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ScorpioSweetie joined July 19, 2006


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Hey TaurusBabe,
Im BF is 24. The one before this was seven years younger than me. And the one before that was six years younger.
21 year olds hit on me too. Younger men love older women because we are in control. They cant boss us around, they know we dont need them, and that turns them on.
Personally, I wouldnt like the situation if I was his girlfriend either. I mean...your visiting him AND his family? And you have on mulitple occasions? I wouldnt like it either!
I mean, yeah, a friend is a friend is a friend.....but come on. He has to draw the line in the sand somewhere....when two people choose to start becoming more serious with each other...that involves some compromise and sacrifice on both parts. And it also means getting closer to each other's families, and for a female to be jaunting about with him and his family a few times a year is kinda over the boundary I would think. Plus, you have never met her, which means she has never met you, which means she owes you nothing. Perhaps, and this is just a thought, she knew you were coming and told him she wanted to meet you. He probably felt uncomfortable about this, considering he has been venting about her to you, and obviously it wasnt all peaches and cream. Plus, you do seem alittle too pissed off about his choice of girlfriend and his choice in general to choose HIS WIFE. Of course he should choose his wife. For whatever reasons he did this, it sucks, either ask him to explain, or move on.
Hi SouthernT,
I think of it kinda like this, you wouldnt let a child get away with something disrespectful and bad would you? You would make sure to let that child know that that behavior is unacceptable and that you will not tolerate and please do not do that again. You dont shout this, you dont scream this, you calmly say this while looking them in the eye and mean it. If it happens again there will be a consequence. Now, I know we are talking about men. But its kinda the same deal. I mean, dont let them start a pattern ya know? Stand up for yourself. If he doesnt call when he says he is going to. Then dont call him and ask him why he didnt call, thats just desperate. Wait until he calls you and eitiher pick up the phone and talk for a bit and then act like your busy and get off, or better yet, let it go right to voicemail, he will get the hint. If the two of you made definate plans, and he bailed without a phone call or anything, then thats a huge no no and you better make it a point to explain to him that your time is worthwhile and you have better things to do than wait around for him and that that definately will not happen again if he values your time as a friend or otherwise. If the two of you just casually said something about plans next weekend and then nothing materialized, blow it off, but make sure not to ask him what he did that weekend, let him ask you (and he will because you will seem disinterested in him which in turn will make him interested in you) and then proceed to tell him what a great weekend you had with your friends and what not.
Bottom line.....try and address things sooner than later or he will think he can walk all over you and treat you badly. Your special, your time is special, and he better understand that or move along smile
hiding comments now? bad boy.
Im going back to work now....
I am blushing.
We will talk about our trashy wedding latas.
(Im gonna get a shirt that says "Mrs. Negative", cuz thats so hott...)
your good.
whatevs Negative, I do what I want....
Just deal with it.
Trust me, I could make it up to you (bats eyelashes...)
Hey, I was replaced that fast?
The whole vegas and Elvis and handcuffs thing was getting me excited.
I think we should all hook up in Vegas, yeah!
Mr. Negative,
Will you marry me? smile
Hello LawLaw,
I dated an Aries man for a year and some. We fought alot in the beginning. Until I stood up to him and let him know his ridiculous bull headed antics were not going to be tolerated. Plus, he is/was a bit of a drama king and constantly needed re-assurance and attention.
Anyways, what I am trying to say, as a Scorpio, is, we do what we want. We dont mean to hurt others, its not our intention. You are pushing him away by being like this and "fighting" over it, yet being passive-aggressive and saying you dont want to make a big deal out of it. You and him are not the same people, so just because you would "never think" about doing something, doesnt mean you can make him think the same way.
Your best bet, especially with a Scorp, is to state your case in a calm manner. Be totally to the point. Tell him what you think about it, ask him to respect your feelings about it, and if this does not work, let him know there will be consequences by backing away from him. Dont be as nice, or as attentive, ignore him alittle and make him come to you. We hate being ignored.
Now, as a woman, dealing with a man, I would never tolerate that crap from a guy and worse yet, what he said to you? Oh hell no! You dont care if I sleep at another guy's house? Blah blah blahhhhhh......... Dont put up with that, and dont fight about it, just be like "oh yeah, really, ok sweetie...." and then do what you want when you want. Period.
Ha MM,
Yes, their wishy washy ways, fakeness, people pleasing, flirting, cold hearted, unemotional, scared ways get to me too smile
I swore off Libra's as well but alas......I guess I dont want to just shun people for their sign, thats alittle nutty. I just learn every time their "tendencies" and keep it in the back of my mind when dealing with them.
And as for you 1106, DUMP DUMP DUMP him. I know you want advice on how to handle him and this situation. And all I can tell you is that he is in total control of you and this relationship. He knows he has you right where he wants you. Read the book "Why Men Love Bitches". Trust me......its a great book and it sounds like you need it. Back away from your Libra, dont be so emotional, seem detached, cry when he is not around, stop trying to constantly talk about your relationship, these are things that will make a Libra coldly polite to you. And also want to jump off a cliff!
Hey MM,
Not sure if you were asking me or not, but....I guess I generally like their sense of humor. It is very easy going which puts me at ease. I also like that they (in the beginning anyway) cater to me, meaning, they dont make it hard for me to like them. I like that they are usually smart and charming. I adore baby faces and dimples, which they usually have. I like that they counter balance my intensity. I can be too much of a Scorp sometimes and I need some light hearted people around me. Sexual chemistry is usually good too. But.......
dun dun I said, what I like in the beginning usually annoys me in the end. I wont talk bad about them right now. Unless, of course, someone asks smile

