I get more hony during the full moon, does anyone else get that as well ?
i have a Scorp in Sun, moon, mercury, mars & Venus. I do get jealous even if my best friends go out with someone else more than they do with me but I don't show it & ignore it & console myself saying she is just a friend & I am fine.
But If my guy does it, I will be very jealous. Anyways, I will say it out only if I believe he is my guy, if I am not into him, I don't care, let me go where ever he wants or do whatever he wants.
Well, I have met guys who don't like wasting food, but either way, i make it v clear to them that I am trying to lose weight & eating more than I can will ensure I work out more the next day to burn it off. I am better off not eating than working out double. If they don't like to waste food, they can eat it, I have absolutely no issues.
Seriously !! Ha ha now a days, its like guilty until proven innocent .....!
Well, I have a scorpio sun & scorpio moon, will it work out with a scorpio sun & sag moon ?
I just met this guy, & somehow after the number of jerks I have met before, I just can't seem to trust anybody. I did find him protective of me though, But i dont know still ??
Hello Everyone,
So after obtaining some advice from all you guys earlier, i think i owe this update to you all.
Last week while discussing about this Scorpio guy with my friend, somehow I had a feeling that I should give this Scorpio a taste of his own medicine.
Till last week, he continued the same thing, no contact on weekdays & a sudden call on weekend to meet up.
So this week I decided to not call him or text him at all and see if he contacts me. & after last tuesday, he has not contacted me at all. I had decided to ignore him completely and see how he reacts if I do not pick his calls or reply to his messages. But I guess now I will not get the pleasure of seeing it. He is gone !!!!!