Posted by AriesLove
I say follow your you will see some of these posters have problems with every zodiac sign every 3 weeks because they chase after men who do not want them and are insecure.
My ex birthday was Dec 11 same as yours and he was not a player and very sincere.
Posted by Geminiam
Thai scenario sounds so familiar. I dated a sag with sag moon, Venus & Mars Scorpio. Said he loved me after 3 weeks and randomly asked me to marry him, in the car on the way home from a date, I just ignored him and we never spoke of it. Months later I asked why he did all that and he said that's how he felt "in the moment". He called me "babe" the first time we talked (and always) saying he liked doing that because it was like ownership, lol. We also talked or texted all day every day in the beginning and he always wanted to know where I was, what I was doing and would ask me to send him pics several times a day. It was nice to feel so desired at first but then it started to feel very constricting.
He was soooo sexy though and a freak, had lots of crazy fantasies and loved to talk about them All. The. Time.
Btw I always wondered if he was just a charmer and might still be chatting up others. He said he wasn't..but after I broke up with him and he got with someone else he would still text me and try to get together. Told him no way out of respect for his girlfriend...but that told me enough, if they will do it to one they will do it to all.
Posted by AriesLovePosted by Simply_chantePosted by malloryor
Let's think about this for a moment? Why would anyone let alone, how could anyone know they want to marry someone they JUST met? Be cautious girl. Players know how to talk a sweet game, romance you and leave you all in your feelings.
He isnt flashy at all. Very laid back humble. Ive talked amd dated Sag men before and he is very very DIFFERENT
What is his birthday? My ex was Dec 11click to expand
Posted by malloryorPosted by Simply_chantePosted by malloryor
Let's think about this for a moment? Why would anyone let alone, how could anyone know they want to marry someone they JUST met? Be cautious girl. Players know how to talk a sweet game, romance you and leave you all in your feelings.
He isnt flashy at all. Very laid back humble. Ive talked amd dated Sag men before and he is very very DIFFERENT
That wasn't really my point haha, I'm sorry, I was just describing my guy. I allowed that to make me a bit naive in my thinking. He was also significantly older than me too, so the signs of material security, made me only assume he would be emotional mature. Anyway my only point is that this man was not, he was a good talker, very consistent as you have described, just very good at romancing a woman without it feeling like a trap. However he lived up to the Sagg man reputation of being into something just as fast as he is out of it.
You can be positive and please do enjoy your time with him, because maybe he is different and means well, but be vigilantclick to expand
Posted by DMVPosted by Simply_chante
Thanks guys...well now ima just fall back from him. We literally talk all day and all night...he is pretty consistent and i haven't caught him in any bull shit BUT im cautious... Its a shame too because we are actually pretty compatible and having fun. But im not in love either. So i can walk away. I have said to him on numerous occasions that i dont want anymore kids until about 5 years and he said the same thing. Now all of a sudden he has become super attached and he is signing another tune. He just keeps saying he wants me to his self and im not going no where. Kinda weird but idk
wait. what the duck??? why would you do that. what the hell do we know. you know him and what the feels feel like!!
he sounds like he saw something good and you wants you to know that AND he wants to have it around him.
if he brings up babies, that doesnt mean get pregnant tonight. he's just forward thinking. he dreams about a future with you. you already told him your timeline. so again, whats the problem.
please just enjoy the ride. if you have seen any red flags, whats the to expand
Posted by malloryor
Let's think about this for a moment? Why would anyone let alone, how could anyone know they want to marry someone they JUST met? Be cautious girl. Players know how to talk a sweet game, romance you and leave you all in your feelings.
Posted by DMV
how old is he?
Posted by dewiklaessen1991
he's a sagg too but with moon in cancer
Posted by Wynter
He's already talking babies, he probably senses some vulnerability in you and is appealing to your mothering instinct to gain control of you.
I would beware, Sags can jump into relationships fast and bolt out of them even faster.
Posted by ozzzy
Actually, there are two types of Sag. I was never that type that wanted kids with some chick soon, or to marry her. I am typical Sag, who loves his freedom, and find it very difficult to settle down. If it gets too serious, then yes, I'm afraid that I could lose my freedom, and I doesn't love that feeling.
Plus, as I said, I can quickly get bored.I would say that for every sign, there is higher and lower type of that sign, so it makes a big difference, and it's easy to spot them. Personally, I think that the type you mentioned isn't very clever too, they are in a rush of things, and typical cheaters. That is the lower type, and I know some of them. So, do not make a mistake, be clever.
Posted by ozzzy
Lol...after two months he wants children with you, and to marry you. I would be very careful if I were you.If he's not just desperate, and if he isn't much older than you, then it's little strange. But maybe there is a lot of water or earth placements on his chart. Isn't typical Sag, and yeah, he could also get cold fast. I also get very quickly interested, but can get also quickly bored with one person, and start looking for a new challenge.
Posted by Wynter
He's already talking babies, he probably senses some vulnerability in you and is appealing to your mothering instinct to gain control of you.
I would beware, Sags can jump into relationships fast and bolt out of them even faster.