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Nacho Taurito ;)

TakeATaur-us joined January 29, 2017
Asc-Leo, Sun/Mercury/Mars-Taurus, Moon-Aries, Venus-Gemini


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Of course. Its not likely, but if im single theeeeeen ofc it can happen. Unless there was an agreement made that we would be exclusively "talking" to eachother. If not, dont expect me to only talk to you if someone else comes along. If it does happen you wont be getting as much attention depending on whether I like the other person more. However, I wouldnt fuck them if thats what you mean. I personally dont believe in fucking more than one person at a time. Got to keep track of who the baby daddy is if I end up pregnant lmao

But my venus is in Gemini ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and my moon is in aries so i'll be sure to let you know of said person if I have to. You should find out their other placements.
For those of you who like to get straight to the point my question is: What do you think of our placements compatibility?

Me: Rising - Leo, Sun/Merc/Mars - Taurus, Venus -Gemini, Moon - Aries

Him: Rising - ?, Sun - Pisces, Mars -Libra, Merc/Venus - Aquarius, Moon - Virgo

----------- How its been going so far story time I guess lol

How we met: Our moms are bestfriends and after years of their friendship they finally introduced us. One day his mom asked me if I was single 😂 and then proceeded to tell me everything about him for like an hour lol Apparently my mom told him everything about me prior to that and he was waiting to see if I was interested. Almost everything his mom said about him is true. None of those things are bad though so no worries.

So far things have been great. Its been liiiike 2 weeks and then some since we made it official official. I like him lots 😊 He slipped and said he loved me but I ignored it at the time and then we talked about it later and its all cool. His family is great and I hang out at his house with all 4 of his brothers every weekend lol. I met his sister the other day and she is really nice too. We went to the movies with her, her kids and her bf. It was a nice time.

So far he doesnt seem fazed by any of the crazy things I say to him. I told him he has 3 to 4 years to propose depending on how im feeling. He said ok 😂 Im only 22 btw. We agree on almost everything so far. One thing we dont agree on is abortion. He would want to keep the baby 🙃 But he agreed that its up to me. Luckily my period came right on time lol All the stuff important to me is so far so good like religion and politics and what not. We agreed that I can wear the pants but outside I have to pretend that he wears the pants or at least thats what I heard in my mind. He is submissive I guess. Hes a cook. Gonna cook me a steak this weekend. You know we tauruses love to eat. Makes me want to cuddle him 😂 We both love animal planet. We watched it for a few hours one day. Dont judge us. I see you judging 😐

Everyone tells me they didnt think he was the relationship type. Makes me feel special and weary at the same time. I am definitely the more experienced one. Hes had like... 2 girlfriends IF you can call them that. Ive had like.... idk.. around 7 ish relationships lol Most very short lived. Dont go blaming my Gemini venus. Shes harmless. I had to tell him be more agressive (sexually not domestic violence-ally).Hes getting better lol I hope we work out because his mom is scary lol Love her though. Thats all I have to say for now 😊
Posted by Adreamuponwaking

For sex reasons.....

probably another pisces with earth placements

For sanity reasons...... a triple taurus with a fire mercury and scorpio mars

maybe aries moon also okay
I'm a triple taurus with an aries moon 😉 lol
I have never cheated physically. Even when I get super bored with the person because my values wont allow me to. I also dont have a problem leaving someone im not happy with so there is no reaosn to cheat. Ill just bid you farewell.

Mentally is another story. You will never have my mind 100% . I will always look at other people who I think are cute and possibly imagine being with them emotionally and sexually (not while im with you of course). If thats a problem for you... it doesnt matter because you cant read my mind ^_____^

I might flirt a little but I always catch myself. Its like I do it unconciously.
Do you guys ever go back to an ex?

- I did once with a cancer. Mistake. He was pretty good at the guilt tripping.

Do you all get over the relationship quickly?

- Yup. Got over a 1 & 1/2 yr one in a week. When I leave someone, I have thought about it long and hard, for a long time. I am most likely over it already before the break up actually happens. Longest time was a month.

