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Satyamsoni3 joined May 25, 2016


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I didn't read all the replies here, but I think is depend of what you used to hurt her. Aries need time.... So, let her some time, then try to catch up her with something funny, use some jokes you used together, some funny pictures, etc. For me this was working very good and in my case, he back to me instantly. I am Leo, he is Aries. I think in your case is more simple as you are the man and Aries is girl. So, you just give her a little time, do not be desperate and try again with something that you know she likes so much !
I tried my best to support him and to make his mind stable in finding a job, encouraged him a lot, but his weakness really make me nervous too, because I see he is not able to pick up anything and he had a lot of peoples who asked him to help HIM if he need help in finding job.
Any similar experience with Aries or as Aries ? Sometimes I really think he may lie on me about job, because I see he is very busy always. If no have a job, then what he is doing ? It is strange and I don't know how to handle this.
Hi all again,

My Aries is very confuse in which job offer to take ! For 4 months he run here and there after many jobs , but can't pick up any of them ! There are peoples who want help him find a job, but he answer their call just like he is very important person and look at them from up somehow....... Peoples ask him to meet to talk about job and he say " I will be free this week-end, Monday... Tuesday.. " but he don't really give an answer which day exactly he can meet that peoples. I was near by him when his phone was ringing and heard him how he is talking to them. He was working as a bank director before , but the position was end up. Since then he only want high position and can't accept anything elxe, even a lot of offers was good for him . Yesterday he told me he want to open his own company , today again he changed his mind, telling me that he will probably pick up the job from first offer ( the offer which he actually rejected it because he said he feel humilated ! and he will not work for a less position .....) . I tried my best to support him and to make his mind stable in finding a job, encouraged him a lot, but his weakness really make me nervous too, because I see he is not able to pick up anything and he had a lot of peoples who asked him to help me if he need help in finding job.
Any similar experience with Aries or as Aries ? Sometimes I really think he may lie on me about job, because I see he is very busy always. If no have a job, then what he is doing ? It is strange and I don't know how to handle this.
already gone , so what you lose trying ? Nothing. Aries do not take action , is similar Libra at this point. If you let him go , he will go for sure. If he will come back by himself, he will back maybe after years when you already can't be back to him . The best way is to try jokes you used once . Without show emotions. Then be little cool when he reply . He will work so much to makes you have feelings again ! I can tell you think seeing my Aries now. He even told me he loves me , he miss me, things which he was so hard to say them before . Is like he appreciate my wffort to make him back , now he try balance my effort with his efforts,. I don't thnk so there is something that will separate us ever , because we both can pass and forget things as Aries/Leo combination. For us a quarrel is non sense and the way we responding to it, is really the same . No one keep angry for long.
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
Posted by Satyamsoni3
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
He didn't just become "cold" out of nowhere, and I really doubt that everything was entirely his fault. You said it yourself in your previous thread. Everything was fine until you put too much pressure on him, and you pushed him around. He did everything for you and you became too comfortable with that. He wasn't going to allow you to use him as a doormat any longer, and he left. Of course there are two sides to every story, but based on what you have written here, you weren't exactly a saint throughout this relationship. What you need to do is take responsibility for your part in this situation, too. One needs to give respect in order to recieve it.

You are right, I didn't posted here all the story, but I assure you it was his fault, as I was need his hand in something very important and then he just left, he was not there when I needed be .... Is long story and ugly from his side to acting like this.
After he back to me, he use a way of cldness to talk again. And I used a lovely way, bit got only cold responses ... and not any questions about me, or if there is better on my side in my problems. He know my actual problems. And now, when I changed my way too, and becomed cold with him, answer to him the same way as he did . what do you think ? He try to make me speak again, he try to show emotions again, he try to make me smile again, and so on.... I really don't know how to continue. I no like cold/warm extremes. Any advice ?

Yes, I understand that he was cold, but you pushed him to his breaking point. There is no foolproof way to make a guy come back to you. I would advise that you work on bettering yourself, like the other posters have stated. Good luck.
click to expand

Hmm, is a pity you are thinking like this way... There are a lot pf ways to make a guy come back to you, but if you don't try any of them, then he will never know you want he come back ! Women who just let things to be as they become, lose much in life in general and it a kind of loss confidence in yoursefl also this. My Aries back to me only in 2 days after separation and now he is the one who tell me he loves me, he miss me etc.. I am little bit cold now, because I was doing my work to makes him back smile now is his turn to keep me on line and I relaly let him do this and he likes do this now. Of course, I repsponding to his love, but I changed some things from my personality , maybe the things which made him sad last time. I think this is OK now. About you, I can tell you, you lose nothing trying everuthing what you know is works with him once ! Anyway when you try make him back to you, he is alread
Is depend how you treat a Leo . If you don't show the same sweetnes and respect and lovely side as he show to you, then yes, he will repleace you with someone better . Leo don't accept cold treatment . So, think what you was wrong and take it from there smile
Posted by Bloop
Totally unacceptable. Libras can be flirty but once in relationship, they can be pretty much very loyal and dont do such stuff.

