TLS: Alot of times in love, we just don't know what the hell we feel and are saying something that won't be true for us shortly. That's why I wouldnt' take his "It was just a friend thing" *too* serious. I thought that too about my Cancer until she cheated/dumped me. Then I felt how much I actually loved her. lol.
How does this then mesh with your stubborn taurus sun? Even if you start to question a decision or think you've made the wrong choice does your Taurus side keep you from doing anything about it - your mind is just made up even if you have your doubts/ change your perspective?
So to update... he's gotten most of his stuff out of my house but not all yet... it's getting annoying actually as it's been two weeks now but he says it'll be all out tomorrow. He was officially gone as of last friday (almost a week). Friday night he called me unexpectedly and we chatted for almost an hour, it was open and honest (and annoying that we have only been able to have these conversations since we've been over)... he admitted that we did have chemistry in the beginning and we both agreed it would have been better to be talking like this back when we started to struggle. There were tears for both of us - me just because we're over and him when I was telling him to believe that he is amazing and beautiful. I was wrecked when we hung up though - called my amazing mother and couldn't talk because I was so choked up. Got me through it though.
Saturday and Sunday were the first two days in the 7+ months that we've known each other that we didn't communicate and we both picked up on it.
Monday we had coffee before he got a bunch more of his stuff out and it was good but I got sad again and unfortunately there were tears. He was consoling but I could still sense his distance - he has a solid mask on right now (he admitted this) and I'm broken... too bad we can't each share a bit of that and meet in the middle to make it ok.
Tuesday night he called me and though I know I shouldn't have picked up reaction took over and we chatted like we did in the beginning about a whole lot of nothing but it was silly and fun again. But also hard. Ugh.
He sent me a silly text yesterday which I avoided and today I asked him to get the rest of his stuff out. I've told him we can't be friends and it was only tonight that I realized exactly why... we're both hurting each other right now - him by being cold and extremely distant with me which I pick up on and feel sad about - my tears then hurt him back and it's a vicious cycle... we need this time apart. I want to be optimistic that we can be stronger for it in the future but only time will tell... unfortunately my Aries moon impatiences hates this fact... ugh, time. Haha...
How do you get a taurus to stop playing the 'victim'? Is that possible - with a venus in gem? Just curious? He hasn't really owned up to his actions in our demise other than feeling the full weight of the hurt and saying that it might have been better if he'd never started it (that's crap)... but anyway... curious is all for no other reason than that.
TLS: Your call; seems you're still in capture mode like that. I don't cut people off or go cold unless they are a SUPER negative influence in my life. And he may be this for you, and it may be time to protect your self.....
What do you mean by 'capture' mode?
I told him that I can't be his friend right now - he hates the thought but says we'll get back there (no idea what 'there' is defined as in his mind though.
I know I'll still see him at training and he said - give me a hug when you see me and then we'll go be badasses but I told him I can't - that it'd make me cry so he countered with 5-five then. I said that he isn't allowed to hate me if I have to just ignore him - thought that might be the case tonight but he didn't show up.
In terms of friends... I don't want to have a superficial friendship with him - where everything that we talk about is on the surface, not that there is anything wrong with that but it's hard to go back to when you've actually connected. Talking about the weather - that's just boring for all involved. I did however tell him that I'd be there for him if he truly needed me, that would never change. He knows this - whether he actually takes me up on it though would be a surprise. Also, he's still my emergency contact... um... ya.
It's the scorp board so sex question allowed... but how do you get that 'spark' back with a taurus? Is it even possible?
Ooops, got cut off...
TLS: On the other hand, I also felt that for someone to a) seemingly know me so well without even having to speak to me in the first place, see all my weaknesses and then b) to actually still WANT me to pursue her, and still seem DEEPLY interested in me? Well, that's an overwhelming type of acceptance. And I was and still am inclined to see that kind of connection as something on the level of a soulmate.
But yet not enough of a soulmate connection to face your fears? It's strange because the one thing that brings my taurus to tears is when we're communicating really honestly and I tell him how beautiful he is and that he's a truly amazing man underneath his masks - I think this deeply touches him because he doesn't believe it himself so hearing it is quite moving. But until he believes it himself... he'll probably stuggle to be fully happy.
TLS: I wasnt' ready to face my fears of rejection, the sexual magnetism that totally brings out my baser nature, or just the nervousness in general I feel in her presence.
What would bring you to the point of wanting to face your fears? Is it something that you'd have to go off and do on your own? And what if anything would make you lose your sexual attraction to someone that you started out being so electric with?
To add to that... the past two days were the first two in the 7+ months that I've known him that we haven't communicated. I talked and saw him today and mentioned this and he said he knew - he remembered that fact too. I asked him if he missed talking to me and he said that he 'just distracted himself' instead. I'm going to take that as he didn't want to talk to me at this juncture but the fact that he noted it as well is interesting.
TLS: All of my insecurities just bubbled to the surface. I felt like every wound ever dealt by a woman was being exposed, every insecurity, lack of confidence, etc. It is really hard to put into words, but I know she saw those things in me. I couldn't hide them from her and really, I do believe its because the scorp is armed for this kind of probing. She did many specific things to probe that actaully made very simple practical sense in retrospect, but some was instantaneous and really intangible.
It's funny because until I felt my taurus pulling back I didn't really acknowledge any of these things I saw in him but he seems to have taken a lot of it in and not sure how he's processing it but he definitely acknowledged that he hadn't actually thought of those deep seated things that way before. Although we are starting on a new path (not romantic anymore) I strongly feel that we were brought into each others lives at this point in time for a reason whatever that is - to learn and to grow though sadly not together.
TLS: At one point as I've said I felt challenged by her, and got pissed, and only in my anger and choosing to play games with her, did confidence re-emerge. Alot of bulls I know are that way, passive/shy, until angry, then not afraid of anything.
I may have pushed my bull a few times. It hindsight it seems I had a few reasons for this - one - it was because it was the only time that he'd actually reveal what was going on in his head - when filled with rage and spewing words. two - after we were over but still stuck in the same space it was to get a reaction out of him, to make him seem human again and not a robot who turned off every feeling he had - I figured I was hurting so he should too. This didn't go over that well though. I know, I'm a brat. It happens. He still took care of me though even when angered and doesn't hate me for it but it might be something that he never gets truly over. No idea.
TLS: On the other hand, I also felt that for someone to a) seemingly know me so well without even having to speak to me in the first place, see all my weaknesses and then b) to actually still WANT me to pursue her, and still seem DEEPLY interested in me? Well, that's an overwhelming type of acceptance. And I was and still am inclined to see that kind of connection as something on the level of a soulmate.
But yet not enough of a soulmate connection to face your fears? It's strange because the one thing that brings my taur