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Question. Do leo's like to be pursued or do the pursuing? I normally do not like to pursue to much, as I like to be purs
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
Im not sure, but are pisces male's kinda flaky?

Is this an ok match?

What attracts a pisces male? Do they like to be pursued? Should I call him? Text him? Let him do all the pursuing?

Never had any experience with a pisces mal
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
You get the horns. Hey Ya'll. Question. What do you scorps do when you know you are digging in, as in taking somethi
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
Ok Scorps, use your intuitive powers and help a chica out. Help me pick between Curlin, number 3 Or Rags to Ri
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
Went to Bahama Breeze....had a very nice time. Just updating those of you who were sweet enough to help me try and figur
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
Tried. Libra's. Love ya. But we are so damn different. And granted....we can learn from each other. And I have. But it doesn't make it any different. We are just so different. Scorpio's are for keeps. Once we care...we care. For better or for worse. I don
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
Here is what is annoying me. We ended things. About a month ago. I have posted on this before. Well, now, I am trying to be nice to him at work. I text him once in awhile, sometimes I go days without really talking to him or what not. Im trying to show th
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
Here is what is annoying me. We ended things. About a month ago. I have posted on this before. Well, now, I am trying to be nice to him at work. I text him once in awhile, sometimes I go days without really talking to him or what not. Im trying to show th
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
Helloooo! New to the board. Came here in search of some answer's to the mystery that is a Libra man. As a Scorpio, I find that libra's and I are very attracted to one another. But gosh is it hard to actually have a relationship together! My last boyfriend
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and thats not a good thing. The person I was dating and I just broke up. And we work together. Started off as friends, but led to something more. I wont get into the sordid details, who cares. Whats bothering me is that I feel wronged. I am hurt. I still
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
Helloooo! New to the board. Came here in search of some answer's to the mystery that is a Libra man. As a Scorpio, I find that libra's and I are very attracted to one another. But gosh is it hard to actually have a relationship together! My last boyfriend
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131
bagging on emotions. And emotional people. And scorpios for being emotional. We have a heart, and a body, and a mind, and a soul. All of these things should be integrated into the person you are. If people didnt have emotions, there would be no love in th
Joined: Jul 19, 2006 · Topics: 13 · Posts: 131

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