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sunnygirl joined February 12, 2010
female from Australia
"Gemini, Capricorn Rising, Cancer Moon"


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Jean - He DEFINITELY likes you smile First off, ex was 8-9 months ago, you should take his honesty as a compliment, not as a sign he isn't ready. He would tell you if he wasn't ready. Pisces men stay in bad relationships a lot longer than they should, so by the time they actually get out, they are usually well on their way to being over the person. Second, trust me I had NO idea my Pisces man liked me the first couple of weeks except for the fact that he was super responsive. Turns out, they like to play it natural and are so scared of coming on strong they tend to do the opposite. This is not just in romantic relationships, but really in all. They like to be seen as the laid back, casual kind that you can chill with. Which is probably exactly why you like him! Good luck, have fun this looks likes its going to be a nice ride, pun intended Winking
Posted by PiscesFish123
Hey Gem ladies,

What is it about us Pisces men that you like?

I attract a lot of Gemini women it seems, and I'm just curious as to what it is about us that attracts you?


I have a Cancer moon so that might explain why I'm not as put off as some of the other Gem women on this thread. I have never met a Piscean I didn't want to be friends with and have lots of long conversations about the universe, life, etc. They are pretty deep, and yet surprisingly practical in real life. It almost makes you wonder how - but dualities aren't new to us Gems! Currently dating a Pisces man, and he is so open with his emotions that he has disarmed my emotional twin and unravelled my sense of control over relationship timelines. They are very very aware of what a human connection is, flaws and all. And that somehow makes them dreamy and philosophical yet shockingly real and authentic all the same time. Here's how I felt 1 week into my relationship -
Posted by Goldfish
Posted by sunnygirl
Posted by Goldfish
Sounds really good.
When dealing with pisces be careful not to show possessives and jealousy. But always show you care (a lot).
Also it has been a week?
Put some breaks down girlfriend, no need to rush. Take your sweet time.
All the best!

Thank you, that is helpful, I'm Gem and a very independent with a need for space myself so the possessiveness won't happen, and jealousy well we clearly like each other why would I be jealous? smile I had booked flights to family friends months ago for Christmas so forced brakes have been applied till 2 Jan. Probably for the best, will help us both recover our normal lives for a bit. We were a bit insanely intense from the second date onward and I think we are both just coming up for air and making sense of it all away from each other. I'm enjoying missing him and vice versa.

Didn't mean to call you jealous or possessive, just mentioned that as a Pisces, I know this don't go down well.
Have fun!!
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fully intend to Winking
Posted by Scenic
I think space, loyalty, honest communication, and being a do-er is a good thing for a Pisces guy. Glad you're enjoying it.
Care to post his chart?

oh and I don't have his chart, but birthday is 17 March 1985, born in India. My dads a Pisces and we have a great relationship so that makes it easier for me "get" him.
Posted by Scenic
I think space, loyalty, honest communication, and being a do-er is a good thing for a Pisces guy. Glad you're enjoying it.
Care to post his chart?

By being a do-er, you mean gestures of love, physical acts, or expression? I'm happy to do all three but I want to know what makes more of a difference to him feeling loved. I'm more of an acts of service love language person myself - the actions mean a lot more than words.
Posted by AbbyNormal
aaawwwwww OMG CONGRATULATIONS!! i'm so happy for you!! it all sounds lovely. i feel like, if he makes you feel this good, as intuitive as Pisceans are, he will feel it and reflect that back. or that's my hope for you anyway. best wishes and positive energy your way!

Yeah I'm sensing the same. He's very much about navigating the waters together. The more I open up the more he pledged his allegiance, it seems. Very unlike Scorpio who are more of the reticent versions, or a Leo who would like it more as an ego stroke.
Posted by Goldfish
Sounds really good.
When dealing with pisces be careful not to show possessives and jealousy. But always show you care (a lot).
Also it has been a week?
Put some breaks down girlfriend, no need to rush. Take your sweet time.
All the best!

