Relationships & Astrology
Anyone offer up compatibility on our charts? Our charts... Me: Sun - Scorpio Moon - Aries Mercury - Scorpio Ve
Bullet points: Hit it off with leo friend- spent night together no sex Spent every other day for a week hanging out,
I'm new to the leo game but I'm interested on how you leo men think/ act. Quick back story - friends with Leo and sta
Bullet points because the story is long... -known bull 6 months -he was reluctant at first to start anything (after
Just curious here - how do you Taurus's feel/ react when someone actually sees you - turns around and looks right into y
Chart Interpretation
Can anyone provide input on the compatibility between our charts - me Scorp, him Taurus... Sun Scorpio 11.29 Ascenda
Relationships & Astrology
Can anyone provide input on the compatibility between our charts - me Scorp, him Taurus... Sun Scorpio 11.29 Ascenda
Just wondering if anyone has any insight into this pairing... me - nov 3 1976 him - dec 24 1982 we've been gett
Just wondering if anyone has any insight into this pairing... me - nov 3 1976 him - dec 24 1982 we've been gettin