Thanks Jynga and Gandalf for your comments including the sarcasm and judgement. It has always been my understanding that scorps were the most introspective "still waters run deep" and all that so I apologize for my misunderstanding however I'm just here to learn.
You might be surprised to know that while I am a scorp I am also very intuitive and quite well connected to my heart energy. I have found an inner peace and happiness with myself such that I can live and be grateful without the need to judge or hurt others.
There is a Leo friend in my life and I am often told to stop overthinking things when I'm just trying to understand so perhaps Leo's and scorps just have different ways of looking within.
Does a Leo ever delve into these depths with others or is it deeply personal? Is it just known without conscious recognition? I ask because my Leo has also commented on wanting to find out who he is.
so question... would a sun leo with a scorpio moon then be more introspective like a sun scorpio (even as a male) than a sun leo with another moon?
As a Scorpio woman I used to try and push someone to see how far I could. If it was easy then I'd lose respect for that person because I knew I could walk all over then and that they weren't my equal.
Not saying its right or wrong and its not something I do anymore but...
Thanks Jynga, I really appreciate your comments. And I've already been giving my 'stance' a little more thought.
I think for me it's coming from my past relationship where I went about things backwards and got hurt because of it. I also lost sight of who i was in the process which i dont want to do again. I know he's not the same guy but still it causes uncertainty.
For me I need to be chosen... Sometimes. I think really that's it and I need to be clear and thus a bit vulnerable with him in explaining all this (where my head is at/ previous issues). It's also not about asking him to change or be anyone other than who he is but rather what's enough for me.
He's coming over for dinner tomorrow night and I'm excited to just have fun with him but also to converse in an honest and open way to see if there is some common ground that works for us both.
From what he's told me we both lose ourselves when we fall for others so I can understand his needs atm too and hopefully my opening up to him about me will start something on a deeper level.
How would his scorpio moon relate to me scorpio sun? Any ideas?
Tiki... He actually was a good guy in it all... He actually didn't let things progress even though it was hard for him to do UNTIL he told me about not wanting serious.
I appreciated his honesty and jumped him anyway, my choice, no regrets. But I don't want to settle and he knows I'm worth it so I'm sure he'll come around. I appreciate that he has things he wants to accomplish before settling down.
Funny though he's been messaging me all day still. Even with me giving him a hard time about not realizing my awesomeness. Thanks guys for the confirmation!!!
Bullet points:
Hit it off with leo friend- spent night together no sex
Spent every other day for a week hanging out, completely affectionate - kissing, cuddles, date like...
Slept together (my choice) after he told me he's not ready for anything serious 'right now' (I couldn't deny the chemistry... And it was an intense connection for both of us)
-he took me out again, was easy and fun and affectionate (him reaching for my hand, etc)
-he went elsewhere for the big game on the weekend even though I asked him to join me and common friends. I was annoyed but didn't blame him rather decided that I won't let myself fall for someone who is not ready for me and told him this.
He's still being flirty, calling me babe and cute and alluding to me being 'marriage material' in a good way. Also still teasing about how good the sex was.
I told him I'm worth hanging onto and I think he knows this but for reasons I don't know he's not ready.
Is this typical of a leo? Will standing my ground get me anywhere or will he move on (if he does its his choice, I won't chase, I'll just be open about where I am at as I have been). Can I (or should I) be vulnerable with him in terms of where I am at?
Anyone offer up compatibility on our charts?
Our charts...
Sun - Scorpio
Moon - Aries
Mercury - Scorpio
Venus - Sag
Mars - Scorpio
Jupiter - Taurus
Saturn - Leo
Uranus - Scorpio
Neptune - Sag
Pluto - Libra
Lilith - Taurus
Sun - Leo
Moon - Scorpio
Mercury - Leo
Venus - Cancer
Mars - Libra
Jupiter - Scorpio
Saturn - Libra
Uranus - Sag
Neptune - Sag
Pluto - Libra
Lilith - Capricorn