It has come to my attention that lately people have found a past time in posting threads about how bad Scorpios are. I
A Scorpio father and Taurus Mother. What are your parents?
Discuss, I've found a few cap women that are to my liking but I'm not sure What they really like is a guy. I know one wh
Was right. I remember when Scorpius posted his deal with his Aries girl, I guess it comes as no surprise to me that mine
First of all I just wanna say I am not worried, but I couldn't think of a better title right now perhaps I'm a bit tired
What does your birthday mean? You Are a Leader Independent and dominant, you tend to be the alpha dog in most sit
Your True Love Is an Aries Why you'll love an Aries: An Aries has the red-hot seduction skills to woo you Never bor
Did she leave us? aww thats too bad, she was a cutie pie. On a completely random note anyone have any experiences wit
Venus in Gemini Gift of the gab, always finds the right expression. A good talker, refined, with a love of the Arts
If you were born between October 24 and November 2 This is the first of the Scorpio Decans and is ruled by the planet P
Whats your biggest peeve?
Anyone seen the new TV add for Guy and girl sitting in a restaurant and guy says out of the blue well
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but it seems like Taurus women are nuts. My Mom is a Taurus and she is the most se
Or all the Scorpios here beautiful, I'm speaking of the Scorpio women that post their pictures of course lol. Absolutely
To Me :), well for tomorrow anyways the 10th. Oh and too any other Scorpios born on the 10th.
I Think I got it pretty good when it comes to placements. Lets see what other kind of Scorpios are here and share you ch
So I'm just chillin in the library at my College and this dude walks up to me and says are you scottish? and I said n
So I'm over that girl, shes just too boring. I finally got a chance to talk to her and boy was it boring, oh and by the
I gotta say I didn't think this was going to be me especially based on the answers I gave. Der Kommandant Achtun
I've checked out a few places to find my birth chart and I they all say different things even though I enter the same in
First off, I just want to say I'm new to these forums, But like all Scorpios I like to talk about myself. I'm not a hug