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Scorpio Chick joined May 29, 2006



He is being a LEO that's for sure. When around others, he wants to prove how manly he is, how smooth he can be in order to get you. It's all about the drama. He's showing off for you and trying to prove that he's king of the jungle.
Now, when it's just the two of you, he's just a shy littly pu*ss*y cat.... lol... If you want to bring him out of his shell when you two are one-on-one, just give him a SINCERE complement... Somthing like "that shirt looks really great with your eyes.." or whatever is suitable. And be yourself. But make sure all the attention is centered on him.
That will have him purring for ya...
Good Luck!
I was speaking to a Gem friend the other day, and I kept thinking that he doesn't fit any description of a Gem that I have ever read. And really, to be honest, I've never met a Gem that was even remotely like what most astrology describes them...
So, I got to thinking about ya'll and your Twin-selves. Which led me to post a question for you guys.
What sign would you say your Twin is?
My theory is that the Twin is your moon sign. Since I have never gotten to truly know a Gemini, I have no clue.
So, am I onto something here, or completely off base?
I have the same placements, only I have a Libra moon. I prefer to text as well. More sentimental I guess, so that I can save the notes, lol.

It's kinda lame to text all the time though. You can't have a text-only relationship, IMO.
Why in the world would you refer to yourself as 'damaged goods'?
I don't think you are doing the wrong thing. Your intuition seems to have kicked in, and you are doing the right thing by taking time to sort things out. Time will tell if he has really changed, but from personal experience men rarely do.
I dated an Aqua for a long time, he was my soul-mate. What I can tell you is that the men of this sign are kinda (very) hippocritical. Mine said one thing and did the other. He wanted the perfect Mary Poppins wife, but then he wanted her to be the party queen too(as in hard-core, druggie parties). The scary part of it was that he hid a lot of things from me VERY well. He would LIE a ton!! After a time, I felt like I didn't know him at all. He was an Aqua sun, Pisces mooner though.
I have always gotten along really well with Aquas. My mom, son, and 3 past relationships were with Aquas. The one love of my life was an Aqua (our suns trined--go figure-- as well as our moons) but it didn't work out due to his substance abuse problems.
I've also always gotten along very well with Libras. I just find them so charming and smart and love that they bring out a more sociable side of me.
Gems-- another story. I don't understand them. I've had a Gem boss that was the sorriest excuse for a boss imaginable. I've had a Gem professor that I hated with a passion. I had a Gem boyfriend that disappeared on me... I don't have a very high opinion of Gems, can you tell?
My moon is in Libra though, so I do tend to attract the Air signs. Also my Uranus is conjunct Sun in Scorpio.
you know what i would do? tell her you want to take her somewhere but be mysterious about it. then take her to a place where they sell jewelry. try to make it some place unique too. then just say "what do you like baby?" choose a piece of jewelry with her. give her your input too . make it collaborative. then buy that butter for her.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Hahah, Crabtank, I think I love you!
Wow! What an egotistical, manipulating sack of crap!
So, he tells you he went out and frucked someone else, but YOU are given the opportunity to WAIT for him, forsaking all others, while HE gets his shiit together?
Haha hahahahahahah!
Thank GOD you have enough sense not to fall for that crap! I'm so proud of you girl. Its not often that women stand up for what they deserve. And you know as well as I that you deserve soo much better than that.
To the left, to the left....
My bad. I posted an update to that situation on the Scorpio boards.
When I met him, he looked much better in person. We had a fabulous date. Hence, this post...
You know Branh, I normally tend to agree with your posts. I always seem to like the way you present yourself in a manner consistent with an intelligent psychopath. I even applauded your candor on the other thread I posted about meeting this chap, and the fears I had about not finding him attractive.
But on this post, buddy, you could not be MORE wrong! Like I said, I didn't find his pics attractive at all. I never, ever lead him on in any sort of way. I am the kind of person that I want to know someone as a friend first, see if we can carry a conversation. I am a single mom. Getting to the heart of what a man I am seeing is after-- that is my first concern. That is why I take things sloooooowwww.. I'm in no rush at all. I will never, ever let my son see me as a w#ore. In fact, I've been celibate for the last 2 years.
We kissed on our date. We had a good time talking with his friends. I kept my legs closed and neither of us talked about sex. Like I said, I was a LADY! Imagine that!!
Then, the next day, he texts me saying that I'm too conservative for him. Hmmmm..
That is the jist of it. If Virgos are after the 'perfect' woman, well here I am!!! But then again, maybe they have a warped opinion of the world, just like you do, Branh.
So, I was under the impression that you Virguys wanted the 'perfect' woman.
Well, I played it straight upon our first meeting. I was a total lady, wowed his friends, made a great impression.
Then my Virguy friend says that we may not be a match because he is a nympho and I'm more conservative...
I told him that I'm a nympho too, only that sex is sacred to me and that I have to know someone for more than ONE DATE!!!
He bobbed, he weaved... He said he was going to come see me, but when I told him no sex, he made up some lame ass story.
Now, aside from him not willing to put in the time to know me, what the hell do Virguys want? If I woulda had sex with him on the first date, he would have dismissed me as a slut. If I hold out, he views me as a prude.
What gives with you guys?
So we met up for a date yesterday. I was very surprised! He looks sooo much better in person than in his pictures! He photographs horribly, but he is just so cute in person, lol. To top it off, he even brought me roses on our first date, took me to Carrabas Italian Grill, introduced me to another couple whom he was friends with and we all got along great. Stayed up all night talking and watching movies. Had a great time.
I'm glad I didn't blow him off just on his pics.
Ok, so...
About 2 months ago I started dating a Gem. All was good and then we had sex. Since that day he has ignored me. So, its over with him.
Now, I have met a Virgo guy online. (What say you, that Mercury is TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING???)
He tells me I am perfect for him. I'm honest with him and tell him that I am possesive, to not expect too much (since we haven't met in person yet), to not get his hopes up...
He continues with a passion that I loooovvveee!! He keeps telling me that he knows I am perfect for him...He has the biggest crush on me... that I am his princess... That he would do anything to be with me... blah blah blah. I just love how I have gotten this Virgo to 'worship' me in a sense.. It is very refreshing!! He seems to think that everything about me is what he wants. Very tantalising.
The only problem? His pics are horrifying! I just can't see myself being attracted to him.. I told him that we may not click when we meet, and that I would not lead him on if that was the case, that seemed to turn him on more, lol.
I guess I am psuedo falling for someone I haven't even met yet, and I need your prayers that he is at least attractive in my eyes, lol. He acts like what I want, but then he is so unattractive in his pics... Ugh.. I hate not having physical chemistry with someone that is so mentally compatible with me.
Vent Over.
Wish me luck.

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