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SweetSc0rpio joined September 22, 2011



Posted by Claire
But I like scorps and sagis (bearing in mind scorps usually have sagittarius placements) for how they press an issue and are really ballsy about it .. it makes me smile. But i'm a female, ha!!
Where's his mars?? I had a cancer with a leo moon pursue me a while ago and I found his slowness a bit off-putting, tbh, and i'm a cancerian.

this is his chart
Sun Cancer 29.14
Moon Leo 3.02
Mercury Leo 25.17
Venus Cancer 19.21
Mars Aquarius 21.08 R
Jupiter Scorpio 26.36 R
Saturn Gemini 3.40
Uranus Libra 9.58
Neptune Sagittarius 0.25 R
Pluto Virgo 27.32
Lilith Libra 5.54
Asc node Aquarius 14.27

this is my chart

Sun Scorpio 6.13 Ascendant Sagittarius 19.39
Moon Libra 13.28 II Capricorn 17.26
Mercury Scorpio 23.55 III Aquarius 16.37
Venus Scorpio 20.03 R IV Pisces 18.14
Mars Scorpio 27.49 V Aries 20.42
Jupiter Leo 7.55 VI Taurus 21.23
Saturn Virgo 11.15 VII Gemini 19.39
Uranus Scorpio 16.04 VIII Cancer 17.26
Neptune Sagittarius 16.35 IX Leo 16.37
Pluto Libra 17.24 Midheaven Virgo 18.14
Lilith Leo 1.49 XI Libra 20.42
Asc node Virgo 26.05 XII Scorpio 21.23
I have a cancer friend, after on/off communication with him.
I finally confessed in letter that I like him but I got no respond from him.
but after 2 days I message him asking some advice to my problem and he responded,
he contact me when I contact him first but he never do the first contact even before
should I let him go?
Im scorpio w/ libra moon ascendant of sag
he is cancer w/ leo moon and ascendant of Aquarius

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