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simplysweet987 joined August 04, 2010
37 years old female from Florida, US
"SunLibra4.51 MoonSagittarius 9.54 MercuryLibra29.45 VenusLibra14.38 MarsVirgo23.24 JupiterAries27.16 R SaturnSagittarius 15.49 UranusSagittarius 23.01 NeptuneCapricorn5.17 PlutoScorpio8.33 LilithLeo4.29 Asc nodeAries2.25 Ascendant Libra


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Im not good with all the 'aspects' and degrees just yet, but very fascinated by it all!
anyways, i was just wondering about how two charts look for long term potential!
my dob is 9/28/87 born Pensacola, fl
his dob is 6/5/87 born prairieville, la
thanks to anyone who gives it a go!
Im not good with all the 'aspects' and degrees just yet, but very fascinated by it all!
anyways, i was just wondering about how two charts look for long term potential!
my dob is 9/28/87 born Pensacola, fl
his dob is 6/5/87 born prairieville, la
thanks to anyone who gives it a go!
Im not good with all the 'aspects' and degrees just yet, but very fascinated by it all!
anyways, i was just wondering about how two charts look for long term potential!
my dob is 9/28/87 born Pensacola, fl
his dob is 6/5/87 born prairieville, la
thanks to anyone who gives it a go! smile
And one more thing...if I've told him before that it'd be best to move on cause we want different things....which at this point i either think he's just plain scared of commitment or is using me to cover his loneliness.....WHY still bother with me if I've told him to let me go??
if someone tells me to move on, im gone in a heartbeat from feeling rejected.
guess its not the same with this guy...Idk.
Another reason i keep going back is cause he'll say i want to keep seeing you & talking to you. i like where we are.
after last night's conversation that's what he good with where we are, don't you worry. that always makes me more frustrated though.
and i said well good for u. as long as you're happy, everythings great. maybe im just selfish but I've tried being patient, honestly i have.
its obviously not what i want but i like the guy & obviously keep blindly hoping for more.
What's the lesson he's teaching me??
and yes i think that's true...he thought id be more open to casual sex im sure. if it makes any difference, he's Brazilian and once he graduates this summer, he doesn't know if he'll find a job here in the US or have to.go back home.
that makes everything more complicated cause i just keep thinking eventually he'll just leave anyways so why try.
I've tried dating other guys but something always brings me back to him. Sad Idk why
@piranhaparadise.....well i tried that & buttered him up telling him nice things & said id like us to communicate better & build trust....really sweet other stuff
and he said he feels like im slowly talking him into a relationship & that i know how he feels about it.
wow. and this is why i usually give up trying in the first place! feel rejected...
Thank you so much and i think youre absolutely right lol
although i basically will mirror his actions when he makes me mad..then he'll usually wonder what's going on.
i will try that. Guess im still learning to be gentle with this type of guy & more understanding, its not easy!
Oh and i haven't asked him for it or mentioned anything about it since the last time we did it...which was a month ago.
i feel like its a game with him he bought a huge box of condoms the other day & he said oh this'll last the rest of the year.
Idk but something's gotta give :/
Hmmm all very good points. i didn't really think i was betraying him by dating other people...i gave him alot of opportunities to be with me & he played the hot & cold game for awhile so i just gave up & moved on each time.
Either way, im not trying to point fingers here. but what can i do to fix this aspect of our relationship?
I've been seing this pisces guy for over a year...we've had alot of up & downs and I've dated other people in between because he wouldn't give me a relationship (says he can't put everything into one & that it isn't his priority - school/work is). anyways we've recently gotten closer and actually met each others friends & have invited each other to different things. Before, we mainly stayed the night together and that was it.
I know he cares about me cause when he gets under my skin & frustrates me, he tries to make it better & makes me smile again (he used to act innocent & not fix it). our communication style s are very different since Im a Libra.
We had sex alot most of last year, but the last few months he hasn't wanted to or doesn't try but maybe once a month! When i ask why, he says that that's all i ever think about....and other times he's just tired. i did used to accuse him of using me for sex only & that he didn't respect me. sometimes now he'll even say "im just respecting you" being smart.
is this his way of "punishing" me or does it go deeper than that? still trying to understand Pisces. do they feel more insecure the closer they get to someone? Or is it a trust thing? I don't get why before we could have sex and that'd be it and now we can't!
any insight would be great! also, what can i do to change the situation??
thank this song is going to be in my head all day!! lol smile pretty song. Lil Wayne's bday is one day before mine!
Thank you ladies for your input smile I appreciate it.
Men in general are just the most frustrating species...but we keep going back for more lol

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Im not good with all the 'aspects' and degrees just yet, but very fascinated by it all! anyways, i was just wondering a
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Im not good with all the 'aspects' and degrees just yet, but very fascinated by it all! anyways, i was just wondering a
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Relationships & Astrology
Im not good with all the 'aspects' and degrees just yet, but very fascinated by it all! anyways, i was just wondering a
Joined: Aug 04, 2010 · Topics: 17 · Posts: 51
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