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Scalesofwonder joined June 09, 2013
31 years old from MN
"Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising..feeling more Pisces everyday!"
"Libra Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising..feeling more Pisces everyday!"



Thank you Aquasnoz and everyone for those responses!! I think I needed to hear it bluntly, so thanks for that!
I was just really confused, and a bit hurt. It took me like 2 weeks to stop taking it personally, and get to this point where I can rationalize and be willing to see it from different sides. Tbh though, the whole "friendship" seemed like a reflection period for myself. Constantly holding back, then giving, then holding back more. It became a bit I can only imagine what he must feel.
Oh well..I won't let things like this keep me from enjoying life, even with my more sensitive Pisces moon. Big Grin It's too short for that. Too many things to do and experience. I take this, and add it as another lesson on love. smile
This seems like fun!
September 28th, The Birthday of the Seducer
Your greatest challenge is...
to tolerate boredom.
You're drawn to people born on...
July 22 to August 23.
Dark side: manipulative, impulsive, destructive
Best side: charming, magnetic, exciting

After all that...I just feel iffy about one thing. Seducer? Me?! LOL..that sure gave me a good laugh smile
You are highly magnetic and people find you attractive. You are a wonderful friend, mate or ally once someone has earned your loyalty. You are not afraid to work and you often delight in a job well done. Your personal color helps you release old thoughts and outmoded behavior patterns. Wearing, meditating or surrounding yourself with the color Bok Choy helps you resonate with your perfection and reminds you of the magic that you have within.

I really like the fact that it's also a food. Big Grin
Lol..glad I could confirm your theory. smile
Our relationship started online..then it grew to speaking over the phone/texting. Recently Skype. I never wanted to push him to doing anything because he's always soo busy with his work. Aqua is away at military training, so I didn't want to press him for "us" time. Taking that into account..I probably seemed like a pushover to him. I thought at first he might've just got really busy, as he's sorta been promoted to taking care of a bunch of fellow soldiers. But even then he would make time to talk..once or twice a week. Now I feel like I did spook him, he's never NOT talked to me.
Lol..guess I got too heavy with my feelings for him.
At this point, I think I understand what happened...but I'll throw the chart in anyways, if it'll help you Aquasnoz.
Sun Aquarius
Moon Scorpio
Mercury Pisces
Venus Aquarius
Mars Aquarius
Jupiter Scorpio
Saturn Pisces
Uranus Capricorn
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio
Ascendant Sagittarius
Let me know if you need more info. I'm still sorta new with birth charts.
You mean I scared him off? Or did he develop the "L" word feeling back?
Hello to all you Aquarians!! I'm new to the board, and as you can tell from the's another one of *those* questions. I need help getting close to my closure with my Aqua man friend. I won't call him bf or anything more endearing, we never established a "label" to our relationship. And if he weren't an Aqua, that'd raise some serious red flags with me.
Where do I begin? Well Aqua man friend and myself met about 6 months ago. Everything was great: awesome chemistry, refreshing conversations, the whole thing gave me a new perspective on life. It was freeing and nice, to say the least. But..I've noticed his effort in communicating was turning to something less than I liked. Aqua man friend and I were in a long distance "friendship", so communication is something vital, and I thought Aqua knew that too. But as the months flew by, I would be lucky to hear from Aqua about once or twice a week. This seriously jives with my Libra Sun in the 5th house..I need my attention--"friend" attention above all others! Lol. The last week I heard from him, I was pretty upset with my family. I confided in him how I didn't feel very loved by them. Aqua man felt very bad and guilty that he couldn't do more for me. He said he always feels bad that he can't do more. I assured him that he does more for me than anyone else I know. And..well, I may have drove him away by saying the cursed "L" word. However, this isn't the first time I have expressed my feelings to him. But it is, the first time he's ever disappeared for this long.
Aqua man friend and I have currently not talked for a month. I have dropped a couple of texts to see if he was ok, but to no avail. I seriously don't think I'll get over this--Pisces moon talking there--but I don't want to have this situation lingering in the back of my head either. So to help me get closer to closure..what do you Aquas think happened to him?
If you need his chart let me know!

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