What is her moon and mars?

Libra loyal ??? Is not in his sign this quality ! Lbra chaange girls always. Once talk with one, then separate of other, then when something is wrong with the first, he back to second one and exchange .... At least from my experience with Libra... was a horrible time Sad
If she/he do this, just keep silent and move on and when she reply to you , just tell her or him you are talking with a friend and are busy.
Yes, Libra do this , they like to show off with you, with others, they like talk about others with you, without think they hurt you Sad My ex Libra posted pictures with girls in his blog space just to hurt me and to let his friends to see how much potential he has to girls .................... The girl in pictures has not any connection with him, they were simple sellers in a shop, they were a colleague, etc.. and he just keep them over them shoulders to take " hot" pics............... Is unacceptable, and really you should move on. There is no respect from her /him, then is non sense.
Posted by AriesIntrovert16
He didn't just become "cold" out of nowhere, and I really doubt that everything was entirely his fault. You said it yourself in your previous thread. Everything was fine until you put too much pressure on him, and you pushed him around. He did everything for you and you became too comfortable with that. He wasn't going to allow you to use him as a doormat any longer, and he left. Of course there are two sides to every story, but based on what you have written here, you weren't exactly a saint throughout this relationship. What you need to do is take responsibility for your part in this situation, too. One needs to give respect in order to recieve it.

You are right, I didn't posted here all the story, but I assure you it was his fault, as I was need his hand in something very important and then he just left, he was not there when I needed be .... Is long story and ugly from his side to acting like this.
After he back to me, he use a way of cldness to talk again. And I used a lovely way, bit got only cold responses ... and not any questions about me, or if there is better on my side in my problems. He know my actual problems. And now, when I changed my way too, and becomed cold with him, answer to him the same way as he did . what do you think ? He try to make me speak again, he try to show emotions again, he try to make me smile again, and so on.... I really don't know how to continue. I no like cold/warm extremes. Any advice ?
The solution is logic and very simple ! Stop any harmful activity ! Your ligaments are weak and you can't do a fabulous sport . Everything what imput force, destroy ligaments in time . Why you need this ?
Posted by sagiluv
Aries are a sweet sign. Just talk calmly and he will understand. Give him the space he needs when he desires. You won't lose an Aries as long as you give them the respect they need.

Yes, but I wish he give me the respect I need too............
If he really loves you, why not ask you marry him ? In this way you can live in US with him, find a job there . Not his family is the first who must decide, but HIM . If he can't , then is not a real love from him.

If you are with someone else, now you can compare and choice smile and think 3 things :
1. Is the new person worth tha him ? Look at his actions , personality, tretament on you, etc..
2. Are you ready/want to lose him forever ?
3. Are you sure this is not love from you too ? Have you ever lost him and did not wanted him to come back ? You know, when we lose someone , then we can know if there is love or not. If you can let him go and no regret and can stay without talk to him at all, then you are set free smile

Talk with him and let him know you want meet someone else, Maybe is not so good to tell him you already are with someone else, then he will be hurt, but tell him someone else give you attention recently and you think maybe you can give a try as you are lonely. See his reactions. In my opinion, no matter what makes him change his mind or put you on a waiting list, no matter if himself or his family, but a man must to take action , a man must ask your hand, etc.. no matter his family is against. The men who can't pass their family , means they are not really worth , not really can be ready for you and a future with you. As the Libra I told you, family was against, just because a stupid reason : he was married before with a woman from a country near my country who destroyed his life and his family influenced him and told him that all women from Europe are same. Probably his friends said the same. At least I gave up even I loved him so much, but if no value my love, then is non sense.

Think all this and put all in a balance. See which side is less than the other smile Anyway , keep him around until you are very very sure the other man you are now with him, do not hurt you.

I know couple who married over years............. They did not waited for each other, things was bad from one side , as usually happen. they separated, they was with someone else in this time, then they met again and married,. Once they met, all good memories came around and nothing made them separate again smile

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Hi all again, My Aries is very confuse in which job offer to take ! For 4 months he run here and there after many jobs , but can't pick up any of them ! There are peoples who want help him find a job, but he answer their call just like he is very imp
Joined: May 25, 2016 · Topics: 4 · Posts: 38
Aries Men
I read much about this and most of posts in internet say they will if you give them space. My question is the same : Will Aries man come back after a quarrel ? Was his fault in this situation, He treated me cold and I can't accept that coldness . We were
Joined: May 25, 2016 · Topics: 4 · Posts: 38
I was in relationship with him since 5 months. Everything was pefect until I wanted too much from him, put pressure on him for many things and I just gave orders to him , do this, do that, for me , etc.. At the end, because also he was doing everything f
Joined: May 25, 2016 · Topics: 4 · Posts: 38
Aries Men
I read much about this and most of posts in internet say they will if you give them space. My question is the same : Will Aries man come back after a quarrel ? Was his fault in this situation, He treated me cold and I can't accept that coldness . We were
Joined: May 25, 2016 · Topics: 4 · Posts: 38

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