Geminilove: Thank you for the shock. I really needed that. I need to get out of hoping that he will contact me again and see him for who he really is. A user and a monster. I'm slowly learning to let go.
Foxglove: You have no idea how I feel better when I hear your story. I feel that I'm not alone. That many women face this magnitude of hurt. Of letting your guard down and being used by someone you wouldn't believe would do that to you. I don't think it's an issue of how long you waited before sex. A user is a user.
Your story is also very eye opening. I think this guy could also have a gf. He said he had a gf who lived with him when he was in Singapore before he moved to Tokyo. I haven't found out what happened to her. They might be still together. He might be having a long distance relationship with her and he only needed me because he was physically lonely. Maybe he felt bad. I wish they would be honest and tell us truthfully. It would help us, keep us from blaming ourselves.
I'm really afraid to date again right now. Truthfully this guy makes me feel afraid to let my guard down. I have turned down some date invites, stop texting some guys that's pursuing me. I keep imagining this will happen again and if it does, I will really die...
Gemlove: what you said, it hurts so much. I've never experienced something so humiliating. And I know it's the truth, that I don't mean a thing to him. It's over a week since that night. A week since I last tried to contact him...
I'm also half gemini born may 21st. My fault is I forgive too easily. Right now, if he contacts me, I'm afraid id run back to him and I know I shouldn't. I read back things that I wrote that night. I wrote, "I want to die." I'll read it over and over again to remember the pain he caused me.
Sometimes I feel he is getting back at me for leaving him the first time. Maybe I was easy.. I donno but whatever I was...I was me and it wasn't good enough for him
Haha mine disappeared too
Erm ... Please do t go off topic and ask 5tupid question. Everyone is afraid of std. And most of us take precaution but not to the extend of not having sex. Why am I even answering this...
Foxglove - I also think the "You gave it up too easily" is really stupid. I'm glad you understood where I'm coming from. Anyway, he's French so I believe they're more open minded and understands women sexuality.
Answer to your question, he did try to pleasure me while I gave him BJ. He didn't ask me to leave after BJ. He told he I shouldn't stay the night because he's dick and when he's sick he feels uncomfortable sleeping with someone. So I felt I was wrong to press the issue.
He also wanted me to stay and go out the next morning together. He told me so before he got sick...
Perfect man for me so far;
Born on the same day. On the short side. Slender with muscles, long hair and long artistic fingers. He was a professional cellist
Wow you must be a new breed of 3itch, lust. Cuz I've never seen the like of you. Your bf is right to tell you to go easy cuz your 3itchness is off the charts.
First of all, "i" have not decided to make him my bf or not. I don't give BJ after a measured time for the purpose of making him my bf. In fact, it might not make sense to someone of your capacity but I'm doing it because I love doing it. I fantasize giving him a BJ.
I'm a very sexual woman, and I don't follow any stupid rule. I'm not sure about him thinking I was easy because we were chatting and texting for sometime and talk about all our fantasies. He was just as sexual. In fact he said he loved that I was a sensual woman. I don't think it's an issue of me being easy. But if he does think that than he is not the one for me. I'm just really bummed. I thought I'm meeting a guy who is on my level.
And yes ofc I posted here for honest opinion not 3itchiness is not welcomed. Surely someone thought you to convey opinion without being rude.
Crabberies - BJ is nothing, we didn't even have sex. Why would he leave after a BJ? That's not even the best part. Did I mentioned I swallowed?
Hi I'm a Taurus/Gem cusper in love with a Gem guy. Please give me some insight on my situation.
I met this guy at a dating site a couple of months ago. I was not really into him at first but slowly it becomes more and more serious. It was hard to meet. He had a crazy work schedule. It's long and he doesn't get day off much. Finally, we meet at 10pm near his work place, had a nice dinner and made out at a park. The chemistry was off the chart. He invited me to his place(he's French) but I declined. After that his text and call becomes less and less. He warned me that he will get really busy during the holiday. He's a manager at a 5 star hotel. But after he didnt text me back after 5 days. I was truly hurt so I decided to move on and blocked him. I did it so I can move on.
After a month it was his birthday, I was a little drunk, texted him happy birthday and we got back together. He said he was really sad that I stopped communicating with him, said he was busy etc. well he was still busy but kept calling and texting. Finally found a day to meet. We were really looking forward to it. We said we like each other and was going to sleep together at his place. But he fell sick but still met me. He said he has to work tomorrow too so would not like me to stay the night cuz he said he doesn't want to infect me. I was really bummed. We fooled around. I gave him bj whatnot. After he came I asked if I could sleep on the sofa cuz it was late and pouring outside. He didnt say anything so I sadly put on my clothes and left.
We didnt contact each other for 2 days then I felt I was wrong too because I insist to stay even after he said he was sick and would not like me to stay the night. So I texted and apologize. I said when he is jot mad at me and the situation anymore, I will be here. I tried to call once too. And that was it. I haven't heard from him for a week now. Will I ever hear from him? Was i so wrong? What happened to the guy who told me he really really like me?