"Well I aint too good at the this hehe. I never know what to say. Well im pritty shy, looks like im too nice when it comes to women as they hate it and want to be my m8 lol

grrr why me, i think im gonna become a monk. It will probally hurt less. Im really into rock, metal. that type of thing. but if its good ill listen too it.. Greenday/offspring/metal l ica they all rock. as u might have I own a mk3 toyota supra and a mitsi evo 1

love my fast cars lol both broke at the mo so driving my backup car an old astra lol no wait that just broke so I now have a escort lol. I want to get into track racing so saving up a bit of cash for a track day car

. My favorite place is the Costa Del Sol as I used to live there for a bit.. some of the best times of my life. not sure why I moved back to the UK for lol

at the end of the day we all want to be at some other place in time."