I've read conflicting articles regarding Virgos and grudges. More articles than others stated we do tend to hold them,
Any sign is free to chime in. What rumors/misconceptions/stereotypes about your sign would you like to stand up and
See? THIS is why I stay to my f'n self. You try to be friendly with someone, and suddenly they think they can complete
I've been swamped between work and a school project (due tonight, no less!) on Lizzie Borden. For those of you who d
This can be for any sign (please do list your sign before you answer), but I'm really interested in seeing what other Vi
I'm curious to know :) What were your hopes and dreams then? Are you making them happen/have they happened already?
So, lots of astrology sites/books have labled Virgos as being irked by the smallest annoyances that other signs might no
What are yours? Some attainable ones, please, people... ;) We all want to win the lottery, but that's not a resolution
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Your November Horoscope by Susan Miller Virgo Horoscope for November 2011
This was pretty interesting!! I'll post each sign as the ex down below. Agree, or disagree?
I saw in an earlier thread that your Venus is what really represents how you'll act when in love. Being new to anything
Virgo Women
I know Jasmine's an Aries, but I have so many Virgals I know sighing and zoning out to this song. I seriously feel like
Wow. That poor baby--may she rest in peace. No justice at all.
Please be safe :( I hope you're prepared, and have places to go should you need to evacuate. I was so hoping this
So they say we're cold, and unemotional...but we know we're not ;) We're just guarded, observant...and reluctant, lo
I went to see it this past weekend. I even re-read the book (all 759...Jesus...) in 6 days, just to have it fresh in my
Which do you think you are? Which do OTHERS perceive you to be?
So I had a pretty interesting lunch last weekend. It was me and 2 other Virgo women, a slightly younger Leo girl, and 2
Any sign can answer--I'd like to hear answers from all signs/both sexes... Do you find yourself operating on timefram
Supposedly Virgos are very creative, especially in the arts. I write (poetry/songs/novels), sing, play piano, knit an
I thought it'd be interesting to share your best and worst relationship stories. So, if you don't mind--what is you
We definitely need some peace on this forum. I thought a thread like this would be a nice safe haven. So, post picture
With permission from the lovely Vulcanlass to do a spinoff, what Movie or sitcom character do you think is a certain sig
More people would take the time to listen to Virgos, than to try to tell Virgos about themselves. We're quite easy to
Nothing mean, take that ish elsewhere. Something maybe someone from another sign or your own can use as an avi. I
Thanks to Cappyluv for linking me there ;) Link:
Can be Jpgs, gifs, jokes, vids, w.e. Let's see what you find funny! And, as always, all signs welcomed to join in
Still trying to understand the actions of this guy at work, lol. I did as you suggested, CG! But he's on my Facebook
Since Valentines is right around the corner, I thought it'd be sweet to share some of your favorite beautiful songs (doe
As always, all signs free to join in. How are you when it comes to showing sympathy/empathy towards others? Do you h
As some of us discussed in the Are You Bold Enough voice thread, it would be fun to have a little conf. chat amongst o
I've got to say, I really hate when people generalize both the male and female of a sign under one description. It just
All signs welcomed to join! I'd actually LOVE to see how members of each sign dress. Feel free to post as many instanc
Virgo let us hear what you sound like? ;)
*sigh* goes... First, hi to all the Leos--my first time to your boards. I've been reading up all morning, and
source: Many of us read our horoscopes everyday. But now, it turns out, you may
Okay--before I even get into it, please don't let the title of the thread deter you from responding should you happen to
I thought this would be interesting/fun--all signs welcome to join in. Post some celevs you love and/or hate, and tel
I KNOW I can't be the only fan. I can watch Twilight Zone marathons for forever and a day... Everytime I think I'v