This is a question about a taurus guy I used to know. He was always telling me how to dress and what to do - telling me
I dated this aries guy many years ago and broke up with him because he was smothering me. He took the breakup really bad
I am a pisces and very friendly and nice. Everyone likes me, except this one guy I know. He hangs out in my group, but c
I have an aquarius friend who constantly tells me I am weird and laughs and makes fun of all the things I say and do. He
I recently started hanging out with this guy. The problem is that he won't make a move on me. At first I thought he like
Leo Moon
I have a Leo moon and even though I am a Pisces, most people pick me as being a Leo. When I want to be with someone
Hey, Please don't judge or criticise, I just need help from people with open minds. So I am in a strange situatio
This gemini guy I know has a wife and then dozens of other girlfriends around the place and random children and then als
As a Pisces girl, I seem to be constantly surrounded by Virgo men. Either I like them and they don't like me or they lik
I have had two virgo bosses and they have been terrible, with the first one I had to have an operation on my leg and wh
He contacted me about five years ago wanting to catch up, but I was in a difficult place then with a guy I was seeing an
Does he like me now or is he just being friendly? I fell for my Virgo supervisor at work (I know it's not great), who
I don't know what's going on with this virgo and I'm really hurt. I knew this virgo online for about six months working
My ascendent is in virgo, but my first house seems to be in libra. I also have pluto, saturn and jupiter in libra in my
I am a pisces with a virgo friend. My other friend (a pisces too) who the virgo doesn't know was murdered earlier in 201
I have a crush on a virgo guy who I've never met, but have many mutual friends with. I know him because I see his profil
I think I have a lifelong love affair with taurus men. I just find them so delicious, I don't know why. I met a taurus g
This taurus guy I know and flirt with wants me to send him a sex story. I'm a writer normally, but he said to send him a
I am a pisces and have a virgo guy friend who contacts me daily with things like jokes and news articles and so on, but
I posted this in the virgo forums but didn't get much response and another post made me re-think the situation. Do y
Is this a coincidence or do you think it's meaningful?
I'm a pisces girl and I am thinking of cutting a taurus guy friend of mine who I used to date out of my life, what shoul
I'm a triple pisces (sun/venus/mars). Do you other pisces find that you can put up with bad behaviour for so long - b
I just watched that movie My best friend's girl and Dane Cook has such a strong piscean quality in that movie. (he's s
Ok so I posted this a while ago about this virgo guy I like. http://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/messages.asp?id=1900445
I'm a pisces he's a virgo. I started work in a new office about three weeks ago and met this guy. We send funny emai
I've been attracted to a long series of taurus guys - all of whom seemed to be cheating on someone or just liars in some
This gemini moon (taurus sun) guy I know and flirt with wants me to send him a sex story. I'm a writer normally, but he
Ok, so I am thinking that Saturn in Virgo was supposed to be really tough for pisces in terms of relationships and satur
I just met this great new taurus guy a few weeks ago through friends (I'm completely addicted to this sign) and the mome
I read that Pisces relationships will get a lot easier from the end of October. Right now that's difficult for me to ima
Some astrologers, like Jonathan Cainer say that there is no such thing as a cusp and that the signs switch over at a pre
Hey! I'm new to the cancer boards, so I just wanted to say hello, I'm a pisces. I'm trying to get this guy who is
I know that most posts on here are about love relationships, but I have a big problem with a so called friendship. We ha
I'm a pisces and I thought no one could come close to being as baffling as me, but taurus has completely won the prize o
I'm a Pisces and there was this Taurus guy who I absolutely loved for a year and thought he liked me too, but he eventua
I have had a few dreams over the past few months which disturbed me. (1) I dreamed that I kept seeing this guy who I
I've had the most awful few years for love and it seems to be getting even worse this year. Nothing is working out for m
I met Mr Sag two years ago when we were both working overseas. I fell for him, asked him out and twice he stood me up on
I already posted this on the Astrology forum, but thought I would also post it here in case anyone else could help me, e