Relationships & Astrology
Have you ever been stalked/Facebook stalked, and if so, what sign? Also are you the dumper/dumpee?
I am a cancer man ever so very much in love with a pisces woman, we have been together for three and a half years, and n
Other then yourself, what sign is you favorite, and why? Also what is your best friends sign?
Relationships & Astrology
What are the common cheater charicteristics in men and women?
I truly believed last ex, found out lies months after break up. All women before her, tricked me as we'll, but sloppy, s
I've done alot of reaserch and found that scorpio is the best match for a male cancer, can anyone share any good love st
Why do some women pretend to be what you want? this only leads to a relationship built on lies. Is this a young woman th