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SureShotCap joined February 18, 2013
from New York


"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed"
I will do anything in this world for you, including taking everything Iv'e done away...
Never give up on your hopes and dreams...
Never spit against the wind...
‘Fix your gaze on me and I will bring you all you desire’
I can be your brother, I can be your lover. But I refuse to be another...
I heart kelly...
Before I die, I will leave my mark on this world...
Just because I don't post, doesn't mean I don't read what you write...
Wanted by many, taken by none, talking to some, just waiting for the one...
A million words might not say as much a one touch.
We are prepared for insults, but compliments leave us baffled.

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Posted by poppyflower
Nice surprise to see you still here.
Don't tell no one.
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He already know you haven't forget about him. There is no such thing as being nice, everything has a purpose. Just make yours know on the email.
Posted by NotALibra
A group of Capricorns is a funeral, not a party
Depending who's on the obituary.
It all depends on if there is unfinished business to attend too.
Posted by breeswag
Posted by SureShotCap
He is simple returning the feelings you have given him. Will you pass his test?

Can u elaborate please? What feelings ?
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Judgement and belittlement.

He doesn't understand your flirting with him. He see's it as your challenging him or doubting his character. In other words, you don't believe in him. Since he now see's you a negative person, you cannot be a priority, thus now giving you less energy.

Capricorns categorize everyone, some fit in different categories. Once you FU your scratched from that category.

So for an example, you a girlfriend type. You scratch yourself, you can be re-categorize, if your lucky into the friend-zone.
He is simple returning the feelings you have given him. Will you pass his test?
Cap women are definitely not for the weak... I rather find them soft, to be quite honest.
Sounds like shes likes testing you. smile Caps don't know I'm a Cap till I let them have it. Then the games begin...
Happy Birthday twin...
Happy Birthday twin...
Sometimes when things appear to perfect it raises red flags for some. I believe he did get cold feet because things were moving along too fast. Which is almost impossible to achieve. Caps like to take their time to try to control the dynamics. Letting the natural energy guide them is forbidden for most Capricorns. He let his insecurity lead and has withdrawn because he does not believe in miracles. I have lost opportunities in the past because of the belief of not working hard enough or earning it. He knew you have the ability to override or control him which I believe is another insecurity Capricorns have.
@ScorpioDreams, my chart is similar to his. I am willing to help you if you like.

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Joined: Feb 18, 2013 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 828
The rule are simple. Release your sexuality in a confident attractive manner. You only can select a target that has pos
Joined: Feb 18, 2013 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 828
Capricorns, what personality traits define who you are, who you were, or tying to become?
Joined: Feb 18, 2013 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 828
Reasons for posting here are as followed: 1) You are a Capricorn and the reason for the wall. 2) You are trying to b
Joined: Feb 18, 2013 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 828
Capricorns are said to be older than they physically are. Take this TEST and tell us your real mental age.
Joined: Feb 18, 2013 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 828
I would like everybody here to post their do's and don't and why you came to this conclusion. I understand that most of
Joined: Feb 18, 2013 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 828

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