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TheBeautifulStruggle joined April 11, 2011


Difficult not to feel a little bit disappointed, and passed over When I've looked right through, see you naked but oblivious. And you don't see me.
You made my soul a burning fire You're getting to be my one desire You're getting to be all that matters to me..
What’s Gucci my nigga? What’s Louie my killa? What’s drugs my deala? What’s that jacket, Margiela?
Can we pretend that Airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now..
I can taste the ocean on your tongue...

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Honestly, lol I came in the thread so excited wanting to throw congrats and ask for addresses to send baby gifts.,..but I forgot who made the thread, so I'm a little disappointed; but to the topic at hand...I'm going to go on two angles, one if I'm dating a guy who knocked up a chick and two if I'm the one knocked up.
First off, I don't really see the risk involved or any immediacy within this relation because honestly when you are going thru a pregnancy, dating isn't on the top priority. And to be honest,I wouldn't feel that there is any risk involved unless I was expected to be a part of the pregnancy and the aftermath. And if we are just dating or getting to know each other I would never expect nor insist on that type of obligation, that would be insane to me.
We're assuming that we met this person when they were expecting not prior right? If I was dating a guy, why would I expect to have any priority in dating...his main priority should be with his babymama, If I felt upset or jealous, I think that would make me an extremely messed up person because the other girl obviously needs him more. If I was dating a guy and he was paying more attention to me than her that would be a HUGE red flag for me. So yah, if I was going to date a guy with a baby on the way, I know this relationship(if I would even call it that) would superlite...I wouldn't expect this guy to be anything more than occasional dinner or movie date..nothing at all serious.
Now if I was the one pregnant who for some reason wanted to fit in dating a guy with all the other preparations and things I am doing to prepare for this baby...I would expect the guy to know that this is going to be a light relationship, and really I wouldn't expect the guy to participate in my pregancy...or insist that he be a part of the upbringing in the aftermath, how crazy would that be???? I'm dating a guy and then I insist that he take me to the docter or go buy something for me at the drugstore or even try to comfort me if I suddenly get weepy...we JUST met?!! And if he insisted of wanting to do those things, I'd be extremely weirded out and suspicious of his intentions.
So yah, I guess you can't really separate the journey of pregnancy without having some obligation that would be a bit too heavy for someone you just met...its like why??? Are you challenging yourself just to see if you could do it? Couldn't you just slow down and start off small like buy a baby gift and not be jealous?
That's cool....I feel slightly
Less crazy, though not by much..
Posted by Iced8Ace
Hi, first post. Nah, i'd have to politefully disagree (though I see where you are coming from) since it depends purely on perspective. Peace is an ideal but Libras are lazy... they don't do anything to achieve peace so it's a fantasy.
Nas, a libra, penned himself that "War is necessary." He gets it. After war there is peace. Just dreaming doesn't achieve it and raining hell in aries fashion delays it. Neither are mature but have the potential to grow through learning from each other.
The crux of opposite relations, my friend Winking

Wait, did you just paraphrase Nas in a forum on astrology?!?
You sir, are my new favorite poster.
If heat doesn't help, I'd look to diet and some moves..

Heat usually works for me but I could imagine these yoga poses helping as well. As for diet, I was reading that the cramps are caused by a deficiency in calcium. I am not sure about that, but I know I was feeling like crap earlier until I ate some cooked spinach for dinner. (I'm on my monthly as well.) My point is that maybe,if you don't already; could incorporate more greens in your diet, whether raw or lightly cooked. Or maybe just eat lighter than you would usually.
Thanks to whoever upped this thread it was nice to reread things I wrote in the past, I actually sound a lot more self actualized than I feel now, which is both nice and sad.
Rockyroadicecream,i still lurk here, you don't have to think I won't respond to a post that is old. Hell, I think I may add more to it.
I really think my sign and moon get shafted constantly...can I hear a positive rendition of my sign combo instead of..,you're a neurotic!!! You need to relax!!! You suck!
Is this a guide on how to piss off an Aries?
If you want to be technical, with opposite signs both signs could stand to learn from each other, so an elevated Aries could probably be more libran and an elevated Libra would be more Arien.
I don't hold grudges, but if it the situation is bad enough I'd accept your apology and rather avoid you completely, sometimes lines are crossed while I don't know if this was the case for you, when stuff like that happens I'd forgive and avoid.
So what is the line, for me?? When you do something that clearly depicts you have zero respect for me/that in there was no way you could act in this way to a person you call a friend or family member. When I see that,even if the person apologizes it'll take me a while to be willing to just act like nothing happen, I'd be good with just cutting you off.
I don't mean any disrespect, nor do I think this is how she would feel, but IDF any guy gave me advice like what you gave, I'd be super annoyed.
Your advice would be the equivalent to this scenario...
Pretend I was complaining to you about never knowing what to cook, like making dinner is such a chore for me that in the end I prolly just eat out... In my mind the problem is that I need to plan better, I could think of things to make..plan out meals..anyway, I'm lament my 'problem' to you and you reply...
"Well, if you go to the grocery store, you can buy food to take home with you, that way you won't be hungry"
OK its sound advice, its logical and makes sense..,but internally I am annoyed...really??! Go to the store? THAT's your solution??? Do you think I am a moron, that something as ' going to the store would be not apparent to me??? Clearly you ethier think I am an idiot or you do not grasp what it is that U am saying so I'll figure it out on my own.....
Does this make sense?? I am not saying she feels that way she could very well be taking your advice and that is why she isn't as engaged...but to me obvious advice frustrates the hell out of me.
The best thing about having a Scorpio sign anything is that you could be a stalker and no one will ever know...*cue evil laugh*
I second Taurus s well but I don't think they would see it that do stalk someone you OWN??
Also dies Venus in leo/12th house = Venus in Scorpio?? It sure as hell feels similar...both are in detriment whether one is hidden and the other is twisted....that's interesting..
Haha thats funny that she's a Gemini cuz I feel she's totally channeling Nancy Sinatra who's also a Gemini.

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Just random personal things that might out me as crazy....just wondering if other Libras do this or have done it. -I
Joined: Apr 11, 2011 · Topics: 25 · Posts: 892
I have a feeling she has to at least some form of Scorpio in her whether its her Venus or sun, I had not looked it up bu
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Do you remember this classic phrase? The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog amethyst2002 - That kind of s
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a similar birthday to you but seems to be a completely different person...I had the pleasure of working with two people
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I log into facebook, and I see my mother-in-law family post a professionally done family portrait with my children in it
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Relationships & Astrology I mean I can understand the 7th ho
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Posted by Nefer If I care about you that much, I care about your opinion of me.. but more than that, I value my OWN opi
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have in common?
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Negative. Earth stamps out Fire. Air disperses Earth. Water smothers Air. Positive. Fire and Water cancel e
Joined: Apr 11, 2011 · Topics: 25 · Posts: 892
So I've been actually vocal about my new passion for astrology(kind of embarassed about it now but meh)...and I had a co
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One of my coworkers invited me and my children to a party at the zoo. We were given two vouchers to get into the zoo for
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