Does anyone know about Mars square Uranus in synastry? I’m Mars he’s Uranus. He doesn’t want to commit right now. I’m going to move on.
I’m just curious if he’s only seeing me as not worthy of commitment or if that’s how he is with everyone? Is Uranus m
This is the guy’s Natal chart that I’m interested in. We’re both 21.
Do you guys think he’s more inclined to non-monogamous relationships with
His sun & Mars is in Gemini? He also has these aspects in his natal chart.
Sun trine Lilith
Mars trine
Anyone have this? Would this aspect indicate you’re more prone to variety & non traditional relationships?
Chart Interpretation
This is me & the guy that I’m interested in’s chart
(Me) 05/02/1998 (him) 06/18/1998
Sun Square Uranus
Venus Square Sun
Venus Conjunction Jupiter
Mars Square Uranus
Jupiter Square Mars
Saturn Sextile Sun
Uranus Conjunction Uranus
Gemini Men
HELP! This Gemini guy (21) tried to pursue me for an entire year. Initially he’d say I’m smart, ask me out on dates, and ask my friends about me. He was consistent. Although I liked him I had no intentions of dating or having sex bc I felt we were incompa