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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
Horus i have the exact same placements as you.
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
Tell me if this combo works. I messaged a nice taurus girl i met out last weekend but no reply, it was just a nice message saying it was great to meet and if i could take her out to dinner somewhere, no rushing at all because i'm just as cautious.
Anyone in this relationship at the moment?
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
ha ha ha...another one bites the dust.
Jesus christ it's like deja' vu on this board every 2nd day.
Seriously, if you are going so far out of your way to make the relationship work with an aqua male, you will never be happy within yourself.
There's some taurean common sense for you.
Notice how most of the problems come from water/earth signs?
I'll keep reminding you all once a week.
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
I change my mind more than most bulls. You really need to find out their charts to get an accurate picture of their personality. I have a libra rising so i'm quite indecisive.
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
Hey everyone,
Remember me? I posted a while back about my awesomely horrible experience with an aquarius female...never again!!! I've finally just about gotten over her, thank god, i thought i was doomed forever. For those who know a bit about astrology i have sun, moon, merc in taurus with a strong venus in aries in the 7th, which means i take a LONG time to heal, seriously i was just staying in that aqua relationship because i knew it was going to be a MESSY ending, and yes, very messy.
I also have saturn squaring my moon which is getting me depressed BUT i'm still going ok...
Anyway, last saturday i went out and met some friends for a few drinks. One of my friends, jess, has been trying to get me to meet this girl for quite a while now. She keeps saying that "you two would be perfect for eachother." and "she's pretty much the female version of you." She also found out she's a taurus. So anyway i'm like yea yea no expectations, and just as my heart is finally mending itself i at a very cautious mindset about women!
I'm 21 by the way.
Anyway i rock up and meet them all out and BAM this girl is like drop dead gorgeous, just coulden't stop staring at her and we kept locking eyes. We got talking and i could just feel this really calming earthy vibe, it's very hard to explain but i just felt so relaxed and attracted to her. It was a shame she had to leave early because she had to work early the next morning but she is going out this weekend again. The next day Jess got a message from this girl saying she thought i was hot and seemed really nice.
I'm afraid my venus in aries, (i'm quite aggressive in persueing) will be a bit too forceful towards her, but my intuition can definitely sense something between us and i have a very good judgement of people.
Doe's anyone have any advice for a taurus/taurus relationship? I'm a very loving, affectionate and loyal partner and have been broken hearted twice, once by a libra and then an aqua (worst match ups i know, my libra rising and mars in gemini attracts wacky air people).
AHHHHHHHHH i can't get her out of my head.
Missed you fellow taurus', i've been in a dark corner since december but now i'm finally feeling better and my personal balance is slowly getting back to normal.
Tauro -)
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
You need to get out of this relationship before you get seriously heartbroken. You are involved in a 4-10 love vibration which is an opposition between earth and air. I broke up with my aqua ex in december, very sad moment.
Don't compromise yourself too much.
Your taurean patience will be tested more than ever in this relationship, trust me! I have sun, moon and merc in taurus and it ended in heartbreak.
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
i'll have a go...
Aries: Argumentative, action packed, natural born leaders.
Taurus: Sensual, earthy, deep, misunderstood, determined
Gemini: Quick, witty, communicative, sneaky
Cancer: Caring, moody, sensitive, soft
Leo: Vain, entertaining, proud
Virgo: Perfectionist, earthy, intelligent, fussy
Libra: Charming, indecisive, deceiving, in love with the idea of love.
Scorpio: Intense, sensitive, suspicious, revenge
Sagittarius: out-going, floating along, free as a bird
Capricorn: Goal orientated, low self-esteem, grudging, practical
Aquarius: eccentric, logical, detached, flexible, inventive
Pisces: Emotional, sensitive, dreamy
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
Another one bites the dust. Cancer and aqua is second to the worst compatibility matchup second to taurus and aqua, according to many astrologers.
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
oh no, that's terrible. I think i divorce would pretty much end my life if i went through one.
What are your placements?
Add aquarius to the list of avoidance.
Find a nice cancer or virgo.
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
this is by far the best australian astrologer...
=) very accurate
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
Your a pisces. You are going to get way hurt. Only people who can deal with aquas are air signs because their all on the same wavelength. But good luck!
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Nov 30, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 180 · Topics: 26
You'll know when he does.