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TeaMint joined April 10, 2014
female from Pluto,



Hillary is a bloodless vampire, corrupt and cynical to the core. She will ruined you, so...Trump is your only option, iIthink he will be candidate. He is "innocent" in many ways but only for the wall worth. Think about it , Obama has fucked you enough.
2016: some people fucking goats, other drinking their milk. It will be studied in the future ...
I love politically incorrect people. Why? Because usually when I heat "p.correct" it's against my interests, it calls for me "to be good" and let me fuck. P.correct is a big part of the problem we have in US and Europe.

Trump, day by day, t's the least bad can happen to you.

He is saying the truth.
Posted by kissmygrits
I prefer coconut or almond.

Oat, hazelnuts, rice, soya, with flavors, chocolate, etc...Cow's milk is for calves , goat's milk for kids.

Don't do to others what you would not like they do to you.

NOT YOUR MUM, NOT YOUR MILK. Very easy to understand. Please, we are in 2016...
Only human who drinks milk from other species and as an adult . Let that shit please, do not ill your bodies with animals hormone...and that horror of karma. There are dozens of healthy and delicious vegetable milks for choose.
Posted by Gooober
Virgo placements. My grandmother is the ultimate snooper. Shes even admitted to going through trash with things written on them just to see what its about. Lol. Who does that? Shes a virgo sun moon and scorpio mars.

Mars in Virgo malicious carping with everyone , especially friends. So they have few and for short time. They are very very false pleple, creeps. Women, if Venus in Virgo too, witches and whores cooler than frigid ice.
Posted by asc_scorp1991
Posted by SensitiveBlues
that he loves you and thinks you're an ahole

why a thread on this?

He could be lying just to get you back like previous 4 times in 3 months and then treat you like crap up untill next time you threaten to leave.
click to expand

Yes..just he doesn't lie, double face is natural for him. Venus gemini It's the sign of the options (plural) the air.
Mars in Gemini gossips.
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Love, love, love...
Personally I don´t know, in synastry it 's a hell of attraction/rejection, not with you not without you.

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