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taurusthebull joined January 23, 2017


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Backstory of situation

So last Friday I met up with some friends that myself and this Pisces woman knows. I told Pisces woman I'd meet up with her afterwards.

I had a couple drinks with my friends and had a great time.

When I met up with this Pisces she acted a bit different. We agreed beforehand that we were going to go a bar for a drink and call it night. She cut the night short and said that she was going home before we even had a drink.

On the sidewalk before she got into a cab I asked her what was wrong and she said that there was tension between us and it left me confused. There was no tension from me, I was in a good mood. I remember everything that night and I didn't say anything that would get her upset. I thought it could be sexual tension but not too sure.

I text her two days later and asked her what happened that night. She said that she doesn't deal well with attention and that she thought I was going to tell her that I liked her like I did a previous night. She felt I would do that because I was alone when I met her and I wasn't sober.

I replied in a text that I wasn't going to say that and she assumed that I would. I replied that she is a attractive and that I like how she carries herself but that wasn't my plan on Friday. We were just going to hang out because it had been over a month since we've seen each other. It would be stupid of me I feel to have done that.

Next steps ?
Posted by Roana
She may like you, I doubt she will share personal stuff with you if she wouldn't. I know that when I was still in university I had few male crushed but never had the courage to show my thouights because I thought the guys should do it first (maybe I am kinda traditional in that sense). Granted if she does have a boyfriend maybe she is trying to be respectfull, and sadly when pisces are in love with one person others are nothing more than close friends. So she may see you as person who is warm and nice to talk to, good friend. Since the only actual legit "active" romantic interaction hapened when both of you were kinda drunk I wouldn't take it as a sign.

But the fact that she is opening to you does mean you are somewhat special to her smile maybe just the timing is wrong.
Yup I agree the timing is wrong. I'd definitely date her if she was single.

Hello Pisces',

First let me say I'm a Taurus, second I was hoping you could shed light on a particular situation I am having with a pisces...Kind of a long story but essential to get a clear picture of what I'm dealing with. Plus we're both in our late 20's

Disclaimer: She has a boyfriend


So a few months back I met this Pisces woman in a program for the first time. This was in 2016 about the ending of August.

When we first met in our class we were both quiet. Me being a Taurus I tend to not say much and observe people, she did the same and we hardly spoke throughout the beginning of the program.

Fast forward a few weeks and we start conversing, nothing too major. Just getting to know each other. What I noticed about her when we spoke was that she would give me her undivided attention, eyes open, and she would smile alot. This could mean she is very friendly but I saw that she didn't give this much attention to anyone else in the class. With our other class mates she was friendly as well but it was quite different.

Me being a Taurus I found her very attractive but I didn't want to let the cat out the bag to fast. I wanted to play it cool. I'd make jokes with her and she would enjoy it. I found that we got into a habit of taking jabs at each other, nothing to mean but we would have our sarcastic moments. Each sarcastic moment was followed by a smile from both of us. It was like we knew how to get back at each other and we enjoyed it.

So fast forward a couple of weeks and I noticed that she was very guarded, meaning she wouldn't talk about her personal life which is fine. Me being a Taurus I like to get to know who people are so I can make an assessment and see if they are good people or bad people. With this Pisces though it felt like I was trying to solve a mystery. I will admit it was fun doing it.

Eventually we started chatting via messenger, nothing to serious. We'd see each other mondays thru thursday so the chat was little blurbs here and there. There was a turning point in one conversation we were having through chat. In our program we would have days where people would speak things on their minds our concerns we were having. Nothing too personal but a way for our class to bond. She missed that day and through the chat she said she was glad she missed it. As a joke I said something to the effect of "yea because you don't like to take off your mask". Meaning that she didn't like to get deep into her personal life or open up. She got a bit offended and responded with the word "bye". I didn't give it much thought as to I know I would see her the next week.

Monday comes along and is it as nothing happened. This was the time where Trump won the election so emotions were a bit high that day. She comes into class and says, "I thought about you today". She said that she thought about what I said on the messenger and she showed me her phone. Her friends at work and in her personal life were scared and she didn't know what to do. We have a townhall meeting and she's talking to me the whole time. We speak about how she felt, her family, and she opens up about her life. Nothing too deep but I can see that what I said affected her.