If you broke up with someone but still loved them do you think that it's harder to get over them?

- No because there had to be a serious reason for me to leave someone I love so I would logically justify getting over them.

How would an ex know that you still wanted them?

- I wouldnt since theyre an ex for a reason. Hypothetically, maybe I'll try to find an excuse to talk to them. Like oops texted you by mistake. So how are you? Lol But other than that, too much pride to show signs.

Also, how do you know if someone is the 'one' to/for you?

- I dont believe in "the one". You find someone and you CHOOSE to love only them, romantically, forever. Well, if youre monogamous.

With that being said, my venus is in Gemini, so, yeah.
I am broke
My sagittarius bestfriend like scarfs. She has a lot and likes to knit. She also has a lot of cap though. Also, I get her shot glasses because shes an alcoholic lol
Run away. Never trust a sag with a "friend". Been there, done that. Never works.

He will end up with her in the end because he wants to be with her or because youve pushed him away and into her lap with your antics.

Ontop of that you are crazy, on a high horse, too much pride and clearly lack basic communication skills. Cant even ask the guy, who you claim to be your man, a question.

What exactly are you so afraid of that you cant ask him? He is either going to lie or be truthful. Then you can make a decision to stay or leave. You probably are enjoying this drama.
Pre 2nd year of college, I dated/ "talked to":

A sag, virgo, taurus, cap, leo, one I cant remember, and a cancer until 2nd year of college (hahaha taste the rainbow). All kindsLaughing maybe im forgetting one

But now, all I attract are virgos and scorpios. Mostly venus in scorpios:

A virgo w/ v.i.libra (boring but the best).

A scorp with (insane and wont let go).

A cap with (confusing, celubate, but sticks around for w.e reason).

A sag with / (lovey dovey, wierd virgin, into spiritualism stuff)

In that order.

Theyre all crazy lol Pls help. Lmao

He either has someone else entertaining him where he is now and is trying to give you the hint to move on....

Or he doesnt want a long distance relationship and is trying to give you the hint to move on....

Or both.
Posted by UnicornSag
Yes all sounds very Sag alike. But to me the virginity part is just unreal,guy like that and specially Sag to be way lol I'm not buying it. All I can say is enjoy while you can and as long as it lasts.I wouldn't hold high hopes for Sag guys but they are fun tho.For texts yes sounds right,I did same thing lol for your ex...well I had opposite, bull cheated on me not me on him lol so yeah everyone can be a cheater but we did have good time for 2 years together smile
Do you also have a scorpio venus?
Wow. Talk about easy to manipulate.

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For those of you who like to get straight to the point my question is: What do you think of our placements compatibility? Me: Rising - Leo, Sun/Merc/Mars - Taurus, Venus -Gemini, Moon - Aries Him: Rising - ?, Sun - Pisces, Mars -Libra, Merc/Venus - Aqua
Joined: Jan 29, 2017 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 44
Hello. I havent been on here in awhile lol Hope its not too long Guy: Sun/Venus- Scorpio, Moon- Aries. I dont remember the rest of his placements. Me: Sun-Taurus, Venus-Gemini, Moon-Aries Distance: He is currently in Canada for college but he is fro
Joined: Jan 29, 2017 · Topics: 6 · Posts: 44
Hellur Everbody :D He's Cap with v.i.Aqua and im Taurus with v.i.Gemini. Are our venus signs compatible? Im usually not fond of sun sign aquariuses, but maybe venus will be different :PPP He has a lot of sag and aqua (help). I guess ill give you the k
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Hello. I asked my Virgo boyfriend what to get him for his birthday because I'm clueless with gifts. He says nothing and so I kept asking. You know what he told me? Deodorant. Because he can come home, take a shower, and put on my deodorant ? Then he
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Hi everyone. This is my first time posting so I don't know the rules of the land yet. Please have patience with me ? . I want to ask for advice on what to do with a Cap guy that I attend school with. I guess I'll give you his signs first and then backgrou
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Hello again :) Here is the link to my other post for background: (I got his placements wrong but I corrected it in the post) Me and the Cap went to eat at like 10 p
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