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Summer Night joined February 04, 2009


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Does someone know what they are called? cute! I want one!
I've passed out a lot from the time I was a little girl. I think it might be a combo of low blood sugar & and low blood pressure. Also if your anxious. I've never gotten hurt, but I finally just accepted that I'm just a dizzy kind of gal. smile
Take care SS, I'm glad your bf talked you into going to an md.

That's fine gemgal.
I just didn't want to go into more detail. We have been apart for 4 weeks, and yesterday he came over to move his things out.
No, not commits suicide, well, actually, from a gemguy perspective, it could feel like suicide.
My gemguy, came buy with trucks and trailers to pick up his stuff. Vavush, it was over with him, over, over. Done, history. End of chapter, end of book, close it.
I still had some pangs of, am I making a mistake, will I look back and be confident. But my answer was, I need to have commitment or I'm moving on after three years.
I got dolled up and had my house spiffy clean. Why, I don't know, maybe a little pride, maybe a little spite, and a little, see-what-you-are-gonna-miss-out-on-buddy kinda thang.
So, he walks in the door and I immediate was glad to see him in his coveralls looking so adorable, and immediately wants to talk about what we can do to stay together. I told him flat out, commitment. For three years he has been like, " I do", "I'm not sure", "I need more time", he just had this, there-so-many-other-girls-I-haven't-met-yet-kinda-gemini-thang, if you know what I mean.
I won't give anymore detail out of a sense of decency, but we started kissing and the rest was history. Our 3yr relationship might have a chance after all. Well, maybe the 9th house was right after all. Maybe the shallow assesment "Doomed for Disaster" forgot about the power of true love. In three years we have broken up about 17 times, well, actually maybe a few more...who's counting.
Doomed or Hopeful. We've decided to think about it for a couple of weeks in T.O. away from each other, and decide to move forward or part ways cleanly by my request.
Well, we had a great work day together while he dug out some of my equipment out of the frozen snow, we spent the night together and have plans to go out to dinner tonight. I know it doesn't sound like time apart, but for a couple that has lived together for 3 yrs, if you're not living in the same house, it's definitely a T.O.
Wish us luck!
Hi all,
I have to tell you, this thread has become the most interesting free time of my day. Thank you! smile You may not believe this but I understand all of your points of views. That is what is so great about this thread, you have all shared your deep values and philosophies about life. You are like different colors in a rainbow, alive, beautiful, and unique. If you look for the best and plan for the worst, you'll be just fine in life. Use your energy wisely, it is nonrenewable. You see, you only get so much energy in this world. It is our choice to focus on the negative of positive energy, but at the end of the day, you get to take home what you put out, in all areas of your life on this planet.
The thing is your perspective can be clear enough to see the true colors, but if you choose to look through a colored lens, you will see a distortion of what is really there.
Anyways, I mean it, I luv y'all. smile OXO

Hey Back, Little Sparrow,
I think men feel entitlement because under a thin skin of civilization, we are just another animal species developed out of cavemen that would just club the woman on the head unconscious and drag her home by her hair. She stayed out of fear and security, unless he beat her too much and then she would decide risking her life to escape to the arms of a nicer man. He would need to be stronger than the mean guy, but still nicer to her. We try to find that stronger but nicer guy that can provide security and protection, but it is a rare breed to find. Men in general are stronger/meaner and want to subdue women, while women bring softness/beauty and want to fix men, but they can be cruelest to other women because they are in direct competition for the good men.
I've done runways, Ivy League, degrees, socialite life style s with rich and famous. Some found me beautiful & smart. Some were just plain jealous and looked for any reason to bring me down. And some found me pretty/stupid because I didn't want to play their judgemental game by trying to impress them. I keep quite when my jerkdar warning starts flashing. The sooner and farther they go away, the better for me. And sometimes I feel genuinely shy and at a loss for words too.
I've had wonderful friends(not lovers) that someone might think are ugly, but their heart was made of pure gold, their eyes were deep and full of feeling, their minds incredibly sharp. Most people only saw they just didn't fit the cookie press. I've had handsome escorts that all they wanted was eye candy and sex. And the few men that got under my skin were average in looks but princes to me. Despite all this here I am, single again. Trying to make sense of it all just like most of the people on this site. We are really all made of the same stuff, it's only our values that separate us.
Attractive women who date/marry less attractive men are probably looking for some to really love them, not just use them. They have low self-esteem because they are accustomed to being valued only superficially. The best thing they can do is find a passion, something they love where they can express themselves and find a connection that goes below the surface. They need to believe in themselves first.
I apologize for the generalizations about genders, I know there are feminine men and masculine women. I respect all people are not created equal, but we all look for balance in our lives.
"Liberal and musical and talented and fun and perceptive and mind-reading and games and travel and nature and gadgets and cooking and writing and sisterless and understanding and godless and empathetic and silly and serious and organized and goal-oriented and pretty but not too pretty and messy and funny as hell and a teensy bit twisted, but not too much. Roll that up and stamp it with MINE, because that's what it is."

LOL! That's exactly what I was going to say!
Let's get it back on track then. I know I am too idealistic, but what does ugly have to do with anything. Persons using that word haven't learned that it really is a meaningless word. Just as pretty is meaningless. Ugly is truly in the eye of the beholder don't you think. A mature person would not judge by appearance at all but rather substance alone. Just because we are not attracted to someone physically doesn't mean they couldn't add great value and joy in our lives.
Now if the subject had been "ego without substance", that would be interesting. I'm not attacking anyone, we all are at different stages of maturity and you shouldn't hit a child that is learning to walk. She'll figure things out, or not.
BTW, Obamamama is very hot, prez or not. smile
Oh dear,
I'm new to this forum, I joined because I recently asked my gemini bf to move out after three years of verbal abuse and the constant flip flop mentality and flirting with any and all skirts were making me crazy and insecure.
On my second post I was called a frigid cookiemonster smile lol no hard feelings at all. I've been called that before, so it must be at least partially true.
But now I think, o.k. Maybe a gemini is not right for me, on all research, (now I find out) it was a "doomed for disaster" pairing.
So I read your post and decide to look for my seventh house sign, and there is none.....that is right, what is up with that....chills. Then I think o.k. lets look at 9th. Gemini!
I give up, should I go directly to the nunnery? Never mind, I don't want to know. smile At least maybe I can have a little fun trying, even if they are all doomed for disaster.
Thanks for the tip, how can I tell if I have these worms? Would those be the names of the files I should search for?

Hmmm.....I agree, I smile and invite him with my eyes, but won't say a lot or commit to much. I'm ready to wait a long time until he can't stand it and reveals his deep infatuation. I'll smile and give him just enough attention to give him hope, then I wait some more. I don't want to expend any love energy unless he is my willing victim and pass the tests of character and honor. Then when he just about thinks he's not getting anywhere, he will be rewarded with genuine affection. But if he gets too pushy, I'll fly away while he's not looking. I am a diamond and you need to be my platinum setting. Hold me right and I'll shine brilliantly. Lesser men need not apply.
Best of Luck

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No, not commits suicide, well, actually, from a gemguy perspective, it could feel like suicide. My gemguy, came buy
Summer Night
@Summer Night
Joined: Feb 04, 2009 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 14

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