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schoenetanz joined March 13, 2006
" Clearly, I am SCORPTASTIC!!!!!!!! There are four planets in this sign: Sun in Scorpio Mercury in S
" Clearly, I am SCORPTASTIC!!!!!!!! There are four planets in this sign: Sun in Scorpio Mercury in Scorpio Venus in Scorpio Jupiter in Scorpio Sun in Scorpio Of all the Sun signs, yours is the one most closely identified with sexuality. This is because you feel life intensely and need to express your passions in all that you do. You will be very tempted to use your sexual magnetism to gain material or psychological advantage over your lover. For this reason you may attract less sophisticated partners whose naivete allows you to be in command. You usually are very clear about what you desire, and you know it is worth waiting a long time to get what will satisfy you. You tend to immerse yourself in an affair, then you are changed by it and finally become completely detached from it. Once an affair is over, it is finished for you forever. However, neither you nor your partner will be the same as when you met. Mercury in Scorpio You are probably very intrigued with the physical basis of sexual expression - the relation of the different parts of the body to each other in lovemaking, the advantages and disadvantages of various sizes and shapes in any sexual situation. There is much artistry in this, which you should develop. The dark and powerful aspects of sexuality have great appeal for you. Thus, a clandestine affair has a special appeal for you.Don't let dated social taboos prevent you from trying every kind of physical sexual expression that appeals to you, even if it's labelled perverse or bizarre by the sexually fearful. But you should avoid using sex or sexual attraction as a tool to gain power or influence over others. Venus in Scorpio You have a very deep, gut-level style in love, and when you set your sights on someone, you don't give up until you get what you want. Indeed, it is extremity of enjoyment rather than moderation that is the key to your pleasure. Whatever your method, your enjoyment will be greatest if sexuality takes on the aspect of tremendous power, an uncontrollable flood in which both of you are caught up. This is ideal for the actual sexual experience, but in everyday life you should take great care to let control return to both of you individually, so that the basic equality between you is not lost. Jupiter in Scorpio You enter new relationships very carefully and with grave consideration. Once involved, however, you want to become totally immersed in love in order to achieve the greatest creativity and satisfaction. You must find a lover who appreciates the generous physical aspects of lovemaking that you desire. Under ideal conditions, sex is a source of strength and balance to you. It can energise your daily life and enable your creativity of expression to flow more swiftly and smoothly. Avoid overreacting to minor problems that come up in the bedroom, and don't turn molehills into mountains. Take the extra time and effort to understand your lover's feelings and needs."





