So, I was given a ride home the other night from a bar I frequent by a bartender at another bar I frequent. The bartende
This might just be one of my favoritest things ever. Ever. You're welcome fuckers, happy holidays and all that bulls
I mean, really? Really now? Why must every email that comes to me off of that site that rhymes with snatch.com come
Romantic Compatibility... Rising Sign is in 05 Degrees Gemini Sun is in 27 Degrees Aquarius. Moon is in 26 Degree
I fuggin love my friends..... This resurfaced tonight after not having been heard since November. Sooooooo excellent.
I just got word that my Pisces is being deployed October 1st. DEVASTATED. Please share some special ways for me to k
What are some pointers you may have for long distance relationships? Beyond the need to keep up texting and phone cal
I am wondering.... is it a Pisces thing to say certain things just for the shock value of it coupled with finding out ho
Wooooo Hoooooo!!!! I have been hit with a creative wave and once again pulled out all of my art supplies. You can
Photo Inspiration (not my photo): And here we go:
Or rather.... audio books! For those of you who know me, you know that I travel for work.... A LOT. For those who do
Tonight my question for my Pisces was, What is your love language? and now I'd like to ask the rest of you..... So
Oh. My. Another fishy swimming around. Oh my. I am so excited. SO. Cannot wait. OH MY! Introduced by friends, the
What are some of your favorite questions to ask others when you are getting to know them?
Does anyone here have these placements? Do you feel this properly describes you? The subject may become rather sca
Fashion & Beauty
take your look from everyone else to polished and wow!
So, how is everyone?
Date, Fuck, or Kill this person???? Sun is in 04 Degrees
No, this isn't the sequel to my Size Queens and Skanks thread, although I did thoroughly enjoy that one. Instead, I'
Ok, so I seriously need to buy a new car and I'm losing my mind. I don't know where in my chart it says this, but I HATE
Do you make resolutions? Do you keep them? Do you write them down to track your progress? I like to make New Years r
So my buddy was bitching about the women he dates. I say maybe it's all in his pickings.... He likes the look of a skank
Hi Gems! I'm super excited about a Pisces I met last night. Have any of you had any experiences that you can offer u
Calling all outside salespersons or friends of outside salespersons or spouses of outside salespersons or people who onc
???Love is complicated, match is simple.??? Uh huh..... suuuuuuure. Let's swap war stories from Match.com shall w
I'm watching the Showtime special again of one of my ALL TIME favorite comediannes and whaddaya know.... she throws it o
My Pisces ex keeps sticking his head out of the water to say hello from time to time... Why? It ended horribly and there
I feel like I need to take this public. Very public. Please be advised I am sick and tired of receiving multiple questio
It's a documentary about closeted gay politicians and their anti-gay politics. Anyone seen it? Oh and for our friends
Yes, I think we're programed to say we just loooooooooooove our single lives. However, I've got the itch. The cheating b
So, there's a lot of.... right now you're going to go suck up to such and such that gets thrown around when brawls hap
So on the left side..... you know where trending topics show up..... Right now..... it's a pic that is of concrete th
What is this I hear about Lena being gone? Say it ain't so. Please.
You boys love 'em.
So fellow Gemini darlings.... what are your experiences?? I've dated one and it was.... fascinating, all encompassing, c
Ever seen the movie, The Three Faces of Eve? Read the book, When Rabbit Howls? I have! Thoroughly enjoyed them all b
Here's what I pulled from What do you guys think? Anyone else have these same placements? Venus in Earth, Mars in
Hmmmnnnn... dare we blur the lines of reality and inkernet play? I'm just going to throw this out there... I'm willi
Hi all! The weekend is finally here! Do your best happy dance! :~)