Does it make me a pussy or what? it's the most feminine sign I know that. Can someome give me info
Chill out zone for gays so be nice and open!
Let's have a fun creative forum for once! What about the sign would make the person? What element would the sign be? Get creative!
Ex: I would want a bear or dragon sign, element most likely fire
I feel the dragon would be more spiritually enlighten
I know yall fishes are extra af and confused 95% of all time. So how do you handle a fire sign? Do u like them, find any attractive? How was the sex? Same goes for any fire signs dealing with pisces
Say whatever you want you sexy thang you ;]
Why are do y'all love being fake and selfish?
Does being manipulative help ur sorry egos?
I've been seeing posts about ask libra anything, ask virgo anything, asking aries anything how about u ask a black man something.
I see yall posting about some crush you have, guy or girl, How do you know their moon, venus, sun, pluto, their time of birth, social security, dna?????? No wonder yall crazy and always on beef with each other. YALL KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT EACH OTHER! Mainl
If you know, can you give me some insights about my placements?
Sun - Leo
Moon - Gemini
Mercury - Leo
Mars - Libra
Jupiter - Libra
Venus - Cancer
Uranus - Capricorn
Neptune - Capricorn
Saturn - Aquarius
Pluto - Scorpio
Ascendant - Virgo
This is for everyome and anyone to answer.
What sign has the biggest man tool in your opinion? And knows how to use it better,
What sign has the best bodies to you?
What sign has the curves you love or dont?
Nothing against straights but feel free to reply in your POV too! I never see much about same sex relationships, how the signs get along, how they compliment each other or even just a story involving two same sex. So what Im asking is; what are your expe
Set aside your ego and lets all get to know each other. I don't about you but I would love to see who Ive got shit in common with my planet placements. What are your planet placements and idea of the folks you'll kick it with?
State your sexuality and w
Aight just for fun and beef talk
First things first Im a leo
Okay I got to give it up for my Fire kinfos but real talk aries are too thirsty imo they always there to have try extra hard to meet half way with their fire dawgs with everything but damn yal
Talk about your day, if you wanna rant RANT. Whats a little gift you want secretly. Who did you "accidentally kill". Talk about why you like being a leo or what makes you. Anything idgaf I rather hear about you guys than these constant relationship posts.
Im honestly sick of being with a capricorn. As much as i keep telling myself things may work out and get better they pull their typical its all about me bulls*** AGAIN They are aloof and selfishlessly stupid. I can't handle anymore. Done with being nice a
Yall all had to have automatic beef with seeing a female being a president. Yall need to learn how to get along.
Never happy for no one ALWAYS gotta be extra thirsty when a leo is in the room.
Why capricorns always on some kind of high horse they imagined in their heads while making up some bull shet when you call them out on their bluff and whatever moronic nonsense theyve created?? Never can own up to ONE fault yall some shady two faced wanna
Idk I dont see much about same sex relationships or friendships about leos. Yall got any?