insecure about that happening to him in front of me or maybe it made him realize he isn’t interested in me.... I am not sure.... but I am going to have to accept his actions as is and not attempt contact again. It’s too bad because I am certain he will not either.
Thanks for your response!
OR maybe his dick just don’t work?
How do you expect man to tell you THAT even if you’ve known him since kindergarten and he isn’t Aries or a Scorpio? 😂😂😂😂😂click to expand