Eventually we start taking the train and we speak some more. She opens up about her dreams, her concerns about the direction her life is going as well as I. We speak about documentaries, music she likes, where she has traveled, and her favorite which is art. Me being a Taurus I like these things because I felt that I was seeing the real her. Not the mask that she would put on for everyone else. Whenever we were alone I felt we could be ourselves but in class we kept it on a surface level. Still joked around but nothing too deep. Also what alarmed me about these conversations was that she never mentioned her boyfriend. There was a point where she said she wanted to move to another state but she never mentioned she would leave with her bf. This was surprising because at her age if I was with someone I'd add my gf to the conversation.

There were also times when she would even dress nice. In a nonchalant way she would make sure I saw her outfit I think. Maybe I'm assuming this but she wouldn't make it obvious. If I commented on her clothes she would smile in a shy way. I'd say a joke as well trying to cover up my interest but I think she knew already. I specifically remember the days as well where she put on makeup. The first was when I made a comment, the next day she wore makeup and fixed herself up. The second was when the previous day I had ignored her and didn't say much. She wore makeup and she was kind of awkward. For instance I looked at her when she wasn't looking. She turned her head at me, stared at me for like 3 seconds, turned her head and kept walking. I was confused as hell.

Now this is where I feel she let the cat out the bag.

My class went to a club one night and her and I were dancing. While dancing I kept it casual nothing to serious. She got my attention when she turned around, bent down and came up. Basically rubbing her behind on me in a seductive way. Everyone from our class was there and it was recorded. Me being quite drunk I admitted I like her, I mean I was really drunk. Didn't remember some of that night honestly.

Monday comes along and she missed class, I guess she was a bit embarrassed about it. Tuesday she shows up and its totally back to normal. We're talking and joking but theres this feeling of you know what you did and I know what I said. We didn't want to admit I feel. Like we each were waiting for the other to bring it up. I'm a bit shy so I didn't. She even asks if we were all going out on thursday as a group again, which surprised me because we both were pretty drunk (me more than her) and I couldn't read if that was a sign.

Fast forward to the end of the week and we all go out as a group. Eventually her and I stay in the bar and we're talking. I felt like once everyone left we could really be ourselves. We talked about some personal things and joked a bit. Very different from when the group was around.

Before we left the bar I had to ask her what happened the week before just to get a feeling of what happened. I know what happened but I wanted to see what she would say. I asked her and she said that while I was drunk I told her I liked her. Thinking about it now I feel she wanted me to admit it. She asked me if I remembered and i said no. I felt that if she didn't like me she wouldn't brushed it off and said oh no you were fine. She wouldn't even mention it. After I said I didn't remember she said something along the lines of, "i've had friends tell me that but I don't take it serious." I think this was a way of her protecting herself. I asked her if I made her feel uncomfortable and she replied no.

While we were outside I asked her about the dancing move she made. She laughed in a teasing joking way and said I was just dancing. I know for a fact it was bull. Since I didn't admit i remembered I feel as if she had to do the same to protect herself. It feels like her and I are attracted to each other but we're playing a game.

Eventually she stops a cab and she gives me a hug. Before this day we've never hugged of have much contact. During class I'd touch her playfully and she'd laugh but not her. This time before she left she said to give her a hug. I open the the cab door and she goes inside. Before I close the door I call her name and playfully say, "I like you." She looks at me, smiles and I close the door.

This was over the holiday weekend. We didn't really speak for much of the vacation. I knew she had a boyfriend so I didn't want to push the topic too much. She knows I like her but I feel it isn't official until I admit it sober. We're supposed to meet up on Friday so lets see how that goes.


Any advice or insight will be appreciated. I'll admit I do like her but I'm keeping myself guarded. Since she's taken there's a chance that she'll reject me. I've thought about her during out break but didn't reach out to her. Its a way for me to kind of play a game which is stupid but I don't want to dip into the water too much either. I'd like to keep guard until there's a sure opening

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