What attracts you? What holds your interest? What other Venus signs are you most compatible with?
I have a Scorpio Venus
Chart Interpretation
Anyone use the astrowin Synastry calculator to determine compatibility? If so, how accurate is it. Curious to see others results
Anyone use astrology to help select a career? If so can you guide me on the steps to figure out the career suggestions?
I have a libra mars and just read up on how we handle conflicts. Very accurate. I will say whatever to avoid the conflict (I hate it)
For example if you scream at me I will shut down and take it and try to be as civil as possible even if I'm pissed...
Hey. I had a friend that is no longer talking to me. I'm a libra and I held onto all my issues with her until I sent her a long text. She explained her side and I thought it was resolved. The next day she sends me a long text saying she was having a hard
My ex broke up with me a few months ago to work on himself. I'm now interested in starting a relationship with someone else. My ex thinks he's now ready to settle down with me and stated "once and Aries makes a choice it's set" he said he won't
Warning: venting /rambling may occur.
This Aquarius man (libra moon) was inviting me to his parents vacation home with his friends for the weekend. I said I'll try but I'm not driving up there because I don't see the point of taking two cars. Anywho !
I've been told that I send mixed signals. I'm confident in social settings and shy in intimate settings. I've explained this to the Aquarius I'm dating but I think it still confuses him. Im not sure if he understands that certain things make me uncomforta
How common is that and what does it mean?
Hello,I'm a Libra -Virgo cusp with Leo moon.
I'm talking to this Aquarius and he is sending me mixed signals. Talks about other women but claims he likes me most. Says he's looking for a wife etc. he's so hot and cold. He sends me a text saying he'll cu
Is that compatible with a Virgo libra cusp with a Leo moon. How will that pair work ?
Does anyone know how this pair works? Hes full of mixed signals and I just can't read him. Is there a better match for a libra Virgo cusp? I've dated an Aries and that went badly. Geminis annoy me if they are more than friends