Taurus and Taurus Compatibility
This is a 1st for me. I've never been persued by my own sign! I met him a year ago, and he had a girlfriend at th
I don't getcha... You point out my every little pecadillo, why?
Hi-I'm a taurus gal. I have been reading this board and you all keep saying how intellectual aqua's are. I tried to
I had a dream about seeing images of Jesus. Then lights. What was weird is that I freaked out and tried to wake myself
so I met a Capricorn. Surprise...Surprise...we got along great. He started to make plans for next month with me. We s
Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility
Wow-I have never met someone who isn't scared to tell me what he expects in a relationship. We're on our 2nd date and h
I keep dreaming of blood. Yesterday it was on me. A couple of nights ago it was on my sheets????
Ahh-so it begins. The holidays are here. Well hope everyone gets to spend time with loved ones!
Have you ever exprienced meeting a person that you felt like you already knew (but knew you couldn't of). You both smil
Sometimes...you hold on because you hope. And hope is never a bad thing. But I feel like a fool, and I shouldn't feel like that. If he really cared...he'd try. And I give up.
I don't mean to bombard the cap boards with my woes. But I just gave up
I'll make it short and sweet. I'd like some suggestions on somthing fun to do for a first date. I don't want to do som