Hi guys I am noticing a regular predictable unppredictability of Leonine Hot and Cold behaviour.\Meaning being so loving
Anyone know about Leos with Moon in Scorpio? (I posted on Scorp forum too just in case) I am dating a Leo guy with a sc
Hi I usually post on Leo boards because my guy s Leo Sun but he has Scorp Moon. Also Venis in Cancer. Normally I am see
Sad I have to write about the following events that came out of left field. Leo Sun and Scorp Moon What I am about to de
As you recall, he disappeared on me once over a misunderstanding created by anither girl. He left for 2 months, and came
Is it best to wait for a Leo guy to say a sincere I love you first, or can you tell them you love them? He kind of sa
I wrote this post on my other topic section in leo, but i want to open a discussion on how to handle a LEO with SCORPIO
Sorry to ALL who have been irritated by my play by play posts of Leo dating. I just have no experience, and I am basical
I wrote this post on my other topic section, but i want to open a discussion on how to handle a LEO when he gets quiet s
Hi Guys by now u know my story. You can read later at your leisure. So my question is now that Leo has come back and re
Hi I am dating a Leo guy with Mars in Aquarius and True/North Node in Aquarius. What is a guy like with mars in Aquar
Hi guys remember the whole drama thing (with the text break up 2 months ago by Leo Sun/Scorpio Moon guy? And then I foun
Guys I am completely in shock and please tell me if this is typical for Leos. I have been seeing him for about a month.
Relationships & Astrology
My astrolger told me to beware of men who have Moon square Sun and esp Moon square Venus as signs of men who secretly ha
GingerScorp said once that Scorpio men dont like emotional women very much, that they like strong women. Do you think a
I know everyone said hey go to leo forum to ask about signs. But what happened to me with the guy I like is totally Scor
Anyone know about Moon in Scorpio men? I am dating a Leo guy with a scorpio moon, venus in cancer, mats in aqua... thin
I am NOW dating a Leo guy with a scorpio moon, venus in cancer, mars in AQUA... things were going fine.. We ended up hav
Hi Guys I got this idea from a topic Tiki comened on. And O think it will be very helpful. I have gone through my griev
Ok for reference u will have to see my other topic which gives the background about my situation. So we had the concert
I am generall a very strong woman, but I feel I have slipped a little and need to get strength back when it comes to dea