
Topics by AxisOfImmortality

Relationships & Astrology
So I was looking at my fwb's birth chart (yeah I know , probably shouldn't but I've known him for like 5 years now and I kinda caught feelings so I got curious) and I noticed that his Sun in Sag is at the same exact degree as my Venus in Aries and wondere
Joined: Mar 01, 2015 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 50
Relationships & Astrology
I'm a Venus in Aries Taurus Sun Sag Moon female and I feel like every time I like a guy, like right now for instance, I'm the one doing the chasing. Is this a turn-off for most men regardless of their zodiac sign?
Joined: Mar 01, 2015 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 50
Can anyone interpret what it means to have DML in Scorpio in the 2nd house conjunct Pluto in scorpio? There's not much info on Dark Moon Lilith, I wonder why...
Joined: Mar 01, 2015 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 50
I met this guy about two years ago, and we've been fwb on and off. He graduated from college (out of state) and had contacted me when he was back in town asking if I wanted to see him, as per usual when he is, but at the time I was with my ex so I told h
Joined: Mar 01, 2015 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 50
Chart Interpretation
Joined: Mar 01, 2015 · Topics: 5 · Posts: 50