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Sunflower77 joined September 15, 2020


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Iam a Libra woman and fell so hard for a Taurus man. We were talking every single day almost alll day. He told me some of his deepest secrets that no one else know. So he’s extremely comfortable with me. He was in the process of moving so his new job didn’t start yet. I had ALL of his attention and loved it. Of course once his new job started we didn’t talk that much but every morning I woke up to “good morning beautiful” texts. I absolutely loved it ALSO he has been sending me money for school. Once he was back in town we would spend weekends together. Just recently I told him I love him and he said “I want to show you how much I do really love you” but didn’t actually say “I love you”. Whatever, I was so happy and everything was perfect. After that night he pulled back. He does have other stresses going on in his life and I tried to be understanding. But he went form 100-0 overnight. Broke my heart and he said we should just go back to being just friends even through he still has those feelings. I was devastated and cried for 3days straight and told him I would just leave him alone. After that week I collected myself and apologized. Told him I was sorry for moving so fast but appreciate the hell out of him because he was helping me financially with school. We are back to talking everyday but the flirty lovey texts have def stopped. I never text him first cause I don’t want to push him away again but he does text almost everyday and it’s so different. We went from “hey baby good morning, miss you can’t wait to see you” to hello, good morning how is your day going?” If I can’t have him as a partner then I’ll take his friendship then not have him in my life at all. But it still hurts. We connect on every level. And just recently sent me more money for school. It makes it a little easier that he travels all over the US for work so I’m not driving myself crazy knowing he’s so close and can’t see him. Anyone else been through this?! Idk if he still is interested or He’s friend zoned me and just being nice with helping with school and wants nothing more. I know Taurus men move slow. So did we move so fast that he pulled back and we are starting over again? Ugh, confused Libra over here. I can’t let this one get away so any help would be much appreciated lol

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Taurus and Libra Compatibility
Iam a Libra woman and fell so hard for a Taurus man. We were talking every single day almost alll day. He told me some of his deepest secrets that no one else know. So he’s extremely comfortable with me. He was in the process of moving so his new job didn
Joined: Sep 15, 2020 · Topics: 1 · Posts: 1

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