Thank you, that is helpful, I'm Gem and a very independent with a need for space myself so the possessiveness won't happen, and jealousy well we clearly like each other why would I be jealous? smile I had booked flights to family friends months ago for Christmas so forced brakes have been applied till 2 Jan. Probably for the best, will help us both recover our normal lives for a bit. We were a bit insanely intense from the second date onward and I think we are both just coming up for air and making sense of it all away from each other. I'm enjoying missing him and vice versa.
Um I rambled so much I forgot to ask my question - how can I make sure I'm doing all I can to make him feel as amazing as he is making me feel? What do they crave to feel accepted, loved and inspired in a relationship?
You guys are amazing. Talk about cutting through the BS of a relationship, you go straight to the heart of why we as humans couple up. A man who finds it sexy when he gets me off (Scorpio ex did too, maybe its a water sign thing?) and who doesn't shy away from the serious intellectual talk, the cuddly affectionate side (he loves spooning, kissing, romance), the relationship talk, the best friend hanging out at home talks, while still being a total man in the man taking care of a woman paradigm. Plus I feel softer yet stronger around him. How is this even happening? I have been lucky to date some amazing people in the past, men who truly loved me and vice versa. Still, this feels different. Pisces men are open and vulnerable in a way that is completely disarming. I am NEVER the one who expresses less, or last. It's honestly beautiful to just have him in my life. It's just been a week, and I'm terrified, but at the same time, I can't wait.
Posted by Scorpio4242
I'm sorry you are hurting 😔 But sometimes being friends with someone is better than being in a relationship with them.. I don't think he did anything wrong bassed on what I read and I don't think you did either. I read your other post and it sounds like misunderstanding and miscommunication but even if you guys didn't have that miscommunication in the beginning things could have still ended the same way.

I think it's normal or common for people to date a few people at a time when not commited and when they are ready to commit they pick the person that the think is the best fit for them.
Leo's require a special kind of love lol. He knows what he want so respect his choice and focus on the things that will help you attract what you want. 😘😘

Also Respect his honesty because he could have played games with you. Accept his friendship and be graceful.. Live your life and I'm sure someone great will come along.. I'm sure it's a lesson in all of this for you..

I do respect his honesty. I told him that. I also told him it was a hard decision for me to say I don't want to stay friends but I had to do it to protect myself. He asked me if we could revisit it in a few months, I said sure if you want to. I was graceful, I'm not angry with him at all, just frustrated at the miscommunication and disappointed because of the build up in my head while I was heading into the US. I am definitely not desperate, otherwise I would have taken his offer of still being there as his "sounding board" just so I could stay in his life. I also didn't ask him anything about the other girl for the same reason - I'm still hurting, I don't want to know. He knows me well enough, he will understand. I'm not doing this to punish him, but to regroup and recharge till I'm back to my normal self and can truly be friends. Maybe that will happen, maybe it won't. But me taking care of myself is my priority.
Posted by tiziani
As you said he and you are long-term friends with history. That counts for something.

Yeah thats kind of why I can't go back to being friends. Theres already too much emotional intimacy there, and while he has clearly moved on from the sexual addition, it may take a while for me. I am losing a friend but honestly I have enough friends (don't mean that to mean cocky). I don't need a friend who I feel bad around, esp as he starts to introduce me to his new girl, which would have happened.
Posted by sunnygirl
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by sunnygirl
But at least he was honest. We had a tryst a few months ago and I told him to wait a few months till I relocated to the US for work till we started something (details here - Met him today, turns out he met someone else. Which is fair, we never promised to be exclusive or in a relationship. Still heartbroken though. Every man who seems to almost get with me thinks I'm amazing and will tell me all the things they don't tell their girlfriends and then just want to be friends (I usually say no). Ah so over it. Someday I'd like to meet a man who knows what he has - till then I'd like to get out this heartbroken state short term and stay non cynical and a beliver second. I know some amazing couples. I just am so over being single. Very non-Gemini I know. Just not having a great month.

He probably intentionally misunderstood.

Straight Face

Thank God... let him go.


Bullet... dodged.

Did you delete your message where you said you were not happy you were right and sent virtual hugs? smile I liked that one more, but yeah, agreed. Rejection is always a bit hard to get over. I'll get there in a week or so.
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Oops no that wasn't you - that was 037. The blue profile pics are blurring in my head. Heartbreak vision blurring issues Winking

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