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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
The best advice I have for you regarding your sadness about this Pisces is to thank him for leaving you. I lost a Pisces that I was with for over 2 years about 2 years ago, and I obsessed over him, for months, thought of nothing but him and no matter what I did I couldn't get him out of my head, not even seeing other people. I was an idiot, I was so determined that I did get him back, and I have truly regretted it ever since. Trust me, you will heal and move on and with time it will get better and you will meet someone wonderful who will love you and never leave you. It is not worth it to wallow over Pisces, I have been down that road and it leads to no good in the end. I am sorry for your loss, I truly know how you feel and how much you are suffering, and I hope that you can find the strength in yourself to move on. Trust me, run for your life to get away from Pisces! I promise you that you will be so much better off without him in the end.
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Thank you for all of your honest input on this. And the pisces and I have been separated for a while now, I am just finalizing the paperwork. I guess I should not waste my time on someone who does not want a relationship, and it is my own fault for not being able to separate emotion from intimacy, but I really don't want to. I can't be intimate with someone without being head over heals for them and in a relationship. I guess I have been confused by this guy, I do not want to just be a booty call for him or anyone at any time. I am obsessed with always wanting what I can't have, and then the moment I actually get it, I don't want it anymore, I know that's a big fault of mine. I still do have strong feelings for the Gem but I now realize that it's just not going to go anywhere that I want it to and we should just be friends, I am not into the whole friends with benefits thing by any means. Thank you for bringing me back down to reality because I tend to get lost in my obsessions. Thank you very much.
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
He is just so confusing because what he says verbally is always very different then what his actions show me. He has said that he has never been in love before and doesn't even know if he is capable of it. I feel like he is playing games with my emotions, I have warned him several times that even though he has told me not to I still get emotionally attached, but he still tries to be intimate with me anyway. I have told him I cannot help the emotional connection I feel with him and that he should stop because I feel like I am going to be hurt by this, but then he has never actually done anything to hurt me at all, he was always there and is still always there for me when I need him. He keeps telling me not to get emotionally attached even though he knows I allready am, but he won't stop trying to be intimate with me despite the fact he knows I am emotionally attached to him. I have never played games with emotions or relationships and I have always been straight forward and he is so... unemotional it bothers me a little bit, but it still doesn't stop me from wanting him, and in fact I think it makes me want him even more, and I wonder if he knows that and exploits that part of me?
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
I, Scorpio 23, was in a relationship with a Gemini 31 for a short time about 2 years ago. I was happy with him at the time but could not see that, as was completely obsessed with getting my pisces 29 back. At the time Gemini and I were dating, he stated that he wanted to be able to see other people if he wished, but he never actually saw anyone else the entire time we were together and was always wanting to spend his free time with me, up until I left him. I got back into contact with him a few weeks ago, and he is happy to hear from me, I am actually married to Pisces now, but have not been happy with that relationship and am actively seeking a divorce. The point is Gemini still wants to kiss and be intimate with me, which so far I have turned him down because he said that we will unlikely have a future together but that he will be there for me emotionally and sexually if I want him to be. I did not realize the feelings that I had for gemini when I was with him because I was so hung up on Pisces, and now I realize how special Gemini is, but I feel like if I want a relationship and he says he just wants to have fun. What to do...?
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
You are right, I need to just concentrate on me and my life.. don't know why thats always such a problem for me. I guess because I feel like that guy genuinely cared for me so much and I screwed it all up for some asshole. I am concentrating on my own life though, working and having my own place and my own friends again, it's all so nice, but it would also be nice to be able to be with the cancer again, I didn't realize how happy he did make me, I was blinded by my obsession with the pisces that I couldn't see how great he was. But, I guess my determination will eventually get me what I want, only to realize it's not what I wanted in the first place.
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Thanks for the good tips, and you're right, I ended things very abruptly, and I know I hurt him and I do regret it. It is funny depth_scorp because when we were together before I was so bugged out by him being so clingy all the time at first, but then I realized thats just his way of showing that he really cares. I'm so happy just to be talking again, and I know that when we hang out again things will probably go better from there, they always did before.
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Patience has never been one of my best traits... but I will try
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Oh, and during the time that we were apart he got himself another gf, but things didn't work out with her and him and he kept talking about her all the time to me... kinda odd I think for a guy to talk to one of his ex's about another one of his ex's.. but I understand that he is hurt and feels like he can confide me I guess, but he did say that when I broke up with him it hurt him a lot more, I have asked him not to talk to me about her and he kept brushing it off like it was no big deal, but later he messaged me and said that I was right and that it is weird and he won't do it again. I don't understand what's going through that pretty little head of his.. I don't know if I should back off and try to be a good friend, or what...
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Umm like a year ago I was making a dumbass of myself trying to get a stupid pisces back
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Lonnggg stupid story.. lets settle for the short version. Cancer man and I dated a while ago and things ended roughly, because of me. We were so close, he used to call me a thousand times a day and be the sweetest man... and I made a stupid mistake and left him to go back with my idiot pisces ex. Well, now we are talking again and I feel like I made a big mistake. We always got along so perfectly, and we had such a strong connection, he said that I really hurt him but that he completely forgives me and wants to be friends. He has also stated that he wants to be friends and doesn't want to rush getting back into a relationship. But he does want to hang out and spend time with me, whats more confusing is that he is starting to call me again all the time like he used to, he calls me to say goodmorning, he calls me to say goodnight.. this is all so confusing for me.I can tell that we still have a strong connection, but I don't want to scare him away... any advice?
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Apr 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 231 · Topics: 15
Well... I got the pisces back against all odds, and it wasn't what I thought it was going to be I will tell you that much. And now, we are done, because I can't stand his lazy ass. And now, I am in love with the cancer who was in love with me while I was in love with pisces and now he doesn't love me anymore... I'm so dumb!! How aer you all?